Famous Cricketers No 89 - F.S.Jackson

Mangan, J.A.; Athleticism in the Victorian and Edwardian Public School (Cambridge University Press, 1981) Martin-Jenkins, C.; The Complete Who’s Who of Test Cricketers (Orbis, 1987) Midwinter, E.C.; W.G. Grace: His Life and Times (Allen and Unwin, 1981) Middlemas, K., Barnes, J.; Baldwin (Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1969) Morrah, P.; The Golden Age of Cricket (Eyre and Spottiswoode,1967) Noble, M.A.; The Game’s the Thing (Cassell, 1926) Pavri, M.E.; Parsi Cricket (J.B. Marzban, 1901) Pentelow, J.N.; England v. Australia: 1877-1904 (Arrowsmith, 1904) Pullin, A.W.; History of Yorkshire County Cricket: 1903-1923 (Chorley and Pickersgill, 1924) Pollard, J.; Australian Cricket: The Game and its Players (Hodder and Stoughton, 1982) Ramsden, J.; The Age of Balfour and Baldwin: 1902-1940 (Longman, 1978) Ranjitsinhji, K.S.; The Jubilee Book of Cricket (William Blackwood,1897) Roberts, E.L.; Yorkshire’s 22 Championships: 1893-1946 (Edward Arnold, 1949) Rogerson, S.; Wilfred Rhodes (Hollis and Carter, 1960) Ross, A.; Ranji: Prince of Cricketers (Collins, 1983) Standing, P.C.; The Honourable F.S. Jackson (Cassell, 1906); Anglo-Australian Cricket: 1862-1926 (Faber and Gwyer, 1926) Stevenson, M.; A History of County Cricket: Yorkshire (Arthur Barker, 1972) Thomas, P.; Yorkshire Cricketers: 1839-1939 (Derek Hodgson, 1973) Thomson, A.A.; Cricket: The Golden Ages (Stanley Paul, 1961); Cricket: The Great Captains (Stanley Paul, 1965); Cricket: The Wars of the Roses (Pelham Books, 1967) Trumble, R.; The Golden Age of Cricket (R. Trumble, 1968) Warner, Sir Pelham; Cricket Reminiscences (Grant Richards, 1920); My Cricketing Life (Hodder and Stoughton, 1921); The Book of Cricket (Dent, 1922); Cricket Between the Wars (Chatto and Windus, 1942); Lord’s: 1787-1945 (Harrap, 1946); Gentlemen v. Players: 1806-1949 (Harrap, 1950); Long Innings (Harrap, 1951) Wild, R.; The Biography of His Highness S.S. Ranjitsinhji (Rich and Cowan, 1934) Woods, S.M.J.; My Reminiscences (Chapman and Hall, 1925) Newspapers, Periodicals, Annuals. Ayres’ Cricket Companion Cricket: A Weekly Record of the Game The Cricket Field The Cricketer The Harrovian James Lillywhite’s Cricketers’Annual James Lillywhite’s Cricketers’ Companion The Times Vanity Fair Wisden’s Cricketers’Almanack The Yorkshire Post 54