Cricket 1914

THE WORLD OF CRICKET. J u n e 20, 1914. Spring Handle BATS jK " CA PTA IN ” 18 / 6 , 21 /-, 25 /- “ IND IAN P R IN C E ,” 16/0. “ CROWN IM P ER IA L ,” 14 / 6 . These bats have no superiors at the price. S P R IN G H A N D L E BATS, 6 / 6 , 7 / 6 , 8/6, 10 '6^*a:id 12 / 6 . A . W .’s C E L E B R A T E D C R IC K E T B A L L S , 3 / 6 , 4 /-, 4 / 6 , 5 /-, and 5/6 each. SPEC IAL PR IC ES FOR Q U A N T IT IES. E V E R Y T H IN G FO R C R IC K E T . E very article guaranteed. BEST QUALITY GOODS A T LOW EST PRICES. B 3 T A Trial Invariably eniurei further patronage. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Post Free. ALBERT WARD, 84, Bradshawgate, Bolton, Lancs. A l b e r t W a rd (Late Lancashire County, A ll-England, and Anglo-Australian X I ’s.) A.W .’sFamous TREBLE ABEL k SONS, (24 years with the Surrey XI.) * HARLEYFORD ST., KENNINCTON OVAL, S.E. Manufacturers of the Celebrated “ GUV’NOR” Bat and “GUV’NOR”CricketBall. F irs t fn Rank . Price Lists on A p p l ica t ion , W IT H PO RT RA IT O F R O B E R T ABEL. The “ GUV ’N O R " B A T is used b y Mr. M. C. Bird, Wilfrid Rhodes, Strudwick, and many other leading Cricketers. SPEC IAL TERMS TO SCHOOLS, CLUBS &-c., &-c. GUNN & MOORE Acknowledged to be the Largest Cricket Bat Makers in the World. Sole Makers of the wor!d=famed “ AUTOGRAPH ” and “ C A N N O N ” Cricket Bats, also all articles connected with British Sports. P. F. WARNER , Capt. English Team, writes :— “ Gunn & Moore are the Finest Bat Makers in Christendom.” PRINCE RANJITSINHJI (now H J L of Nawanagar) writes:— “ There are no Bats made in England TO TOUCH YOURS.” WE ASK FOR NO H IGHER TRIBUTE. Illustrated Catalogue (Post Free). Spec ia l Q u o ta t io n s to Schoo ls and Colleges. “ EDAddress: NOTTINGHAM. ™~ Printed for the Proprietors by H amptons L td ., 12, 13, & 19, Cursitor Street, Loodoo, E.C. w _ Agenta *or Australia flee.: G ordow & G otch , London, Melbourne, Sydney Adelaide Brisbane. Perth, Launceston Hobart & Welliaigtoo N.Z. For South Africa: C entral N ews A gency L td . Cape Town Johannesburg and branches.