Cricket 1914

J une 2 7 , 19 14 . THE WORLD OF CRICKET. 287 QUAIFE BROS., & LILLEY, Sports Outfitters. jt j* jt Sole makers of the “ PNEUMATIC HAND LE ” CRICKET BAT. MEN’S. SMALL MEN'S. SIZE 6. 27/6 & 23/6 21/-17/6 “ XYLON ITE DRIVER ” CRICKET BAT. MEN’S. SMALL MEN’S. SIZE 6. 25/- & 21/- 17/6 15/6 Short handle Bats same prices as men's. Specialities: TIES, HATBAND S, CAPS, BADGES for COLLEGES, SCHOOLS, AND CLUBS. Special terms to Catalogue Colleges & Clubs. post free. 313, BROAD ST., BIRMINGHAM. THE MACHINE AT THE HEAD Sweet Running, Weatherproofness, Lightning Detachable Wheels, Great Flexibility, and Big Range of Speeds, Exceptional Ease of Control in Traffic, and Remarkable Steadiness on Greasy Roads. T H E S E are some of its Outstanding features, in regard to which we are receiving, every day, voluntary testimony from experienced riders. Price 65 Guineas. Early Delivery. LEA & FRANCIS, L t d , C O V E N T R Y . T H E W O R L D ’S B E S T in Everything Required for Sport, Direct from Experienced Players, who know the Practical Side of the Business. S o le M a k e r s o f T H E W o r l d - F a m e d f T h e J . T . T y l d e s l e y T E S T MATCH S p e c i a l POST FREE 21 / - With I.R. Cover. E x t r a S p e c ia l ey C I POST FREE. ^**1 W ith I.R . Cover. 8mall Men's Size - 20/- No. 6 size - 15/6 No. 5 <ize - - - 14/- No. 4 size - 11/6 FOREIGN POSTAGE EXTRA. The best bats it is possible to buy. Used in Test Matches by Australian, South African and English Players. Also Bats at 4/6, 6/6, 7/6, 9/-, 10/6, 12/6 & 16/6 Fully Guaranteed. Bats Re-Bladed and Repaired on the Premises. Send for Illustrated List. IMPORTANT TO 8ECRETARIE8. — If you think your club account is high give us a trial, as others have done— it will repay you. T Y L D E S L E Y & HO LBROOK , Practical Sports Outfitters, 109, D e a n s g a te , M a n c h e s te r . JACK SHARP (L a n c a s h ir e C o u n t y a n d E n g lis h T e s t M a t c h X I's .) CR ICKE T BATS. J a c k S h a r p ’s Special New Century Bat can .be recommended as possessing all the qualities necessary to help the cricketer and improve his game. The blades are made from the best close- bark willow, the han­ dles are treble rubber spring; shape, balance and workmanship are of the finest. Jack Sharp personally selects each Bat, and his experience on the playing fields should be of extra value, combining as It does sound knowledge as to materials, make, and finish, that go to the making of a class bat Special New Centary. Price (special) 21 s. With rubber handleeovor. (Extra special) 25 s. Withrubber handlecover. Small Men’s size, 20s. 8lze 6 15s. 6d., size 5 14s., size 4 12s. 6d. All prices post free in the United Kingdom. J.S.’s Special New Cen­ tury is used by many county players. Other Bats at 4«. 6d. Bs.6d., 6s.6d., 7s. 6d. 9s. 6d., 10s. 6d., 12s. 6d. 14s. 6d.,16s. 6d., Its. 6d. CRICKET TROUSERS, 8HIRT8, SWEATERS. B00T8, BLAZERS. 6API TIE8, BADGES, etc., at reasonable prices. Bats, Tennis Rackets, Golf Clubs, etc., repaired on the premises by experienced workmen. Only the best and most reliable goods are offered for all branches of out and indoor games, the result of careful study, practical and personal experience. K in d l y S e n d P o s t c a r d f o r C a t a l o g u e , P o s t F r e e — JACK SHARP, 38 Whitechapel, Liverpool.