Cricket 1914

Spalding’s “GRAND PRIX” Hockey Sticks are actually made by Spalding’s, and A. G. Spalding & Bros, can unreservedly recommend them as being all that the most discriminating hockey player could possibly demand. For 1914 Spalding’s can offer an even better range of selection than before. H O C K E Y S T I C K S FOR LAD IES , H O C K E Y S T I C K S FOR MEN , FOR NEW HANDS OR FOR OLD AT F rom 3/6 to 10/6. CLUBS AND SCHOOLS SUPPL IED A T SPEC IAL TERMS . A call at any of our London or Provincial stores will be well repaid. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., 317, & 318, H IGH HO LBORN , LONDON , W.C. 78, CHEAP8IDE, LONDON, E.C., 29, HAYM ARKET, LONDON, 8.W., NEW STREET HOUSE. BIRMINGHAM, 4, OXFORD STREET, and 1, LOWER M08ELEY STREET, MANCHESTER, 72, LORD STREET, LIVERPOOL, 3, SOUTH CHARLOTTE STREET PRINCES STREET), EDINBURGH, 68, BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW, J5 BOULEVARD DE CAPUCINES, PARIS.