James Lillywhite's Cricketers' Annual 1875

SUTTON'S GRASS SEEDS FOR CRICKET GROUNDS. SUTTON & SONS THE Fl 1 EST Kl OS OF GRASSES AND CLOVERS 1:oR ' )l aking · c1u or im11rouitl\l ©ltl fricl�ct �rouncl�. For J1{(il·i1ir1 � r ei1J (} , , , ( ) · 111,,l.i.; 3 B u ·71.els slto1tld b � - ·<111J1 pm· ic1·e. Ji'or l1nJJroi,i1ig C,·iclcet Groitrid� 20 lbs. pei· Acre 1:s S1Jjicie1it. 'l'be�e �{ixtu1·0 t1av<: llren 11 L , cl ,v·ith gt"e...'lt ucc� s at IJonn's, 0 ...'"l•ORT>, A - RIDGE llRI..TE.. -HA�l, I{EAl)lNG, MAil.LHORO "'Gl:I, AI.I>Elt lIOT. l31tIORTO , •t11d � � 3 1 er ri<'kl 1 t iro11u(l atl(i 1n:ty br\ tl1oro11a-]11y 1· lied on to p1·oduc a clo and :)rg1: 'On turf. ----------� -- In ordering it is necessary to state the nature of the soil to be sown. t/o,1z1)lete i 11s t r · ttc t io1i on tlie j(>i·1ru.ltio1i and ; rnp 1�01·erne ,;t of 01·iclcet G,�o nci grattit, ltl1zd 2Jost f1·ee. utton. and Sons, Seedsmen, by s�ecial A__ppoint:ment to be Queen andH.R.H. the Prince ofWales, Reading, Berks. LUBS SUPPLIED ON SPECIAL TERMS. _,.,.� ...w;; a •-• .. .. _.--:: • . ......sser (� Sl1e1·wi11's Three Sl1illi11g P1·}1,ctice 11�1rt is 11nrivalled . Btill� � fi:·01:i'l 1 .. . to ,, ,, �. (}cl. � •t u ; n p ._ _ ", :trOJ.ll ] s. 0 0 .. _ . J>eI• -t. LEG GUARDS, GLOVES, etc., etc. ..... LLt Tlt�1TED DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE POST FREE ON APPLICATION. SSER& S • � 1 !' STRAND� LO �no And 69, Oxford Street, w.