Cricket 1913

August 9, 1913. CR ICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. The Colonist (received later), however, gives some more results. Oak Bay beat Victoria by 5 runs— 115 to 110. Two veterans topped the scores, H. R. Orr, who captains Oak Bay, making 53 for his side, and Crawford Coates, the ex-Philadelphian, 35 for Victoria. W. A. R. Hadley took 5 for 17 for the winners. Albion v. University was another well-fought game, the former winning by 21 runs — 152 (D. M. Grant 71) to 131 (J. G. Tatlow 41). Gilbert Curgenven has been going very strongly of late. On June 29 his club, Cowichan, met XIII. of Cowichan Bay, a new organisation. The latter scored 80; Cowichan piled up what the Leader of that town styles the “ prodi­ gious total of 361 for 9 wickets.” Curgenven's share was 105 (retired); F. M. Hills made 4g, D. W. Taylor 47, J. Murphy 31, and three others over 20. On Dominion Day Curgenven made 110 in a total of 271 for the club v. Van­ couver Moths, who totalled 44 and 118 for 4. In the Moths’ first innings R. H. Vaughan took 6 for ig, Cur­ genven 4 for 20. B E R M U D A . O n Ju ly 18, L ieu t. L an g-B row n e scored 112 for his own eleven v. H am ilton . P ennsylvan ia U n iversity played their first m atch in B erm uda on Ju ly 1 and 2. T h e y m ade 182, H . S. H arn ed carrying his through the innings for 113 . W . L . Rodm an (11) h elp ed him to add 43 for the fourth w icket, and P. L ee (20) aided him in a stand o f 59 for the sixth. T h ere were six doub le figure scorers in the G arrison's first innin gs o f 138 ; but on ly L an ce-C o rp o ral C lark e (34) topped 20. F. H . T rip p to o k 5 for 46. In their second spell at the w ickets the visitors gave a very poor show against L an g-B row n e (6 for 10) and C larke (4 for 26) H arn ed (10 ) made the on ly double-figure score^ and the total was 38. T h e garrison needed 82 for victory. T h ey had 31 up before the first w icket fell. T h e next two went down at 32. T h e n L a n g B row ne h elped C lark e to ad d 19 for the fourth. C la rk e (2 9 *) in first w icket down, stayed to see the fifth fall at 63, the sixth at 64, the seventh at *8, the eigh th at 69, and the ninth at 77. T h en Sergeant Lum sden m an aged to stay w hile his partner, h elped by byes and a few overthrow s, m ade the runs, and the G arrison won an excitin g gam e by one w icket. T rip p had 6 for ) i th is tim e:— 11 for 87 in the match. In their second match the ’Varsity men met with a heavy defeat from Hamilton. H. J. Tucker (22) and the Hamilton captain, J. R. Conyers, put up 61 for the first wicket, and S. C. Spurling and Conyers added n o for the second. The last-named was then out for 113. He gave three chances, but hit very finely indeed. No further stand of any length was made, and the innings closed for 268. Hamilton were without their crack bowlers, Gerald Conyers and T. St. G. Gilbert; but H. J. Tucker and D. Martin were quite equal to doing all that was necessary, and the visitors were dismissed for 104 (F. H. Tripp 30*, -T. N. Ewing 30) and 88 (A. Lee 34*). Tucker took 11 wickets, Martin 6, and the former bowled especially well. The third game was against the Colts, for whom the bowling of Tripp and A. Lee proved too good. They were all out for 88, E. Ward carrying his bat for 42. Penn­ sylvania University totalled 147 (Tripp 34, A. Lee 20). W E S T I N D I E S . Reference was made a week or two ago to the fact that the Pickwick C.C., which is, I believe, the oldest in Barbados, if not in the West Indies, had to start the season with an almost entirely new eleven, only one man remaining from last year’s side. Matters turned out a trifle better than they had expected in one sense, and a great deal better in another. They started with two old hands, L. F. Archer reinforcing the captain; and they started so well that their first innings yielded 425 for g, declared! Every man made double figures; L. O. Ward scored 79, C. L. Bourne 73, L. F. Archer 65, and C. F. Browne 46. It is true that their opponents were a school side; but Harrison College has not done so badly in senior matches that it can be treated lightly. The Col­ lege’s first innings— on a rain-soaked and difficult pitch— only realised 80; but, playing on, they made 101 for 3 wickets, and on the next Saturday drew the game by staying in all the afternoon and taking their score to 319 for 7. E. Collymore, the. holder of a name well known in the island’s cricket history, made 104* with only one chance— a capital innings. C E Y L O N . A . T . P o llo ck s took his unfinished 80 for C o lts v Sinh alese Sports C lu b to 103 on Ju ly 4. H is side d e ­ clared at 291 for 9, and got out their opponents for 110 , the veteran T . K e la a rt tak in g 5 for 40. F or the Sp orts C lu b R . E . S. M endis had 6 for 55— a fine analysis in an innin gs o f nearly 300. U p to the end o f June A . L . G ib so n h eaded the battin g averages in so-called first-class m atches with 856 runs at 65.84 per innings, V . F. S. C raw ford bein g th ird w ith 520 and average 43.33. P o llo ck s separated them , but he had only played half-a-dozen innin gs. C . H o ran had taken 69 w ickets at 7 each, W . T . G resw ell 48 at 8, H . B . D an iell 44 at 13, and A . L . G ib so n 47 at 18. T H E A U S T R A L I A N T E A M I N A M E R I C A . There have been considerable alterations in the pro­ gramme mapped out for the Australian Team. The matches at Chicago and San Diego have fallen through; but additional fixtures have been made in Canada, and more are being made. After the Pittsburg matches the team went to Bermuda, where they had a week’s cricket fixed up. Following on this the programme (as given in the booklet issued in Philadelphia), was thus (number of days in brackets) :— Ju ly 29 (2).— v. Providence. Aug. 1 (2).— v. New York. ,, 4 (1).— v. N .Y . Veterans. ,, 6 (1).— v. Crescent A.C. (Brooklyn). ,, 8(2).— v. W est Indian Team (N .Y.). ,, 12(2).— v. O ttaw a. „ 15(2).— v. M ontreal. „ 18(2).— v.M cG ill U niversity (M ontreal). Further matches (dates not fixed when programme issued) were in course of arrangement at Vancouver, Dun­ can, and Victoria. Aug. 22 (2).— v. U .S. and C anada (Toronto). Sept. 1 (3).— v. W innipeg. ,, 5 (2).— v. Regina. ,, 8 (2).— v. Yorkton. ,, 12 (2).— v. Saskatoon. ,, 15 (2).— v. Prince Albert. ,, 19 (2).— v. Edmonton. „ 22 (3).— v. C algary. Kent v. Lancashire. S ee p age 444. T h e second in n in gs o f K en t was, by som e error, om itted altogether. It is given hereunder : H um phreys, lbw , b D ean, 1 2 ; H ard in ge, not out, 4 ; Seym our, n ot out, 8 ; E xtras 3 ; T o ta l (for 1 w icket) 27. Cricket Secretaries should obtain Mr. A. W . Somerset’s U nique Score Book, 150 openings, Records and Curiosities, 5s.— A. J. Gaston, “ Argus ” Office, Brighton. For Sale : Cricket Annuals, over 2,000 Books on Cricket, Cricket Prints and Engravings. A. J. G aston, “ Argus ” Office, Brighton,