Cricket 1914

THE WORLD OF CRICKET. O c t o b e r . 19 14 . RUDD’S C r i c k e t Ba ts Fine Norfolk Willow Blades. Treble Rubber Handles, 16 s. 6d. each. y o u t h s a s p e c i a l t y , B A T S —..... .......—■................. W ell Made and Balanced, at Moderate Prices. Double Rubber Handles— Size 4 .. 7 s- <M. Size 5 .. 8s. 6d. Size 6 .. 9 s. 8d. Single Rubber Handles— Size 4 ..6s. Od. Size 5 .. 7 s. Od. Size 6 .. 8s. Od. Ali Cane Handles— Size 4 .. 4 s. Od. Size 5 .. 5 s. Od. Size 6 . . 6s. Od. Special Terms to Schools for Quantities. A. J. RUDD, 54, London Street, Norwich. B.WARS0P&SONS, Ltd. 187a, PARK ROAD, ST. JOHN’S WOOD. LONDON, N.W. SPORTS MANUFACTURERS. Every Requisite lor Indoor and Outdoor Sport* Supplied. ■AHDPACTUBSR1 OF THB CBLBBRATBO CONQUEROR” Cricket Bat. Special Term* to ••hooU and Ciub*. i i »ar ABEL&SONS, (24 years w ith the Surrey X I * HARLEYFORD ST., KENNIN&TON OVAl.S.E. Manufacturers of the Celebratji “ GUVNOR” Bat and “GUV’NOR”CricketBail. F i r s t in Rank . Price L ists on A p p l i c a t io n , w it h p o r t r a i t o f r o b e r t a b h l . Tbe 1GUV’NOR " B A t is used by Mr M O. Bird, Wilfrid Rhodes Strudwick and many other leading Cricketers. SPEC IAL TERM S TO SCHOOLS CLUBS &-c.. A -c . The Best Bats in the World —the P. R. D— A R E M A D E B Y STUART SDRRID6E & CO. + U S ED BY The Australians, South Africans, & English Team IN ALL THE TEST MATCHES. Surridge bats—their real quality places them In a . . class apart. Contractors to London County Council and Surrey County C.C. Special terms to Clubs and . . . Schools- . . . 5/6 to 25/- 210 & 212, BORO'HIGH STREET, LONDON, S.E. W d rk s ; Vino Yard, S.E.. Timber Yard : Clapham Park, S.W. Telephone: MOP 764 Printed tor tbe Proprietors by Haurross Lrp. 1*, ty, & 19. Cursitor Stxeet. Loadoo, E.C. u . v - Agents for Australia, Ac.: G ordon & G o tch , London, Melbourne. Sydney Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, Liunoeeton, Hobart and Wtlunfftou n.C, For South Africa C s s t r a i . N s w i A g e n c y , L*o., C ape Town, Johaoawburg, *ni branches.