Cricket 1914

J u n e 20, 1914. THE WORLD OF CRICKET. 265 The N .Y . and N. J. Cricket Association competition embraces five clubs (Bensonhurst, Crescent Athletic, Manor Field, Rich­ mond County, and Staten Island). Each side meets each of the others three times, giving a total of 30 matches. The Rhode Island and District Amateur Cricket League appears to be a flourishing organisation. Included in it are the Benns Mohair (Greystone), Broadway Baptists, Fall River, Olneyville, Providence (with two teams, Whites and Blues), Pawtucket, Potter and Johnston’s. W illow Park, and Woonsocket Worsted Mills clubs. The district is a typically busy New England one, and most of the players are workers in the factories, so that of neces­ sity the cricket is almost confined to Saturday afternoons ; but there are good men among the representatives of the ten sides competing. The President of the League, Mr. Spencer H. Over, is also a vice-president and one of the board of managers of the Providence club, the most influential in the League. CANADA. H. R. Orr, the old Bedfordshire skipper, was in capital all­ round form for Cowichan v. Vancouver on May 25, scoring 103*, and taking 5 for 51. Veteran as he is, Orr has still lots of cricket left in him. Over tw enty years ago he represented Western Australia in the first match ever played by that state (then a colony). The fixture list of the Selkirk County Cricket Association has reached us. This is a Winnipeg and District organisation, the clubs in membership being St. Andrews, International Securities, Free Press, Kentish Association, West Kildonan, Sons of England, and Assiniboine. They have a schedule of three matches (one club standing out) for each Saturday from May 30 to August 29. Mr. A. S. Cowie, Free Press Editorial Office, is the Secretary- Treasurer. D e r r i c k W a n d e r e r s had another win on Saturday. They scored 228 for 6, dec. (R. T. Childs 59, W. G. Hankin 53, T. W. Brown 51, A. B. Wimpey 26*), and put out Oxshott for 128 (H. J. Davenport 55). Hankin (5 for 31) annexed the bowling honours this time. G.W.R. at home drew with Reading Biscuit Factory, for whom Shears made 35. A. Grugeon bowled well for the railway team, taking 7 for 40, and C. E. Honeyball’s well-hit 40 (2 sixes) for them was the top score of the match. G.Wr.R. II easily defeated Brookfield II. F o r the Mote v. Incogniti R. L. Kay (45*) and R. W. Mitchell (51*) added 109 unparted after 8 wickets had fallen for 152. C. P. Johnstone was top scorer for the side, with 73 ; and M. Falcon (49) did best for the Incogs. The game was drawn. W. C o o p e r took 6 for 31 and C. Swann 4 for 9 for Beckton (87) v. M.C.C. (79) on Friday. I n the North-West Durham League there was a fine fight between Medomsley and Craghead, the former winning by 3 runs only. Cairns, whose benefit it was, took 7 for 29 for the losers. F o r Blaydon v. Springwell (North Durham Senior League) R. Thompson took 8 for 14, and yet found himself on the losing side, Blaydon only replying with 35 to Springwell’s small total of 51. S o u t h Northumberland brought off a good win— 194 to 51— over t h e strong Benwell Hill side, W. A. Taylor taking 6 for 21 and J. Carr 4 for 5. For the losers Milne, ever reliable, had 8 for 79. R. B. Stephenson’s 69 was top score of the match. North Durham (229— W. C. Wood 52) only just failed to beat S t. George’s (147 for 9— J. S . Nisbet 45, W. W. Meldon 44). B e n w e l l (244— F. W. Tennant 65) easily beat Tynedale (116), Brown taking 5 for 46 for the winners. Backworth Percy went under to Tynemouth. Wallsend (83) beat Ryton by 14 runs. For Ryton J. Graham had 5 for 35, T. Graham 4 for 35, for Tynedale J. L. Towler 5 for 30, R. G. Elliott 4 for 24. The Score Book. LEICESTERSHIRE v. SURREY. At Loughborough, June 10 and 11. Wilkinson returned to the Surrey team, and Smith was also played, Hayward and Abel standing down. For Leicestershire Lord and Shipman replaced Joyce and Skelding. Play did not begin until 2.15 on the first day, owing to rain on Tuesday. The wicket at the outset was soft but not difficult, and Hobbs made 42 out of 50 in 35 minutes, hitting a six and 3 fours. After he was out there was something like a collapse before some excellent bowling by Gearv ; but the association of Sandham and Hitch (who added 60 in less than half as many minutes, the fast bowler’s 39 being made up of 3 sixes, 5 fours, and a single) mended matters for Surrey. The Leicestershire batsmen could do little with Rusby and Smith, and at call of time 7 were down for 66. The innings closed for 77 on Thursday, Rushby having a remarkably good analysis. Surrey lost Hobbs and Ducat cheaply; but Hayes, Goatly, Fender, and Sand­ ham all made runs, and quite a good total seemed in prospect when Wood himself took the ball. An immediate slump ensued. In six overs before lunch the Leicestershire captain took 4 wickets, and directly the game was resumed he got the outstanding one. The whole five— one b, one st, three lbw— only cost 6 runs, and these were scored before he took the first. Leicestershire needed 284 for victoi^, but never looked like getting the runs, WTood and Sharp alone doing much. The old Reptonian batted 95 minutes for his capital 36. Surrey won by 157 runs. Rushby had the fine record of 11 wickets for 81. S u r r e y . First Innings. Hobbs, c Whitehead, b King .. 42 Hayes, c and b Geary .. .. 17 Ducat, c Sharp, b Geary .. .. 22 Goatly, lbw, b Geary .. .. o Sandham, c Coe, b King .. .. 25 P. G. H. Fender, c Sidwell, b Geary 4 C. T. A. Wilkinson, c Shipman, b Brown Second Innings, c Whitehead, b K in g.. c Wood, b Brown lbw, b King c Geary, b Brown .. not out c Shipman, b King .. The card of the Winnipeg C.A. (Corresponding Secretary, Mr. H. L. Wigglesworth, R ight of W ay Dept., C.P.R ., Winnipeg) also comes along. There are three divisions, Wanderers, Civics, Winnipeg, C.P.R ., Young Conservatives, and Eaton’s figuring in the first; Wanderers, Winnipeg, Young Conservatives, White Rose, Weston, and St. Jude’s in the second ; and White Rose, Eaton's, C.P.R., Telephones, United, and Prov. Architects in the third. The games start on June 6, and run to August 15. Hitch, c King, b Lord Strudwick, c Geary, b King Smith (W. C.), not out Rushby, run out Byes Total 5 39 13 25 lbw, b W’ood .. lbw, b Wood .. lbw, b Wood .. b Wood st Sidwell, b Wood B 5, lb 4 Total 150 Brown, Lord, L e ic e s t e r s h ir e B o w l e r s ’ A n a l y s is . F i r s t I n n i n g s :— Geary, 24-9-68-4 ; King, 16*2-1-65-3 ; 10-3-45-1 ; Lord, 4-0-22-1. S e c o n d I n n i n g s :— King, 14-6-35-3 i Geary, 13 - 3 - 39 -° 4-0-22-0 ; Brown, 8-0-39-2 ; Wood, 5 ‘ 3 - 3 - 6 ^ 5 • L e ic e s t e r s h ir e . First Innings. C. J. B. Wood, c Goatly, b Rushby Whitehead (H.), c Ducat, b Sm ith.. Mounteney, lbw, b Rushby King (J. H.), c and b Rushby A. T. Sharp, b Rushby Coe, lbw, b Smith Lord, b Smith Shipman, b Rushby Brown (W.), c Sandham, b Rushby Sidwell, c Hobbs, b Smith Geary, not out B 4, lb 2 Total S u r r e y B o w l e r s ’ A n a l y s is . F i r s t I n n i n g s :— Smith, 12-4-3-41-4 ; Rushby, 12-5-30-6. S e c o n d I n n i n g s :— Rushby, 22-4-6-51-5; Smith, 19-8-42-4; Fender, 8-2-18-0 ; Hitch, 5-1-12-1. Umpires :— Harrison and West. Second Innings. 6 c Strudwick, b Hitch 25 24 b Rushby 6 0 b Rushby 4 0 c and b Smith 11 0 st Strudwick, b Rushby 36 2 lbw, b Smith 14 7 not out 9 25 b Rushby 2 4 st Strudwick, b Smith 7 I b Smith 0 2 st Strudwick, b Rushby 9 6 B 1, lb 2 3 77 Total 126 +■ H a m p s t e a d N o m a d s (230 for 5, dec.) and Teddington (185 for 4) drew. A. J. Fullerton, sent in with orders to hit, had 16 fours in his 74* ; L. W. Mobberley made 36, F. C. Boullv 32, J. S. Caulfield 30, Dr. E. W. Archer 20. For the home side Kenneth Dixon scored 110, J. W. Dixon, 35, E. A. Elliott 20*. T h e Nomads’ tour in Kent and Sussex, June 27— July 6. T h e y play Tonbridge (June 27), Eastbourne (June 29 and 30), Hastings (July 1), Sussex Nursery (July 3), South Saxons (July 4), and Brook House, Ardingly (July 6). O y s t o n , the slow bowler who was in and out of the White Rose team a few years ago, took 8 for 37 for Leeds v. King Cross. O w in g to the scratching of the match with Sussex Martlets, they have July 2 open. Will the secretary of any strong team in the Brighton district who can fix up a match for that date kindly com­ municate with Mr. S. B. K. Caulfield, 23, Old Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn, W.C. ?