James Lillywhite's Cricketers' Annual 1875

• • ... . " .. SPIKE SHOES. Tl1eae Shoos a1'u manufact\lred bv JAKB LILLYWHITE� F&o,vn & Co. , and o.re of the ver y best qualt)". RUNNING I I I I I I ·- . - .. DIREC1'IONS ro:a SkL1''•MR �iiU RE M8 .NT . -­ Fo1- Shoes, R-0t1nd Big 'l�oc Joint from 4 to B, ro,1nd I11stcp from C to D, ro,1nc\ Heel to In t.ep fron1 C to E : aud for Boota, ro\tud J\11cle fron1'F to G in'addition ;·alto length of .foot. • · 4 SHOES. 1'l111e Shoes a1·e m&n,1fa.otured by Jas. Lillywhite, Frowd &: Co,, and nrr }ll'O� not111ood b j " p edestria11s to be tl1e best 1nade. SPIKE 0 0 0 0 SOLES. �{nde of the best J.;eather, nrc well hammered, a11d road-y for imn1edin.te llSC\ RACKET PRESSES� '1'he�e J>reSijbS Ii.re manufactured by J L., F. & Co. to hold four or niore R ac k e ta, at1d ,vill b& foun 1 t;xccedi11gly 11seful for keepi11g t }1tj Racket 13at iu proper al1ape, t)i�o1ally in bot c�iinates , • •