Cricket 1914

J une 27, 1914 . THE WORLD OF CRICKET. 293 YORKSHIRE v. LEICESTERSHIRE. At Bradford, June 22, 23, and 24. The big match at Lord’s, taking away Hirst, Rhodes, Booth, and Dolphin, depleted the Yorkshire eleven. Kilner reappeared; Whiting and Smith were given a further trial; Watson kept wicket; and a local batsman, Claughton, made up the team. In the visiting side Skelding filled the gap left by Geary’s presence elsewhere— or did his best to fill it. On a soft wicket after a storm on Sunday play ruled slow, and only 14 were scored in the first 40 minutes. With the total 98 for 4 rain stopped play. When a resumption was made Drake hit out, and scored 36 of the 51 added for the fifth wicket. Wilson batted 155 minutes for his 53, and with a slow, dead outfield only achieved the boundary once; but Birtles hit 4 fours in his 25, made in 35 minutes. King came out with a capital analysis. Leicestershire were 8 for o at the close. On Tuesday no play was possible owing to rain. When play was resumed on Wednesday Wood batted in solid style, and Whitehead, missed at 13, hit out finely, making 4 sixes and 3 fours in a stay of 80 minutes. The second wicket added 78. Except for Sharp, the rest did little, and the last 5 wickets fell for 18, Smith bowling effectively. But before that the visitors had made first innings’ points secure ; and at one time they looked like winningoutright, for Yorkshire had 6 out for under 50 when they batted again. A stand by Drake and Watson relieved the situation, and with the close of the innings stumps were drawn. Y o r k s h ir e . First Innings. Second Innings. Wilson (B. B.), c Wood, b King .. 53 c Shipman, b King .. 6 Oldroyd, b Brown .. .. .. 4 c and b King .. 1 Denton (D.), b King .. .. 4 b Brown .. .. 1 Kilner, c Lord, b Wood .. .. 16 c Sharp, b Brown .. 11 Claughton (H.j, c Sharp, b Brown . 4 c Sharp, b King .. 3 Drake, c Coe, b King .. .. 36 c Coe, b Wood .. 41 Birtles, c Lord, b King .. .. 25 c Wood, b Brown .. 2 Watson, c King, b Skelding .. o c and b Whitehead .. 41 Sir A. W. White, run out .. .. 4 c Sidwell, b Skelding 5 Smith (E.), c Lord, b King .. 8 b Wood .. .. 3 Whiting, not out .. .. .. 3 not out .. .. 17 B 4, lb 2, nb 1 .. .. 7 Byes .. .. 2 Total .. 164 Total L e ic e s t e r s h ir e B o w l e r s ’ A n a l y s is . F i r s t I n n in g s : — King, 32*2-8-53-5 ; Brown, 28-11-57-2 ; 6-1-17-1 ; Skelding, 10-3—30-1. Wood, 1 nb. S e c o n d I n n in g s :— King, 21-9-41-3 ; Brown, 21-6-43-3 ; 9-3-18-2 ; Skelding, 9-0-25-1 ; Whitehead, o*3-o-4-i. L e ic e s t e r s h ir e . A. T. Sharp, b Drake Coe, c Kilner, b Smith Lord, b Smith Shipman, b Drake Sidwell, c Burton, b Drake Skelding, not out B 30, lb 6, nb 1 Total .. 203 of the game; doubtless no one will regret the fact more than himself that hejumped to a conclusion being in consequence induced to vacate his post. C a m b r id g e U n iv e r s it y . First Innings. J. S. F. Morrison, b Peat .. .. 2 G. E. C. Wood, c Tufnell, b Crutchley 19 R. B. Lagden, lbw, b Crutchley .. o Hon. H. G. H. Mulholland, b H aig.. 17 W. N . Riley, b Peat . . .. 1 S. H. Saville, c MacLaren, b Peat.. 73 C. R. Browne, c Smith, b Haig .. 4 G. B. Davies, b Smith .. .. 92 Hon. F. S. G. Calthorpe, c Mclver, b Crutchley .. .. .. .. o G. A . Fairbairn, b Crutchley . . o K. H. C. Woodroffe, b Smith .. 10 E. C. Baker, not out .. .. 5 B 13, lb 17 .. .. 30 Total .. .. 253 Second Innings, b Smith c and b Smith c Tufnell, b Crutchley Ibw, b Crutchley c sub., b Smith c Tufnell, b Crutchley b Peat lbw, b Smith., b Peat c Sarel, b Peat c Tufnell, b Peat not out B 22, lb 1 9 3 r 9 16 12 5 23 7 2 9 14 9 29 23 Total . . 2 1 6 •• 133 Wood, Wood, M r. H. D. G . L e v e s o n - G o w e r ’s S id e — B o w l e r s ’ A n a ly s is . F i r s t I n n in g s :— Peat, 17-0-62-3 ; Crutchley, 14-2-52-4 ; Haig, 5-0-24-2 ; Pegler, 9-4-14-0 ; Kidd, 6-0-38-0 ; Smith, 6-0-33-2. S e c o n d I n n in g s :— Pegler, 9-1-28-0 ; Smith, 15-2-55-4 ; Crutchley, 14-1-57-3 ; Peat, 10-3-44-4 ; Kidd, 2-0-9-0. M r. H. D. G . L e v e s o n - G o w e r ’s XII. First Innings. Second Innings. A. C. MacLaren, b Baker .. .. 8st Wood, b Fairbairn 46 F. L. Fane, lbw, b Fairbairn .. 71 lbw, b Fairbairn .. 46 N. Haig, c Lagden, b Woodroffe .. 6 c Fairbairn, b Calthorpe 23 E. L. Kidd, c Wood, b Calthorpe .. 7 b Davies .. .. 7 G. E. V. Crutchley, c Saville, b Baker .. .. .. 68 run out .. .. 7 E. Smith, b Baker .. .. .. 9 c Lagden, b Fairbaim 5 C. D. Mclver, b Calthorpe .. .. 8 b Calthorpe .. .. 2 Capt. W. G. M. Sarel, lbw, b Davies 77 lbw, b Davies .. 9 S. J. Pegler, c and b Calthorpe .. o c Lagden, b Davies .. 1 N. C. Tufnell, b Calthorpe .. .. 4 not out .. .. 1 H. D. G. Leveson-Gower, not out.. 29 absent .. .. — C. U. Peat, c Morrison, b Davies .. o absent .. .. — Extras .. .. . . 1 1 B 13, lb 3 . . 1 6 Total Total • • 163 23 7 o 37 C. J. B. Wood, c Drake, b Smith .. .. . . 4 1 Brown (W.), c Watson, b Claughton .. .. .. 11 Whitehead (H.), c Denton, b Smith .. .. 66 Mounteney, c Watson, b Smith .. .. .. 14 King (J. H.), c Birtles, b Smith .. .. .. 3 Y o r k s h ir e B o w l e r s ’ A n a l y s is . Drake, 17 * 5 - 6 - 45 - 3 ; Smith, 17-4-40-6 ; Claughton, 12-3-32-1 ; Kilner, 5-3-20-0; Oldroyd, 5-1-13-0; Whiting, 6-0-16-0. Kilner 1 nb. Umpires :— Carlin and Phillips. C a m b r id g e U n iv e r s it y B o w l e r s ’ A n a l y s is . F i r s t I n n in g s :— Woodroffe, 17-0-71-1 ; Baker, 26-6-72-3 ; Calthorpe, 18-2-60-4 ; Davies, 16-4-34-2 ; Fairbairn, 9-0-32-1 ; Lagden, 3-0-11-0 ; Mulholland, 3-0-7-0. Baker 2 wides; Woodroffe 1 nb. S e c o n d I n n in g s : — Woodroffe, 11-0-37-0; Baker, 7-2-30-0; Davies, 11-1-25-3; Fairbairn, 8-0-43-3; Calthorpe, 5-1-12-2. Umpires :— Milward and Senior. H. D. G. LEVESON-GOWER’S TEAM v. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY. At Eastbourne, June 22, 23, and 24. Twelve a side played. Leveson- Gower had a strong side, though Faulkner did not materialise. Mul­ holland played for Cambridge again, and Browne, who should feel quite at home on the Saffrons, was given another trial. The earlier Light Blue batsmen did not shape well. Five wickets were down for 37, and 6 for 74 after a brief stand by Saville and Mulholland ; but with Davies partnering his captain the score rose fast, 117 being added in 65 minutes. No one else did anything, however, and the innings closed for 253. Saville batted 90 minutes, his [only chance being one of stumping; Davies was in only 110 minutes, and there were 11 fours in his chanceless and forceful 92. The scratch team lost 3 for 48 ; but then Fane and Crutchley added 97 in an hour, and at close of play the score was 183 for 6. On Tuesday Sarel hit well, though he had some luck. Before lunch, with the score 294 for 9, rain came on, and there was no further play. The last two wickets quickly fell on Wednesday, and Leveson-Gower’s side had only a lead of 45. Wood made 31 of the first 39 scored for Cambridge (he had just been given his blue) ; but then the bowling of Crutchley, Peat, and Smith proved so effective that 8 were out for 153 by luncheon. Baker hit well afterwards, scoring six fours, and the scratch side were set 172 to get for victory. Fane and MacLaren gave them a capital start, sending up 92 before a wicket fell; while at the tea interval 138 was on the board with but four wickets down. After that there was a pronounced slump, and, with Leveson-Gower and Peat absent, all were out for 163, and the Light Blues won by 8 runs. It was decidedly unfortunate that the captain should have cause to remember “ the glorious uncertainty” Cook (L.) LANCASHIRE II v. MR. H. RHODES’S XI. At Old Trafford, June 22 and 23. Mr. Rhodes’s XI was largely- made up of Lancashire League players, and only rain, which inter­ fered considerably with play on both days, prevented a really interest­ ing contest. As it was, only an innings each was completed, and, apart from Milsom’s 53, the bowling of the brothers Cook, one on each side, was the only feature of note: William Cook is probably the best bowler in Lancashire just now ; but he lacks ambition, and prefers half-day matches, with a big salary, to county cricket. J. Nelson, b Tyldesley (J.).. H. J. Milsom, c and b Cook (W.) ........................... F. W. Musson, c Crabtree, b Thorneycroft Hallows (C.), c Windybank, b Cook (W.) T. Walmsley, b Cook (W.).. Tyldesley (H.), b Cook (W.) Cook (L.), b Cook (W.) L a n c a s h ir e II. M. N. Kenyon, c Thorney croft, b Cook (W.) Spencer, not out Taylor, b Cook (W.) Fairclough, b Cook (W.) Extras Total 7 24 o 5 12 168. M r. R h o d e s ’s XI B o w l e r s ’ A n a ly s is . Cook (W.), 24-4-61-8 ; Tyldesley (Jas.), 15-2-59-1 ; Thorneycroft, 9-0-36-1. M r . H. R h o d e s ’ s XI. H. Rhodes, run out .. S. G. Urmston, c and b Fairclough H. Crabtree, c Spencer, b Fairclough G. Radcliffe, b Cook (L.) H. Morris, c Cook (L.), b Fairclough R. Tyler, b Cook (L.) Tyldesley (Jas.), b Cook (L.) Cook (W.), c Spencer, b Cook (L.) .. .. .. 15 F. Walton, c Milsom, b Fairclough .. .. 1 Thorneycroft, c and b Cook (L.) .. .. .. o- F. Windybank, not out .. 2 Extras .. .. .. 2 Total .. .. 70 L a n c a s h ir e B o w l e r s ’ A n a ly s is . 17*3-6-27-5 ; Fairclough, 17-5-41-4.