Cricket 1914

THE WORLD OF CRICKET. J u n e 13, 19 1 4 , IN THE PRESS Cricket Reminiscences 1887 - 1913 . This book will tell the story of over a quarter of a century lived in cricket circles— its writer appeared for Harrow v. E ton at Lords in 1887— and will deal w ith trick et in four continents— at home, in Australia, in India, in the States, and in the Argentine. The great test matches in which the Author figured from 1894-5 to 1909, captaining the England side on many occasions, will receive full treatment. There will be a number of illustrations, and the volume will be produced in first-class style. Price: ON E G U IN E A . Publishers : “ The World of Cricket,” 61, Temple Chambers, E.C. GUNN & MOORE Acknowledged to be the Largest Cricket Bat Makers in the World. Sole Makers of the world=famed “ AUTOGRAPH ” and “ C A N N O N ” Cricket Bats, also all articles connected with British Sports. P. F. WARNER , Capt. English Team, writes "G u n n & Moore are the Finest Bat Hakers in Christendom. PRINCE RANJITSINHJI (now H .H. oi Nawanagar) writes:— “ There are no Bats made in England TO TOUCH YOURS.” WE ASK FOR NO H IGHER TRIBUTE. Illustrated Catalogue (Post Free). Spec ia l Quo ta t ion s to S choo ls and Co l leges . E,Tr r Address: NOTTINGHAM. T™ - Printed lor the Proprietors by H a m p to n s L td., 12, 13, & 19, Cursitor Street, Loodon, E.C. Agents tor Australia fitc.: G ordon & G otch, Londou, Melbourne, Sydney Adelaide Brisbane. Perth, Launceston Hobart & Wellington N.Z. For South Africa: C e n tra l News Acencv L td. Cape Town Johannesburg atd branchca.