Cricket 1914

276 THE WORLD OF CRICKET. J un e 27, 1914. The Game and How to Play it. B y A. C. M a c L a r e n . T h e accompanying action photographs of Hobbs hitting to leg were taken b y Messrs. Cherry Kearton ’s aeroscope camera, b y special permission of the Motograph Company. They speak for themselves, and very little in the w ay of explanation is required. B u t always remember this— in leg-hitting great care should be taken never to move the left foot away from the wicket. No good player ever does this ; but nine boys out of ten do, from fear of being hit. It is all wrong. In no circum­ stances whatever should the leg be taken from^the w icket in making this stroke. So I was taught in early days, and practical experience all through my career has confirmed the correctness of the teaching. Advance the leg to the ball. If you miss it, it will go outside the leg. B u t don’t put the leg in front of your w icket.