Cricket 1914

282 THE WORLD OF CRICKET. J une 27, 1914. A C o m p e t it io n fo r o u r Boy S ub sc r ibe rs . T h e Editor has devised » simple competition which should appeal to our boy readers. A b at will be given to the boy who makes the nearest guess at the correct number of runs scored b y Harrow, both innings added together against E ton, at Lord’s, and a bat for the boy who guesses nearest E ton ’s runs (both innings added together), a t Lord’s, July 10 and 11. The competition is open to all boys who are on our postal subscribers’ list. Estimates must be forwarded not later than July 4th, and the envelope should be marked “ Competition.” T H E A M E R IC A N C R IC K E T E R . Founded 1877. Published by the Associated Cricket Clubs of Philadelphia. An Illustrated Journal of Cricket, Association Football, Tennis, Golf, and Kindred Pastimes. No. 114, South 18th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. Price— 7s. 6d. per annum, post paid anywhere. Specimen copies mailed on request. ODD & SONS, ------------Makers of------------ High -Class S po rts Goods, 55, North End, Croydon. Factory— SUTTON. SLRREY. ODDS celebrated ‘FLEX 1DLE' B Y EXPERIENCED WORKMEN -------- AT SHORT NOTICE.-------- PRICE LISTS POST FREE. Bat is used by vall the leading — ---- Cricketers.------- P rices, 2 1 /- and 25 /-, Youths’ sizes, 10/6 12/-, 15/-, 18/6. Bats Rebladed & Repaired A R E M ADE B Y USED B Y The Australians, South Africans, & English Team MATCHES Surridge bats— their real quality places them in a class apart, j . Contractors to London County Council and Surrey County C.C. Special terms to Clubs and . . Schools. . . Works ■Vine Yard. S.E., Timber Yard : Clapham Park, S.W Telephone H O P 764.