Belize v Mexico Men International T20 Records

Number of Matches 2 From: 25 April 2019 To: 06 December 2024
Belize won 2
Mexico won 0
No Result 0
Ties 0


Highest Team Total 113 for 5 St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
Lowest All-Out Team Total
Most Runs in innings 48 BS Stephenson Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
Highest Strike Rate in innings (no qualification) 600.00 (6 off 1) GA Reynold Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
Highest Strike Rate in innings (min: 20 runs) 177.78 (48 off 27) BS Stephenson Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
Lowest Strike Rate in innings (min: 10 balls) 53.49 (23 off 43) AG Oxley St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
Lowest Strike Rate in innings (min: 20 balls) 53.49 (23 off 43) AG Oxley St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
Most Boundaries in innings 8 (4 4s, 4 6s) BS Stephenson Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
Most Sixes in innings 4 BS Stephenson Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
Most Fours in innings 4 BS Stephenson Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
4 ML Castillo St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
Best Bowling in innings 3-18 AK Muslar Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
Best Bowling SR (no qualification) 8.00 (24-0-18-3) AK Muslar Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
Best Bowling SR (min: 3 overs) 8.00 (24-0-18-3) AK Muslar Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
Best Economy Rate (no qualification) 4.50 (4-0-18-2) HH Banner Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
4.50 (4-0-18-3) AK Muslar Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
4.50 (4-0-18-1) NN Banner St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
Best Economy Rate (min: 3 overs) 4.50 (4-0-18-2) HH Banner Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
4.50 (4-0-18-3) AK Muslar Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
4.50 (4-0-18-1) NN Banner St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
Worst Economy Rate 7.00 (2-0-14-1) GM Hyde Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
Worst Economy Rate (min: 3 overs) 6.00 (3-0-18-2) BS Stephenson St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
1st Wkt 9 AK Muslar (9) GM Hyde (1) Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
2nd Wkt 12 C Stephenson (8) GG Banner (18) St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
3rd Wkt 15 BS Stephenson (48) KJ Young (6) Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
15 GG Banner (18) AG Oxley (23) St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
4th Wkt 60 BS Stephenson (48) KK Flowers (17) Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
5th Wkt 62 AG Oxley (23) ML Castillo (41*) St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
6th Wkt 13* ML Castillo (41*) G Banner (11*) St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
7th Wkt 6* GG Banner (12*) GA Reynold (6*) Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
Most Runs
Name Matches Innings Not Outs Runs HS Average
BS Stephenson 2 2 0 51 48 25.50
Most Wickets
Name Matches Balls Maidens Runs Wickets Average BB
AK Muslar 1 24 0 18 3 6.00 3/18
Most Catches
Name Matches Catches
ML Castillo 1 2
GA Reynold 1 2
Most Stumpings
Name Matches Stumpings
- - -


Highest Team Total 112 for 6 St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
Lowest Completed Team Total 108 for 9 Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
Most Runs in innings 28 S Kaveri St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
Highest Strike Rate in innings (no qualification) 300.00 (6 off 2) J Umanath Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
Highest Strike Rate in innings (min: 20 runs) 83.33 (20 off 24) P Arora St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
Lowest Strike Rate in innings (min: 10 balls) 23.53 (4 off 17) S Kaveri Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
Lowest Strike Rate in innings (min: 20 balls) 68.29 (28 off 41) S Kaveri St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
Most Boundaries in innings 3 (2 4s, 1 6s) P Chandran Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
3 (3 4s, 0 6s) P Arora St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
3 (3 4s, 0 6s) PS Bais St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
Most Sixes in innings 1 P Chandran Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
1 J Umanath Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
Most Fours in innings 3 P Arora St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
3 PS Bais St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
Best Bowling in innings 2-11 PS Bais St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
Best Bowling SR (no qualification) 10.50 (21-0-32-2) A Sathya Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
Best Bowling SR (min: 3 overs) 10.50 (21-0-32-2) A Sathya Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
Best Economy Rate (no qualification) 2.75 (4-1-11-2) PS Bais St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
Best Economy Rate (min: 3 overs) 2.75 (4-1-11-2) PS Bais St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
Worst Economy Rate 12.00 (1-0-12-0) SL Hirugade Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
Worst Economy Rate (min: 3 overs) 9.14 (3.3-0-32-2) A Sathya Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
1st Wkt 19 PS Bais (12) KB Patil (17) St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
2nd Wkt 26 KB Patil (17) S Kaveri (28) St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
3rd Wkt 6 S Kaveri (28) PR Santhanakrishnan (3) St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
4th Wkt 20 P Chandran (23) SL Hirugade (10) Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
5th Wkt 28 S Kaveri (28) P Arora (20) St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
6th Wkt 12 S Kaveri (28) PK Mohanarangam (14*) St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
7th Wkt 18* PK Mohanarangam (14*) Shoaib Rafiq (9*) St Albans Club, Buenos Aires 2024/25
8th Wkt 11 A Sathya (14) R Ankad (7) Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
9th Wkt 4 R Ankad (7) RK Inampudi (3*) Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
10th Wkt 7* RK Inampudi (3*) J Umanath (6*) Reforma Athletic Club, Naucalpan 2019
Most Runs
Name Matches Innings Not Outs Runs HS Average
S Kaveri 2 2 0 32 28 16.00
Most Wickets
Name Matches Balls Maidens Runs Wickets Average BB
PS Bais 1 24 1 11 2 5.50 2/11
RK Inampudi 1 24 0 29 2 14.50 2/29
A Sathya 1 21 0 32 2 16.00 2/32
Most Catches
Name Matches Catches
B Banerjee 1 1
PK Mohanarangam 1 1
PR Santhanakrishnan 1 1
A Sathya 1 1
Most Stumpings
Name Matches Stumpings
KK Ahuja 1 2

Kevin Jones

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