Famous Cricketers No 75 - Arthur Haygarth

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Roger Heavens was born in 1948 in East Ham, London. He moved to Sussex when he was seven where he developed a lifelong love for cricket. A member of the County Club at Hove, he also played for, and is still closely connected with, the Cuckfield Cricket Club. He is the club archivist and is also working towards full biographies of Arthur Haygarth and John Wisden. He is generally acknowledged as an expert on Haygarth and has lectured on this subject to many cricket and historical societies. He has arranged for commemorative plaques to be erected on the buildings where Haygarth was born and died. He has also published a useful series of indexes to Scores and Biographies and has republished the first 12 volumes of S&B which brings these rare books to a much wider audience. Roger is married with two children and now lives in Cambridge.