Cricket 1913

August 9, 19IB c r i c k e t : A W e e k l y r e c o r d o f t h e g a m e NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. First Innings. W. H. Denton, Ibw, b Morfee ... 0 Woolley (C.N.) c Bowie, b Morfee 32 If avwood, c Chalmers, b Paterson 108 S. Cr. Smith, c Chalmers, b Morfee 4 A. H. Bull, b Morfee ............... 0 J. S. Denton, b T ait ... ... 121 Seymour (John), lbw, b Benskin 15 S econd I nnings .—W . H. Denton, c and b Sievwright 69; W o: c Sorrie, b Sievwright 11 ; Haywood, retired hurt 16; S. G. Smith, not out Walden, not out 31 ; byes 4, 1-b 1— Total (for 2 wkts dec.) 233. S c o t l a n d . First Innin; Walden, c Tait, b Benskin W ells, b Benskiri Buswell, c Turnbull, b Tait Murdin, not out ............... B 2, 1-b 2 Total R. G. Tait, c W. H. Denton, b Smith ... 6 J. W. Sorrie, c Seymour, b Smith ... 25 J. Kerr, b W ells ....................................... 36 M. R. Dickson, b Murdin ... ... 30 T. A. Bowie, b Wells ............... ... 5 G. Turnbull, b Smith .............. ... 1 C. L. Paterson, c Walden, b Smith ... 5 Benskin, b Smith ... ............... ... 3 Morfee, b M u rd in ............... ............... 18 G. K. Chalmers, not o u t .......................... 25 R. W. Sievwright, c Wells, b Smith ... 12 No-balls ....................................... 6 Second Innings. b W e lls ........................... st Buswell, b Smith ... b Murdin c Haywood, b Murdin b Murdin ............... b Wells ... c Smith, b J. S. Denton not out ........................... b W e lls ........................... not out ............... H ey, 101; Total ............... 172 S co ttish P o w lkr s ’ A n a lysis B 1 , 1-b 5, n-b 2 ............... 8 Total (for 8 wkts) ... 250 O. M. H. W. O. M. R. w . Morfee ... ............... 18 2 121 4 9 0 33 0 Sievwright ............... 25 2 75 0 14 2 86 2 Benskin 15 0 64 3 9 0 17 0 Tait ............... ............... 2.1 0 12 2 3 1 15 0 Kerr ............... 1 0 8 0 •.. 10 1 58 0 Paterson 4 0 24 1 3 0 13 0 Bowie ............... N o r th a m pto n sh ir e B o w le r s ’ A n a ly sis . 1 6 0 O. M. R. W. O. M. R. w . Smith 26-1 11 71 6 20 5 75 1 Wells ............... 18 2 66 2 17 6 51 3 Murdin ............... 9 4 25 1 15 . 4 43 3 Seymour ... 1 0 4 0 — — — — J. S. Denton ........ — — — — 7 0 54 1 Woollev — — — — 4 0 19 0 Wells bowled 4, Murdin 2 n-b, first innings; Wells 2 n-b, second. Cornwall v. Dorsetshire. At Camborne, August i and 2. The home side had all • he best of the tirst day’s play, for though they led by only a dozen runs on the first innings, they were 282 ahead with still 2 wickets to go at the close. F. A. S. Sewell did something to redeem his side’s venture from absolute failure. In Cornwall’s second innings nearly everyone scored usefully, and J. C. Bickford-Smith scored heavily; and Whiting bowled in remarkable torm. On Saturday, Hawken and Whiting were soon out, and Bickford-Smith missed the chance of making his century. Dorset needed 2Q0 for victory. Though Whiting was again in great form, most of the earlier batsmen did something, five men get­ ting out just as they seemed well set. The 100 went up with 4 out, but 8 had gone for 145. Then Farrar and Parke made a really gallant stand, adding 56 and giving the Cornubians some anxious moments. But a change of bowling got rid of Parke, and McIntyre was bowled by Whiting, Cornwall winning by 57 runs— their third suc­ cessive victory. Whiting’s figures were worthy of Barnes at his best. In Cornwall’s four matches to date he has taken 38 wickets for 323 runs. Monmouthshire v. Glamorganshire. A t N e w p o rt, August 1 a n d 2. T h e b ro th e rs P h illip s w ere m a in ly re sp o n sib le fo r th e h om e sid e ’s g o o d to tal of 340, E. S. p la y in g fin e ly fo r th re e figu res a n d F . G . hittin g h a rd fo r 62. T h e n S ilv e rlo c k b o w le d in ca p ita l form , an d G lam o rg a n w e r e fo rc e d to fo llo w on. T h e ir secon d in n in g s w a s ra th e r a cu rio u s on e. O w in g to an injury R ic h e s, th e ir c ra c k bat, w e n t in late, a n d o f 264 from th e b at, a s m a n y a s 203 w e re m a d e b y R . A- G ib b s a n d J. W . Jones. T h e fo rm e r’s w a s m u ch th e better in n in gs, h e o n ly g a v e one c h a n c e ; Jones, th ou gh hittin g fin e ly , w a s v e ry lu c k y in d e ed . G o rd o n P h illip s w as th e m o st su cce ssfu l b o w le r th is tim e. M onm o u th shire w o n b y 7 w ic k e ts. M o n m o u th sh ir e . First Innings. F. G. Phillips, c Riches, b Hacker 62 H. A. James, c Creber, b Martin 14 K. C. Raikes, c Davies, b Hacker W. A. Williams, not out Extras ............... ............... 20 A. M. Maltby, b Hacker ... 7 Silverlock, c Harris, b Martin ... 32 Diver, b Hacker ... ............... 23 H. James, b H acker ............... 33 E. S. Phillips, c Thomas, b Hacker ... ... ... 105 L. F. Robathan, b Martin ... 18 T. B. Williams, b Hacker ... 14Total.........34C S eco n d In n in g s. — A. M. M altby, b Martin, 19; Silverlock, not out, 40 H. James, c Creber, b Martin, 24; R. S. Phillips, st Davies, b Creber, 0; Diver not out, 4 ; extras 8— Total (for 3 wkts), 95* G la m o r g a n sh ir e . First iDnlngs. R. A. Gibbs, c E. S. Phillips, b F. G. Phillips R* Tait, c Diver, b F. G. Phillips .. Harris, b R a ik a s ..................................... Gwyn Thomas, c F. G. Phillips, b Silverlock ............... i i?" Morgan, b Silverlock XT ' Jones« st Diver, b Silverlock H. Riches, not out A* C. Davies, b Silverlock Hacker, c Raikes, b Silverlock Martin, b S ilv e rlo c k ........................ Creber, c Robathan, b Raikes ... Extras ....................................... Total ..................................... Second Inning*. 0 c Robathan, b E. S. Phillips 95 36 c H.A.James, b F.G. Phillips 11 36 c H.A.James, b W .A.W illiams 16 c F. G. Phillips, b W . A. 14 Williams 0 C Silverlock, b F .G . Phillips 0 not out ... ............... _ ... 108 27 c Robathan, b W. A. Williams 16 3 c H .A. James, b F.G. Phillips 2 c H .A. James, b F. G. Phillips 1 c Raikes, b F. G. Phillips ... 8 12 b Silverlock .......................... 5 25 Extras .................. ... 12 C o r n w a ll . First Innings. W. N. Bickford-Smith, b M cIntyre H. Tresawna, c Farrar, b W alby Trevarthen, b Walby R. Rogers, b M cIntyre ............... Vibart, b W alby ............... Barnes, c Park'1, b S ew ell- Second Innings. 1) W alby... ............... b McIntyre c Parke, b Fieein .n ... b W alby........................... c Hope, b Sewell b H o p e ........................... not out G. Escott, lbw, b S ew ell........................... 0 run o u t ........................... J. Davies, b W alby ............... 0 b ifopft ... ............... E. Hawken, b W alby ........................... 6 c and b M cIntyre Whiting, not out ............... 3 b W alby... Extras ... ....................................... 12 Extras ............... Total ....................................... 111 T o t a l............... D o r sk t sh ir e . First Innings. Second Innings. F. A. S. Sewell, lbw, b E s c o t t ............. 55 b W hiting Freeman (E. J.), Ibw, b W hiting 4 low, b W hiting R. M. Manser, b Whiting... 0 c and b W hiting J. K . Manger, c and b W hiting............. 1 b W hiting G. M. Gordon, lbw, b Escott ............. 4 c and b W hiting W alby, c and b W h itin g ........................... 9 b W hiting ............... P. P. Hope, can d b W hiting ... 1 b W hiting C. P. Goodden, b W hiting ............. 1 b Whiting H. W. Farrer, st Vibart, b W hiting .. 13 not o u t ........................... J. A. Parke, not out ......................... 5 c J. C. Bickford-Smith,b tt. A . M cIntyre, st Vibart, b Whiting 1 b W hiting ............... E xtias ....................................... 5 Extra-. ............... Total ........................... 99 Total D o r set B o w le r s ’ A n a ly sis . 6 6 43 28 15 22 87 2 21 22 2 23 23 18 8 28 17 17 7 9 55 s 41 0 9 232 O. M. R. W. O. M. u. W. Sewell ............... 11 4 23 3 10 0 45 1 M cIntyre ... ............... 12 2 33 2 11 1 52 2 Walby ............... 16.2 5 43 5 19 2 68 4 Freeman ... — — — — 13 0 66 1 Hope... C o r n w a ll B o w l e r s ’ A n a ly sis . 7 0 24 1 O. M. R. W. o . M. R. W, Hawken ............... 5 0 25 0 13 0 72 0 W hiting 12.5 1 31 8 304 5 80 9 E 'cott ............... 8 0 38 2 7 1 39 0 Barnes — — — — 8 1 21 1 Trevarthen... •V — — — — 3 0 13 0 156 Total Thousand Runs Scorers and Hundred Wicket Takers. S in c e th e la st issu e th e fo llo w in g h a v e q u alified fo r th e 1000 ru n s list :— 25, K iln e r (R .), Ju ly 31 ; 26, W ils o n (B . B .), July 31 ; 27, H a y w o o d (R . A .), A u g u st 4 ; 28, B ro w n (G .), A u g 4 ; 29, P a rso n s (J. H .), A u g u st 4 ; 30, K in g (J. H .), A u g u s t 6. K iln e r, H a y w o o d a n d P a rso n s all a p p e a r for th e first tim e. T h e o n ly a d d itio n to th e h u n d re d w ic k e ts list as y e t is :— 8, D e n n e tt (G .E .), A u g u st 5.