Cricket 1914
O c t o b e r , 1914. THE WORLD OF CRICKET. DrJ.CollisBrowne’s a Bound Volumes of “ Cricket.” Vols. for 1883, 1884, 1887, and 18 9 1— 12s. sach. 1892— 101. 1885, 1889, 1899, 1903, j g i i . 19 12 , and 19 13 — 8s. each. 1886, 1895, 1896, 1900, 1901, 1903, 1904, 1906, 1907, 1908, and 1910— 6s. each. Others are not in stock, and of the higher-priced ones m#n- tionsd above only one or two copies are in hand. Apply : Manager, “ W orld of Cricket,” 61, Temple Chambers E.C. T T W isden ’s “ Special Crown Cricket Balls are the MOST popular balls on the market! WHY ? Because they are SOFTER to the hands and do NOT break your BEST bat! Used in ALL TESTMatches in the last M.C.C. Tour in South Africa. MARVELLOUS TESTIMONY 1 Messrs. Douglas and Taylor, the Captains, said:— “ Oave Entire Satisfaction." The Proof of the Wisden Crawford “ Exceller ” Cricket being the best on the m arke t T O -D A Y is because nearly every County Cricketer uses them . Bat A. E. R E L F As used in a ll In n in g s b y :— F a . TARRANT, W . HARD ING E, F . E. W OO LLEY , G. H. H IRST , W . RHODES, 0 . THOMPSON , W . HAYWOOD , etc. Catalogues pott fret from — I A H M U / I C H C M X. r n I T H The SPORTS Outfitter to H.M. King Georg* V. t i u i l l l n lS U E n (S IU ., L IU ., 23, CR ANBOURNE STREET , LEICESTER SQUARE , W.C.
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