Cricket 1914
412 THE WORLD OF CRICKET. A u g u s t 8, 1914. The Score Book. HAM PSH IRE v. MRS. SINK IN S’S X I. At Southampton, July 27 and 28. Though strong sides had been collected this two-day match, played for the benefit of local charities, does not of course rank as first-class. The scratch team put up a big score in their first innings, and were within a few runs of victory when the end came. For the county two men who have not appeared in any of the more important matches this season— A. J. L. Hill and the Rev. W. V. Jephson— showed capital form. H a m p s h i r e . First Innings. Second Innings. A. C. P. Arnold, c Mulholland, b Melle Bowell, c Evans, b Melle .. W. M. Parker, c Johnston, b Fair baim Rev. W. V. Jephson, c Davies, b Fairbarin Capt. Aimes, c Johnston, b G reig.. Stone, c Johnston, b Greig Remnant, b Melle Newman (J.), lbw, b Davies A. J. L. Hill, not out H. A. H. Smith, b Melle Small, b Melle Extras Total M r s . S in k i First Innings. Major J. G. Greig, b Newman Capt. A. C. Johnston, b Newman.. Hon. L. H. Tennyson, c Parker, b Hill ......................................... T. Tudor, b Small Hon. H. G. H. Mulholland, b Parker Capt. T. W. Sheppard, c Arnold, b Hill ......................................... E. M. Sprot, c Small, b Newman Evans, c sub, b Parker B. G. von B. Melle, b Smith G. A. Fairbaim, not out P. H. Davies, did not bat Extras C l i f t o n . First Innings. Total (for 9 wkts., dec.) 6 lbw, b Fairbairn 35 0 b Melle 0 20 b Greig 36 20 retired hurt 68 1 7 E. W. C. Ricketts (sub), not out 23 15 not out 10 39 c Evans, b Melle 7 5 lbw, b Melle .. 73 89 c Johnston, b Melle .. 4 7 0 c Sprot, b Melle 0 29 Extras 29 247 Total (for 7 wkts., dec.) 285 N S’ S XI. Second Innings. 35 c Hill, b Remnant .. 8 82 c Arnold, b Remnant 5 52 29 not out 6 74 85 c sub, b Hill 1 15 c Parker, b Remnant 4 i 0 65 b H ill............................ 1 1 7 c Parker, b Hill 0 hit w, b Remnant 2 6 Extras 2 460 Total (for 7 wkts.) 66 + CLIFTON v. TONBRIDGE. A t Lord’s, July 27 and 28. Quite a series of public school encounters began at Lord’s on Monday of last week, when Tonbridge met Clifton. Morgan’s slow left-hand bowling was the chief factor in the dismissal of the*Tonbridgians for a paltry score. Whitehead and Bickmore sent up 94 for Clifton’s first wicket, and Morgan made a capital 40 in anjhour. In an hour’s batting at the end of the first day Tonbridge lost 4 for 73. On Tuesday they played up gallantly, everyone doing som ething; but the leeway was too big, and Clifton won by 9 wickets. Morgan had 8 for 18 in the losers’ first, but his 3 in the second cost 85 ; Whitehead took 6 for 79 in the two innings— 3 for 9 in the first. Man (6 for 51) bowled best for Tonbridge. T o n b r i d g e . First Innings. R. Sherwell, b Morgan .. .. o N. Boucher, b Gardiner .. .. o C. K._Tester, c & b Morgan .. o D. D. Lovelace, b Morgan .. .. 6 S. T. S. Clarke, b Whitehead .. 11 G. P. Hedges, b Morgan .. .. o F. C. Man, c Whitehead, b Morgan 10 G. V. Thompson, lbw, b Whitehead 6 H. V. Wilson, not out .. .. 1 F. Newcomb, b Morgan .. .. o E. S. Bingham, c Taberer, b White- ^ head . i .. .. .. 4 Extras . .. . . .. 17 Total .. .. 55 Second Innings, b Whitehead lbw, b Whitehead c Whitehead, b Hodg- kinson b Morgan b Morgan lbw, b Whitehead b ’Hodgkinson run out c Whitehead, b Gardi ner not out b Morgan Extras G. W. E. Whitehead, hit w, b Man .. .. 78 A. F. Bickmore, c Newcomb, b Lovelace .. .. 25 D. C. James, b Lovelace .. 15 G. F. Briggs, b Clarke .. 8 S. B. Morgan, b Man .. 40 E. H. McKay, b Newcomb.. 8 T. C. M. Taberer, b Man .. 2 S e c o n d I n n i n g s :— G. F. Briggs, not out, b Bingham, 10 ; E. H. McKay, not out, 13 one wkt.), 33. G. C. Hodgkinson, b Man .. o B. H. Bevan-Petman, b Man 27 W. R. Gardiner, b Man .. 29 R. B. C. Kennedy, not out .. 4 Extras .. .. • 30 Total .. .. 256 ; T. C. M. Taberer,. extras, 2— total (for MARLBOROUGH v. RUGBY. At Lord’s, July 29 and 30. Rugby were at a big disadvantage in taking the field without three of their best— R. T. Bryan, J. S. Poole, and M. T. House ; but the trio drafted in— Webster, Goward, and Sharwood— all did their share. B y sending up 102 for the first wicket Ashfield and Jordan gave their side a capital start, and though no one else did anything notable six others reached double figures, and the total was 300. Ashfield played a brilliant innings, hitting 15 fours, and getting his 130 in 125 minutes, though two sharp chances in the slips were debited to him. Bryan, the Rugby skipper, strong on the leg side, played a capital innings of 61, and at call of time Rugby had scored 241 for 9. They carried their total to 254 next morning, and then, faced by arrears of 66, bowled and fielded so well that Marlborough were all out for 82. Bryan and Aykroyd put the issue almost out of doubt before they were parted, by sending up 79, and ultimately Rugby won a really good victory by 5 wickets. Busk, the Marlborough captain, took 8 wickets for 120 in the match ; for Rugby Goward had 3 for 33 and Sharwood 4 for 76 in Marl borough’s first and Champion 4 for 17 in their second. M a r l b o r o u g h . First Innings. R. C. Ashfield, c Bryan, b Sharwood 130 c Tetlow, b Champion 30 H. G. B. Jordan, hit w, b Champion 30 b Harden .. ..6 J. R. Barnes, b Goward .. .. 11 st Lyon, b Champion 11 H. Cowan, b Sharwood .. .. 25 b Haslip .. .. C. M. J. Barrington, c & bShar wood .. .. .. .. 8 R. D. Busk, b Sharwood .. .. 16 E. K. M. Paul, b Harden .. .. 18 S. H. Clarke, not out .. .. 12 C. A. Heal, run out .. .. o S. Geldard, c Brvan, b Goward .. 14 H. U. S. Nisbet, c Gurdon, b Goward .. .. .. .. 5 Extras .. .. .. 31 Total 300 Second Innings, l , b i , i b Haslip c Tetlow, b Haslip .. st Lyon, b Champion run out c Goward, b Champion c & b Goward run out not out Extras Total N o r t h b r o o k (189— N. M. Nicholls 117) and^Derrick WTanderers (185 for 4— W. G. Hankin 52, L. T. Bawcutt 50, Street 35*) played a draw on Saturday. The home team had only 85 minutes to bat, but went all out for the runs, and nearly succeeded in bringing off what would have been a fine victorv. R u g b y . First Innings. J. L. Bryan, st Geldard, b B arnes.. 61 H. H. Aykroyd, c Barnes, b Nisbet 10 S. M. Haslip, c Nisbet, b Barrington 33 J. L. Tetlow, c & b Barnes .. 17 E. T. L. Gurdon, b Busk .. .. 36 M. D. Lyon, b Busk .. .. 1 E. O. Champion, c Paul, b Busk .. 29 W. J. Webster, c Nisbet, b Barring ton E. E. Goward, c Paul, b Busk A. C. Sharwood, b Busk E. J. Harden, not out Extras 20 4 3 8 32 Second Innings, c Geldard, b Busk .. c Ashfield, b Busk .. b Heal b Busk b Heal not out not out Extras 82: 31 34 1 15 14 14 Total • • 254 Total (for 5 wkts.) 129. 32 Total 25 1 7 7 20 42 18 6 20 27 26 242 A r m a g h R o y a l S c h o o l beat Portora Royal School by 25 on the first innings— 83 and 80 for 4 to 58 and 23 for 4— on July 22. J. A.I-H. Helby (30 and 28) made top score for Armagh in each innings. Armagh R.S. 2nd X I easily beat Portora R.S. 2nd XI on the same day, R . S. P. Bates scoring 61* for the winners. On July 27 Armagh R.S. beat Royal Irish Fusiliers (73 to 48). Cantley had 5 for 22 for the- school. T h e Armagh boys have had a very fair season, winning 10 and losing 10 of 12 matches played. They won two of their four school matches (the game with Foyle College fell through), and lost the other two by very narrow margins— 9 runs and a single run respec tively. J. E x s h a w won the medal presented by His Grace the Lord Primate- of Ireland for the best all-round cricket. He bowled in deadly styl& throughout, and took 112 wickets at 4-21 each. G. H. W. Cantley' (average 4-53) was also very successful with the ball. J. C. C. Best headed the batting averages, and won the Harris Cup, given for the- highest aggregate of the season. Cantley and R. S. Evans were awarded their colours.
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