Famous Cricketers No 73 - Sonny Ramadhin

PREFACE It is impossible to write a monograph such as this without the support and encouragement of several members of the Association of Cricket Statisticians & Historians. I have therefore to thank with especial warmth such colleagues as Kit Bartlett, Brian Croudy, Peter Griffiths and Peter Wynne-Thomas for all of their prompt and cheerful assistance. As usual, too, Don Ambrose has performed the difficult task of researching the northern leagues to allow us to include Ramadhin’s record in that sphere. Also very helpful have been such authors as Bridgette Lawrence and Ray Goble whose Complete Record of West Indian Test Cricketers (Leicester, 1991) is an invaluable source to anyone attempting to write seriously about any aspect of Caribbean cricket. Vijay P. Kumar’s Cricket Lovely Cricket (Leicester, 2000) also threw a revealing ray of light on Ramadhin’s origins and childhood days. I have also to thank Clive Porter for permission to reproduce many passages from my article, ‘Sonny Ramadhin — Mystery Bowler’ which was originally published by him in the Spring 2001 issue of the Journal of the Cricket Society . Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, July 2001 3