Cricket 1914

THE WORLD OF CRICKET. J u n e 20, 19 14 . THE UNIVERSAL DEMAND A S pec ia l C o u n ty , p lease, — i t ’s u n d o u b te d ly th e B E S T C r ic k e t B a ll 1” Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Testimonials of County players, Post Free. The “ Special County” Ball is used at Lord's, Oval, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Johannesburg, CapeTown, Oxford, Cambridge, Inter-Colonial, County and Test Matches. M a k e rs of th e R O Y A L , W IL L O W K IN O , a n d o th e r C ric k e t B a ts . 10th August, H I* . D m i Sin. Your Crlokat Bails ban b«M UMd by ui In ALL our MfttohM on this ildo, and I cannot i«7 moro than that I hav* n.T .r hoard anj complaint about thorn.— Youn laithtullj. FRANK M ITCHELL. T H E R E IS ON LY ONE BEST CRICKET B A L L : H CO D “ J 14th September l t l l . I am pleased to writ* that M iu n . Dak* and Sen's Crlektt Balls ware ased la ALL TH H TEST MATCHES this year, and fare every satisfaction.— (Signed) C. B. PRY. ltth Jaly, ISIS. Gentlemen,— We have ased year ‘ CO UNTY’ CRICKET BALLS In all the TKST MATCHES, and think they are the BEST BALLS W I HAVE EVER USED. Yoars traly, SYD. GREGORY. D U K E &L S O N s [^ P E N s h u r s t , K E N GEORGE AVERY & SON, 9 & 11, Charles Street. SOUTHBOROUGH, TUNBRIDGE W ELLS, KENT. ESTABLISH ED 1861. G. A V ER Y & SON during the past 53 years of their manufacture have rarely known a trial order fail to elieit eontlnued patronage, all their Bails being warranted thoroughly reliable, and bearing the reputation of affording the maximum amount of pleasure to be derived from the game. Priee List on Application. e s T A BM SH ED o y b k 100 F f n F V F P F I I Y T'rlrphoni': BTON W IN D S O R ETON , B U C K S . T H E C o u n ty C r ic k e t C a p M a k e r. Manufacturer and Designer of Club and School Colours. SOLS MAKER 09 THE CAP* WORN BT :-- O Y E R Telegrams: D E V E R E U X YORKSHIRE SURREY LANCASHIRE HAMPSHIRE WORCESTER COUNTY 1st XI. Xnd XI. 1st XI. 2nd XI. NORTHAMPTON LEICESTER GLAMORGAN STAFFORDSHIRE CHE8HIRE BUCKS D0R8ET COUNTY Please w rite for samples and quotations which are reasonable and are supplied free of eharge. RICHARD DAFT’S NOTTINGHAMSHIRE ticulars, apply Radclifie-on-Trent, Notts. MARL.— Par- B.WARSOP&SONS, L td . 127a, PARK ROAD, ST. JOHN’S WOOD, L ONDON , N.W. SPORTS MANUFACTURERS. Every Requisite for Indoor and Outdoor Sports Supplied. M ANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED “CONQUEROR” Cricket Bat. Special Terms to Schools and Clubs. ESTABLISHED 1847. PHOTOGRAPHERS ROYAL AND CRICKET SPECIALISTS. E. Hawkins & Co., The Pioneer Cricket Photographers, Have the largest and most unique collection of Portraits and Cricket Groups— Past and Present. Cabinets, Is. each ; 10 s. per dozen assorted. Post Cards Sd. each. C o u n t y X I’s a n d C o l o n ia l T e a m s f o r m a n y y e a r s p a s t . General Portraiture, Groups, etc., in all the latest and most up-to-date styles. 32, Preston Street, Brighton.