James Lillywhite's Cricketers' Annual 1875

.. r SHANKS' NEW PA Et,jT LAWN MOWER. · UNDEit TflfJ I>AT fj J. · : - ___,,, lJ f!,F HER �10�.'T GRA C I Ol T l �IAJE, 1 TY TIil� Q EEN \ 1 l d lfl(}�t of tl1e I>1ineipal r<>bility of ,reat Britain ; their )1njeati s tl1 F .. 1n1 > cr() r s c;f Gct'ltlctlll .. , At1stria, R 1 in, an(l Brazil, &c., &c. - - -- --- - - - - - hank 1 t P, ten L.�,,,n fo,,��1·s itre all fitte(l with patent rloublc-e<.lgecl �<•lt _. 1 Int , "r.i11d u,11·cb ttrld 8elf-sharpening revolvi11g ct1tters, a.<l,antagex }h �=-e�:-;('(� y no other Lawn M t )\,·t.� � - llle,.. .:.t1·(1f£ cl l'it'c ,1/r11·s, 1f·ithfi.1,l l 11a1'ficulct1�.�, se11tfi·ee 01i t1p11li<·r,tiu11 . • hank':,; l)atent Lit �·n �Iu"'er8 :-tre the <>nly 011t\s 1ised by the M�,r) .. l el )t., l 1 ! ri(�k t C 1 lt11> itt L,>rtl' s. ��11( l the).. <tre also the ,>nl)· <ltlt"� 11�tl nt '' I > ri11c.:� ':-. _, .. f 1 · i c k et Grot1n<l, Han8 Place. ------------- �hanks' P,1te11t I�a,"·11 l\lo\Vet >; a1·t� ir1 daily ,1�e in all the l{<Jjal G .. ,r,]e11 , .tll(l . i11 r11t•� t of tl1e P1i.11ci1><tl Gai·<le11s tl1r u u g l1<lt 1 t tl1e l u ngd<)u1 . _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ ....,;;. .... ____ Ti,etc i.<? 110 • ·7 , · 11[/ 1.1·/i.$'12 these 1.J!f<tclt i1,e� are use<.t, the sica11.l is left ai tt7ft()(Jt/i c, )1d /(�rel (l:J a , J)illitt1·d Table .. DE 4 ... 1 _ , _ _, _____ �--- ·- - -- · · - · - - -......,...... - A. Shanks & . Son, 8 IRON 'VV ORKS, ARBROATH, AXD • 27, L e a denhall Street, · London. i tl •• alir<l//· l..·(�,,t i,, Stot·I..· i,,, Lo,tdon. ( 1 1 · d l · 1 · t <t·1-., t ,ec,,l,(t �,£,,le cl(t!J (t� 1·ertirtfl. •