Cricket 1914

J un e 27, 1914. THE WORLD OF CRICKET 277 ♦ E. J . G u n a s e k a r a (from Ceylon) scored 9 5 and Simmonds took 7 for 35 for Bognor v. Sussex Nursery at Bognor, the home side (220 for 3 to 181) winning easily. I n yet another match of small scores Harrow School (122) beat Quidnuncs (82) by 40 runs. Nearly all the runs for the school were made by the later batsmen, who piayed up pluckily after the others had failed. The victory was a good one, for the Quidnuncs playing were J. S. F. Morrison, A. C. P. Arnold, N. F. Druce, G. A. Fairbaim, R. Du B. Evans, Dr. A. F. Morcom, C. H. Eyre, R. G. D. Howell, G. W. V. Hopley, C. G. Pope, and C. S. Rattigan. C h elten h a m , declaring their second innings, beat Marlborough by 152 runs at Marlborough— 348 (J. A. Sanger 101, H. L. H. Du Boulay 70, C. S. Lightfoot, 62) and 241 for 6 (C. A. H. Hillier 54, six others from 20 to 42) to 274 (R. D. Busk 71) and 163 (J. R. Barnes 72). C lifto n lost to Old Cliftonians by 4 wickets— 163 (S. B. Morgan 38, D. C. James 32) and 132 (G. W. E. Whitehead 52) to 111 (A. T. A Dobson 62) and 187 for 6 (J. H. E. Whitehead 41, W. M. Brownlee 38*). W. G. w a s damaged on Saturday. Fielding at point for Eltham v. Goldsmiths’ College he was hit above the eye— a nasty blow— by ball that got up.