Archive of ACS Statistical Survey books

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1881 (compiled by Don Ambrose, general editor Brian Heald, pub 2006)
1880 (compiled by Don Ambrose, general editor Brian Heald, pub 2005)
1879 (compiled by Don Ambrose, general editor Brian Heald, pub 2004)
1878 (compiled by Don Ambrose, general editor Brian Heald, pub 2003)
1877 (compiled by Don Ambrose, general editor Brian Heald, pub 2001)
1876 (compiled by Don Ambrose, general editor Brian Heald, pub 2000)
1875 (compiled by Don Ambrose, general editor Brian Heald, pub 1999)
1874 (compiled by Don Ambrose, general editor Brian Heald, pub 1997)
1873 (compiled by Don Ambrose, general editor Brian Heald, pub 1997)
1872 (compiled by Don Ambrose, general editor Brian Heald, pub 1996)
1871 (compiled by Don Ambrose, general editor Brian Heald, pub 1995)
1870 (compiled by Don Ambrose, general editor Brian Heald, pub 1995)
1869 (compiled by Don Ambrose, general editor Brian Heald, pub 1994)
1868 (compiled by David Robertson, general editor Brian Heald, pub 1992)
1867 (compiled by The Association of Cricket Statisticians, pub 1991)
1866 (compiled by The Association of Cricket Statisticians, edited by John Stockwell, pub 1987)
1865 (compiled by The Association of Cricket Statisticians, edited by John Stockwell, pub 1985)
1864 (compiled by The Association of Cricket Statisticians, edited by John Stockwell, pub 1985)
1863 (compiled by Brian Heald and Don Ambrose, pub 1998)