John Lillywhite's Cricketers' Companion for 1879
203 his feet shall be over the poppir*^ creoae, and his wicket put down, except his bat''® grounded within it; XVIII. Or, if in striking at tljc hall lie hitdoivn his wicketj XIX. Or, if under pretoncc of ruuuiug.or otliorwise, either of the Strikers prevent a ball from being caught, the Strjicer of the ball is out; XX. Or,if tlie ball be struck, jiiul he wilfully strike it again; XXI. Or,ifin running,the|\v-icketbestruckdowubyn!lirow,orbythehandorarni (with ball in hand)before liis bat <;i xjl'und) orsorae jmrt of bis person be grounded over llic popping ereaso. Butif both fixes bails be ofl", aslump mustbe struck outoftheground. XXII. Or, if any partof tlie Striker's dress knock do\ni the wicket; XXIII. Or, if the Striker touch or take up the ball while iu play, unless at tlie o<lucst of the opposite party; n n n XxrV. Or, if witli any partof his person he stop fbe ball, which in theopiniou the Umpire at the bowler's wicket, shall Lave been pitchedin a straight line ft^ui it tt* Striker's wicket, aud would bave ixitlt. XXV. If the players have crossed each other, he that runs for the mcket which is Put down is out. XXVI. A bail being caught, no run shall be reckoned. XXVII. A Striker being rurx out, tliat run which he and his partner were ittemptlng shall not be reckoned. XXVIXr. Ifa lost ball be calle<t, the Striker shall be allowed six ruus;«but if than six shall have been run befoi-o lost ball shall have been called, then tlie Striker shall have all whlcli have been run. XXIX. After tlie ball shall liatve been flmally settled in the wicket-keeper's or; bowler's hand, it shall be consiclerocl dead; but when the Ifowleris about to deliver the ball, if tlie Striker at the wickot go outside the popping crease before such actuol delivery, the said Bowlermny put J»im out, unless(wlfli refereiiceto the 21st law hii' bat ill Imml, orsome part ofIris pcrtsoii be within the popping crease XXX. The Striker shall not retiTg from Ins wicket and return to it to complete his Innings after another has been in, withoutthe consent of the ('i>posite mrty. XXXI. Nosubstitute sliall in au>- case be allowed tostand outormibetween wickets, for another penson withoutthe consent ofthe opposite party;and in case any personshall bo allowed to run for another, the Striker shall be out if either ho or his substitute be. oir the ground iu manner incntionecS in laws 17 and 21, while tlic ball is inplay. XXXII. In nil cases wlicrc a sut»3titutc shall be allowed, the consent ofthe opposite Pai-ty shuli also bo obtained as to the person to net as substitute,and the place ia the Held which lie shall take. XXXIII. Ifaiiy Kioldsiuan slop tlioball with his imt, the ball shall be consider,d dead, and'the opposite party sliall ac3va flve runs to their score; ifany be run tlicr sb:II have five In all. XXXIV. The ball having been I*St,tiie Striker may guard his wicket with his but. or with any part of his body exceptlits hands; thatthe 23rd law may not be disobeyed. XXXV. The Wicket-keeper slinl t not take the ball for the purpose of sturop'ng Until it has passed tiio wicket; lie s1*nll nolinovc until the ball be out of the howlei'-i hand; he elinli not by any noise inco^imode the Striker; and ifany part of bis person be over or before the wicket,although the b.-ill bit it, the Striker shall notbe out. XXXVI. The Umiiirea are the solesjudges of fair or unfair play; and all disputes sliall be detcrniined by them, each at 3*is own wicket; but in case of a catch which th; Umpire at the wicket bowled fyom ca**^*iot see sufliciently to decide ujion, he may apply to tlie other Umpire, whose opinion sl*Jill be conclusive. XXXVII. The Umpires In all m«*"tdies shall pitch fair wickets; aud the parties Shall toss lip for choice ofiniiinga. Umpires shall change wickets,after each party has had one innings, XXXVIII. They shall allow two *ninute8 for each Striker to come in,and ten minutes betiveen each innings. Whet* the Umpire shallcall"Play,"the party refusing play shall lose the match. „ XJ^IX. They are not to order a ^^triker out unless appealed to by the adversaries. XL. But ifone ofthe Bowler'sfee* be not on the ground behind the bowling crease and within the return crease %vhen he ^liall deliver the ball, the Umpire at his wicket, Unasked, must call "No Ball."
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