Cricket 1914

THE WORLD OF CRICKET. J u n e 27, 11,14. THE UNIVERSAL DEMAND “ A S pec ia l C o u n ty , please , — i t ’s u n d o u b t e d ly th e B E ST B a l l ! ” C r ick e t Send lor Illustrated Catalogue and Testimonials ol County players, Post Free. The “ Special County’’ Ball it uied at Lord’s, Oral. Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Johannesburg, Cap* Town, Oxford, Cambridge, Inter-Colonial, County and T ot Hatchei. Makers of the ROYAL, W ILLOW KINQ, and other Cricket Bats. Mth Aifasl, l»l». D a i Sin. Yaw Orl.k.l Balls ban boon aoad by oa In ALL oar Matahoa oo this sida, and I aanaot •if w n than that 1 hava n n t hovd any oom,lalnl aboot Ihoaa.— T o t taithfally. fR A R K HITCHILL. THERE IS ONLY ONE BRIBKIY BALL: C/5 e DUKE’S 14tb ftoptoBiboc, 1911. I am ploasad to wrllo that Maaan. Doka ao4 lon’i CrlakK Balia wots laod In ALL TH* TUT MATCHM thla yoar, and (am oroay ■adalaatlOD.— (Hgnod) C. B. FRY. 1Mb Jaly, 1*11. Oontlomon,—Wo b a n aard yaar ' OOUBTT- CRICKET BALL* la all tha TUT MATOHB, and think thoy aro tha BHT BALU WB HAVB BVRR DIBD. Yoon Inly, IY D . GRBOOBT. o u S d s o n , Estab. 1760 P E N S H U R S T , K E N GEORGE AVERY & SON, 9 & II , Charles Street. SOUTHBOROUGH, TUNBRIDGE W ELLS, KENT. ESTABLISHED 1861. G. AVBRY & SON during th* past 52 years of their nunufaeture have rarely knewn a trial order (all to elicit continued patronage, all their Balls being warranted thoroughly reliable, and bearing the reputation of afferdlag the maxlmnm amount of pleasure to be derived from tha game. Priee List on Application. E ,S l ABL‘1S**ED O Y E R 100 Telegram *: D E V E R E U X ETO N . v ® * j » s E. C. DEVEREUX ETON, BUCKS. T H E C o u n ty C r ie k e t C a p M a k e r . Uamufuctmrm and Dengner of §lub mid School tolows. SOLS MAKBB 07 TH* CAPS WORK BT YORKSHIRE 60IINTY 1st XI. - Xfttf XI. SURREY ff let XI. - . „ M XI. LAR6A8HIRE „ HAMPSHIRE WORSRSTIR NORTHAMPTON LEI6E6TER GLAMORGAN 8TAFP0RD8HIRE GHE8HIRE BUSKS DORSET 60UNTY Please write lor sample* and quotations which are reasonable and are supplied free of charge. RICHARD DAFT’S NOTTINGHAMSHIRE ticulars, apply Radcliffe-on-Trent, Notts. MARL.— Par- ESTAB LISH ED 1847. PHOTOGRAPHERS ROYAL AND CRICKET SPECIALISTS- E. Hawkins & Co., The Pioneer Cricket Photographers, Have the largest and most unique collection of Portraits and Cricket Groups— Past and Present. Cabinets, Is. each ; 10s. per doxen assorted. Post Cards Sd. each C o u n t y X I ’ s a n d C o l o n ia l T e a m s f o r m a n y y e a r s p a s t . General Portraiture, Groups, etc., in all the latest and most up-to-date styles. 32, Preston Street, Brighton. B.WARSOP&SONS, L td . 127a, PARK ROAD, ST. JOHN’S WOOD, LONDON , N.W. SPORTS MANUFACTURERS. Every Requisite lor Indoor and Outdoor Sports Supplied. M ANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED “CONQUEROR” Cricket Bat. ----- Special Terms to Schools and Clubs.