James Lillywhite's Cricketers' Annual 1875

John E 0. , (ESTABLISHED 1805.) 48, LONG LANE, WEST SMITHFIELD, LONDON, AND 108, OLD KENT RoAD, Sou1.1HWARK. Marquee, '1 1 ent, Flag <f Rick Cloth, lvlanufacturers To the Royal Family and the Russian Princes, 48, Long Lane, West Smithfield, London, And 108, Old Kent Road, Southwark. From�the DAILY TELEGlli\PB :-f)Jk. H. M. Stanley took with bim an en­ campment of Tents which is most unique, the whole having been prepared with every peculiarity, suitable for his special r�quirements. Thes � Tents were made by Joim EDGINGTON & Co., of 48, Long Lane, West Smithfield, City. --- NEW BAB.NET. DEAB Sms,-Enclosed please find cheque. The members of the Clt1b are much obliged to you for the ma.nner in which you havefurnished them. Yours truly, --- (Signed) JOHN HAWKE. NEW13URY. The Rev. H. W. Gretton has to add that� the C1·icket _ Marquee which he purchased twelve or thirteen years ago, is still tr•stworthy. OLA.RENDON HOT.EL, OXFORD. Sms,-I beg to enolose a cheque for the a.mount of your acco11nt. The Marquee was most comfortable in hot and cold weather alike, and I hope hat received no injury. I am, &c., (Signed) T. M. CROWDER. Major J. �� on Militia. L MORTON. MEssns. J. RDINGTON AND Co. -The rick cloth has arrived and been in.. It gives entire satisfaction: I 11hill be glad to have the Tent as soon as you can. I enclose a ohe ue, £29 9s., in payment. I Bhall be most happy whenever 1 · and quality of goods suppli�d. Yours � 1 . ; ·- - " 2 ) - (Signed) W. S. Ooo�ll, F . R. ii . s ., M.R.A.S.E. . . • • • • • •