Cricket 1914

J u n e 20, 19 14 . THE WORLD OF CRICKET. 261 The 46th edition of the “ C R I C K E T e ^ h E N D K R , ” edited by Mr. Archibald Sinclair, contains so much interesting information that it should prove an invaluable companion to every cricketer. Features of “ The Calendar ” are tabulated pages for keeping a record of individual batting and bowling averages, County and Club fixtures, and list of Umpires. Other items of interest include articles on the prospects of the present season and the County Championship. Excellent portraits of Mr. J. W . H. T. DOUGLAS, captain of the M.C.C. Team that visited South Africa during the winter., Mr. F. H. B RO W N IN G , captain of I Zingari Team in Egypt; S. F. Barnes and J . B. Hobbs are also included, while further there is an interesting account of the M.C.C. Tour in South Africa and I Z IN G A R I T O U R IN EGYPT. The “ Cricket Calendar ” is, as usual, well printed, and published in handy pocket size, bound in cloth at 6d., and can be obtained post free from The “ Cricket Press,” 25 , Temple Chambers, London, E.C.— A d v t. THE AMERICAN CRICKETER. Founded i% 77 - Published by the Associated Cricket Clubs of Philadelphia. An Illustrated Journal of Cricket, Association Football, Tennis, Golf, and Kindred Pastimes. No. 114, South 18th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. Price— 7s. 6 d. per annum, post paid anywhere. Specimen copie* mailed on request. ODD & SONS, ------------Makers of------------ High-C lass Spo rts Goods, 55, North End, Croydon. Factory—SUTTON. SURREY. ODD'S celebrated ‘FLEXIBLE’ Bat is used by jail the leading ------ Cricketers.------- Prices, 2 1 /- and 25 /-, Youths’ sizes, 10/6 12/-, 15/-, 18/6. Bats Rebladed & Repaired B Y EXPERIENCED WORKMEN -------- AT SHORT NOTICE.-------- ^ PRICE LISTS POST FREE. AR E M ADE B Y USED B Y The Australians, South Africans, & English Team MATCHES Surridge bats— their real quality places them in a class apart. | . C on tracto rs to London County Council and Surrey County C.C. Special terms to Clubs and . . : Schools. . . Works: Vine Yard, S.E., Timber Yard : Clapham Park, S.W Telephone H O P 764.