Cricket 1914

J u n e 13, 19 14 . THE WORLD OF CRICKET. GEORGE AVERY & SON, 9 & 11, C h arle s S tre e t, S O U T H B O R O U G H , T U N B R ID G E W E L L S , K E N T . ESTABLISHED 1861. G. AVERY & SON during the past 53 years of their manufacture have rarely known a trial order fail to elicit continued patronage, all their Balls being warranted thoroughly reliable, and bearing the reputation of affording the maximum amount of pleasure to be derived from the game. Price List on Application. THE AMERICAN CRICKETER. Founded iiJ7 . Published by the Associated Cricket Clubs of Philadelphia. An Illustrated Journal*©! Crieket, Association Football, Tennis, Golf, and Kindred Pastimes. No. 114, South 18th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. ' Price— 7s. 6d. per annum, post paid anywhere. Specimen copiee mailed on request. ODD & SONS, -Makers o f - High=Class Sports Goods, 55, North End, Croydon. Factory—SUTTON. SURREY. ODDSea ted ‘FLEXIBLE’ Bat is used by kall the leading ------ Cricketers.------- Prices, 21/- and 25/-, IYouths’ sizes, 10/6 12/-, 15/-, 18/6. Bats Rebladed & Repaired B Y EX PER IEN CED WORKMEN ---------AT SHORT NOTICE_____ PRICE LISTS POST FREE. o i i m n i SDRIDGE &■ CO. Lu < tt to ’ (J cc §1 I a USED BYi t e c The Australians, South 7Africans, & English Team •_ 3 n ALLgTHEf; _ TEST - MATCHES. Surridge b a ts— their real q u a lity places th em in a class ap art. | . Contractors to London County Council and Surrey County C.C. Special terms to Clubs and i • • Schools. . . 5 / 6 to 2 5 / ' 210 & 212, BORO’ HIGH STREET, LONDON, S.E.