Cricket 1914

J u n e 27, 19 14 . THE WORLD OF CRICKET. HERTFORDSHIRE v. SUFFOLK. At Balls Park, Hertford, June 22 and 23 . The visitors suffered from their old trouble— inability to get their best men to play. Not more than three or four of those engaged would have found places in a team at full strength. Burton and Shelford quickly disposed of them, and then another century by Titchmarsh, who scored so heavily last year in all kinds of matches, put the home side so far ahead that the only question at issue was whether Suffolk could avert an innings defeat. Before call of time they had lost 4 for 30, and, though Godley, B. C. Lake, and Bassett did something to redeem the venture from absolute failure on Tuesday, Herts won by an innings and 69 runs. In Suffolk’s first Burton took 6 for 38, Shelford 4 for 25 ; in their second Dr. Simon had 5 for 25, Burton 4 for 44. losers. Penfold took 5 for 97 for the S u f f o l k . First Innings. E. S . Lock, c Golding, b Burton .. 0 Second Innings, run out 4 Penfold, st Titchmarsh, b Shelford 9 c Burton, b Simon .. 0 O. Mortimer, c and b Burton 16 b Burton • 4 H. W. Lake, c and b Burton 4 b Burton 5 G. W. English, b Burton 1 c Etheridge, b Burton 8 B. C. Lake, c and b Burton 3 c Ward, b Simon 23 E. Godley, c Golding, b Shelford .. 10 c Golding, b Simon- .. 34 R. D. Pafford, b Shelford 7 b Simon 5 H. Bassett, b Shelford 10 not out 20 H. W. Oxlade, not out 2 c Etheridge, b Simon 4 R. H. Day, c Etheridge, b Burton.. 1 lbw, b Burton Extras 0 Extras 9 13 Total 72 Total 120 W. H. Marsh, not out Burton, lbw, b Penfold Dr. J. W. Simon, b English. Shelford, c B. C. Lake, English Extras Total Silverlock, c Tuff, b Hick­ mott W. E. C. Hudden, c Smith, b Hickmott Diver, b Hickmott E. S. Phillips, b Ashdown .. T. B. Williams, c and b Hickmott F. G. Phillips, run out K. C. Raikes, lbw, b Freeman G. J. V. Weigall, lbw, b Raikes J. C. Colquhoun, c Ewing, b Raikes A. F. Leach-Lewis, c Silver­ lock, b Raikes Jennings, c Hudden, b F. G. Phillips Dutnall, b F. G. Phillips .. Ashdown, b Raikes 80 Total (for 6 w.) Smith (A.), Freeman, and A. N. Other did not bat. Moulton, b Harrison Robinson, not out .. Sutcliffe, c Alwin, b Spring 21 J. Tasker, b Myers .. R. A. Plimpton, b Spring Stead, lbw, b Myers Claughton, c Bassett, Myers o 172 Stansfield, c Alwin, b Mvers Toulson, b Spring Sargent, c Narraway, b Spring Extras Total S u r r e y n . First Innings. Second Innings. Harrison, c Toulson, b Williams .. 4 run out AT Mason, b Williams 0 b Stansfield 16- Peach, b Sargent 0 c Plimpton, b Stansfield 4 Alwin, b Williams 14 b Williams 56 A. W. F. Rutty, st Toulson, b Sargent 7 run out 14 Myers, b Williams 11 b Stansfield 3 Spring, c Stead, b Williams 25 c Tasker, b Williams.. 14 Narraway, b Sargent 5 b Williams o- Abel (T.), b Williams 0 c Robinson, b Williams 5 R. A. M. Bassett, not out 1 not out .. 1 Sullivan, b Williams 0 c Robinson, b Williams 20- Extras 7 Extras 1 7 Total 74 Total 197 29 5 24 261 H e r t f o r d s h i r e S. G. Etheridge, c H . W. Lake, b Penfold .. .. 10 Golding, lbw, bBassett .. 6 C. H. Titchmarsh, c Godley, b Penfold .. .. .. 106 E. S. Household, c Pafford, b Penfold .. .. .. 13 Rev. C. G. Ward, b Penfold 39 C. H. Tait, b Mortimer .. 7 C. H. Rabone, b English .. 21 KENT II v. MONMOUTHSHIRE. At Folkestone, June 22. The features of a very even first day’s play were good innings by Silverlock for the visitors, J. C. Colquhoun (playing his first match for Kent II), and Jennings, and the bowling of Hickmott. At call of time the home side were 49 behind with 4 to go. On Tuesday no play was possible owing to heavy rain, and the match was abandoned without even a first innings’ result. M o n m o u t h s h ir e . NORTHUMBERLAND v. LINCOLNSHIRE. At Jesmond, Newcastle, June 22 and 23. Neither side was at full strength. The home team lacked two of their best batsmen in Hunting and Morrison, and Lincolnshire had come north without their skipper, W. E. Thompson. The feature of the first day’s play, on a slow wicket, was the bowling of Broughton, who played in a few matches for Lan­ cashire some years ago. He took 9 wickets in Northumberland’s first,, the tenth batsman being run out. At close of play the northern county were 115 on with 4 wickets to fall in their second innings. On Tuesday some capital bowling by Milne and Skinner on a queer pitch gave ihem victory by 54 runs, though Lincolnshire struggled hard to the last, Haddesley and Captain Cliffe making the best stand of the innings for the tenth wicket. N o r t h u m b e r l a n d . First Innings. Second Innings. C. F. Stanger-Leathes, b Broughton 12 b Broughton .. .. 5 - W. W. Meldon, c Pullein, b Broughton 33 b Broughton . . .. 8 Milne, c Day, b Broughton .. 11 c Pullein, b Broughton T. Smith, c Riley, b Broughton .. o J. S. Nesbit, c Pullein, b Broughton o C. G. Arkwright, c and b Broughton 2 C. M. Skinner, hit w., b Broughton 13 Hickton, c Williamson, b Broughton 8 Wingham, run out .. .. 36 J. L. Towler, not out .. .. 16 J. Craig, st Rose, b Broughton .. 41 Extras .. .. .. 2 c Kitchen, b Broughton b Riley b Williamson b Day c Day, b Williams .. b Pullein c Kitchen, b Day .. not out Extras Total . . 1 74 Total 14 140- M. Stratton, c Freeman, b 75 Hickmott .. .. .. o W. R. Lewis, b Freeman .. 14 16 Ewing, not out .. .. 2 5 J. R. Williams, c Hickmott, 25 b Smith .. .. .. 25 Extras .. .. .. 8 31 ---- 19 Total .. .. 224 4 -- K e n t II. F. N. Tuff, not out .. .. o Hickmott, not out .. .. o Extras .. .. .. 7 L in c o l n s h ir e B o w l e r s ’ A n a l y s is . F i r s t I n n i n g s : — Day, 2 1 - 5 - 7 4 - 0 ; Broughton, 2 5 - 1 - 4 - 8 0 - 9 ;; Williamson, 4 - 1 - 4 - 0 ; Riley, 1 - 0 - 1 4 - 0 . S e c o n d I n n i n g s :— Riley, 1 5 - 5 - 2 5 - 1 ; Broughton, 1 6 - 1 - 6 3 - 4 ; Day,. 1 0 - 4 - 1 5 - 3 ; Williamson, 5 - 1 - 2 3 - 2 . Broughton and Riley 1 nb each. L in c o l n s h ir e . •• 175 First Innings. Second Innings. E. Pullein, b Milne •• 33 c Craig, b Skinner .. 12 J. Kitchen, b Milne 16 c Skinner, b Milne .. 5 S. T. Haddesley, b Milne .. 0 not out 25 Day, c Meldon, b Hickton .. •• 15 b Milne 1 Broughton, c Smith, b Milne 3 b Skinner 1 S. Curtis, c and b Skinner .. •• 37 b Skinner 5 Riley, b Wingham •• 15 c Towler, b Skinner .. 12 W. Rose, b Milne .. 22 c Arkwright, b Milne 0. C. Nevile, b Skinner 5 c Craig, b Skinner .. 7 - C. Williamson, b Skinner .. 10 c Craig, b Milne 6- Capt. Cliffe, not out 0 st Craig, b Hickton .. 1 7 Extras 5 Extras 8. Total .. 161 Total 99. YORKSHIRE II v. SURREY II. At Rotherham, June 22 and 23. Though Surrey sent a good team north, and the Yorkshiremen were short of two or three of their best owing to the calls made upon them to fill up the first eleven, the home side, with the luck of the toss, had all the best of the first day’s plav. Robinson carried his bat right through, batting just 4 hours, and scored nearly two-thirds of the runs. Spring bowled steadily and well. Surrey collapsed in their first attempt before Williams and Sargent, and though doing a good deal better at the second time of asking went under by an innings and 18 runs. Williams took a dozen wickets, bowling very well indeed. Y o r k s h i r e II. Williams, b Spring .. N o r t h u m b e r l a n d B o w l e r s ’ A n a l y s is . F i r s t I n n i n g s : — Milne, 22-5-64-5 ; Hickton, 18-2-64-1 ; Wing­ ham, 4-2-10-1 ; Skinner, 5-0-18-3. S e c o n d I n n i n g s :— Milne, 18-4-47-4 ; Skinner, 18-6-37-5 ; Hickton,. 1-0-5-1 ; Wingham, 1-0-2-0. F o r Burnley v. Todmorden William Cook took all 10 wickets for- 36, three in one. over. On Monday ( v . East Cheshire Wanderers) Cook took 4 wickets, all bowled, with 4 successive balls. Lancashire could do with his help just now. They have a Cook ; but he is not the Cook. 3 i 2 7 4 13 289 B u l l o u g h had 5 for 48 (Colne v. Nelson), Preston, late of Kent, 5 for 76 (Nelson v. Colne), Wilson 7 for 60 (Todmorden v. Burnley),. Llewellyn 5 for 68 (Accrington v. Lowerhouse), Newstead 7 for 52 (Rishton v. Bacup), Norburv 6 for 28 (East Lancashire v. Haslingden),. Harrison 7 for 52 (Ramsbottom v. Enfield), and F . W. Duerr 6 for 38 (Enfield v. Ramsbottom). It will be seen that the professionals again ruled the roost in Lancashire League cricket.