Cricket 1914

J u n e 20, 19 14 . THE WORLD OF CRICKET. THE MACHINE AT THE HEAD Sweet Running, Weatherproofness, Lightning Detachable Wheels, Great Flexibility, and Big Range of Speeds, Exceptional Ease of Control in Traffic, and Remarkable Steadiness on Greasy Roads. T H E S E are some of its Outstanding features, in regard to which we are receiving, every day, voluntary testimony from experienced riders. Price 65 Guineas. Early Delivery. L E A & FRANCIS, Ltd, C O V E N T R Y . SQUASH RACKETS. THE GAME TO IMPROVE ALL OTHER GAMES. CAN BE PLAYED ALL THE YEAR ROUND Day or Night— in All Weathers. FULL PART ICULARS FROM H. M . R O O T H A M , Craven House, Kingsway, London, w.c. JACK SHARP (L a n c a s h ir e C o u n t y a n d E n g lis h T e s t M a t c h Xl* g,) CR ICKE T BATS. J a c k S h a r p ’s Special New Century Bat can be recommended as possessing all the qualities necessary to help the cricketer and improve his game. The blades are made from the best close- bark willow, the han­ dles are treble rubber spring; shape, balance and workmanship are of the finest. Jack 8harp personally •elects each Bat, and his experience on the playing fields should be oT extra value, combining as It does sound knowledge as to materials, make, and finish, that go to the ' ; of a cU making < lass bat Special New Centary. Price (special) 21s. With rubber handle covor. (Extra special) 25s. With rubber handle eover. Small Men’s size, 20s. Size 6 15s. 6d., size 5 14s., size 4 12s. 6d. A ll prices post free in the United Kingdom. J.S.’s Special New Cen­ tury is used by many county players. Other Bats at 4s. Id. 6s. 6d., 6s.6d., 7s. 8d. Os. 6d., 10s. 6d., 12s. 6d. 14s. 6d.,16s. 6d., 16s. 6d CRICKET TROU8ERS, SHIRTS, SWEATERS, BOOT8, BLAZERS, SAPS TIE8, BADGES, etc., at reasonable prices. Bats, Tennis Rackets, Golf Clubs, etc., repaired on the premisos by experienced workmen. Only the best and most reliable goods are offered for all branches of out and indoor games, the result of careful study, practical and personal experience. K i n d l y S e n d P o s t c a r d f o r C a t a l o g u e , P o s t F r e e — JACK SHARP, 38 Whitechapel, Liverpool. BLANCO For Cleaning and Whitening White Buckskin and Canvas Shoes, Cricket Pads, and all other articles of a similar nature. It is prepared in a very careful manner, and extra precautions are taken to ensure an evenness of colour. It contains nothing that will in any way injure the article to which it is applied, and if used as directed, a Splendid White of a glossy, satin-like appearance and soft silky surface is ensured, which will not readily rub off. “ BLANCO” CLOTH & LEATHER BALL For cleaning Snede, Ooze Calf, and Cloth Boots and Shoes, Cord Breeches, Saede Gloves, Cloth Spats, Leather and Cloth Leggings. Made in various shades of Colour. Sold by Athletic Dealers, Ironmongers. Oilmen, Stores, Boot and Shoe Dealers, See. Paper Covers.— Price is. net. Post free, is. 2d. CURIOSITIES OF FIRST-CLASS CRICKET.— 1730-1901. A few copies only left of this interesting work. Interleaved for Notes, and bound in cloth. 5s. net, postage 3d. Collectors of Cricket Literature should secure one of these.— E. S e a l e , 10, Imperial Arcade, Ludgate, E.C.