Cricket 1913

August 1 ), 1013. C R IC K E T : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 4 91 B u cking Hi First Innings. E. H. D. Sewell, c Apthorp, b W . E. King ............... ............... P. W. LeGros, c Newman, b Wharmby W. G. W. Garforth, b Wharmby W. B. Franklin, b Wharmby W . E . Hazelton, c Turnbull, b Wharmby D. R. Osborne, c Turnbull, b D u rran t........................... ............... C. W. Lister, lbw, b Durrant ............... S. G. Fairbairn, lbw, b Durrant B. H. G. Shaw, b Durrant M. W right, not out ........................... H. B aker,-absent........................... Extras ........................... Second Innings. 9 C Wharmby, b Durrant 34 b Durrant io b w . e. K i n g ... :: 12 c and b W. E. K i n g ............. 22 b W. E. K i n g ......................... 13 b Wharmby 4 c Holdstock, b Wharmby .. 6 not out ... 0 c Holdstock, b W. E. King 1 c Holdstock. b Wharmby .. — c Newman, b Wharmby 15 Extras ......................... Total ........................... 126 Total BUCKINUHAMSHIItK BOWLERS ANALYSIS. Fairbairn Hazelion Osborne Wright Sew ell... Wharmby W. E. King . Graham Durrant 0 . M. R. W. O. M. R. W. 18 5 64 2 2 1 6 1 28-3 6 85 6 2 0 8 3 5 1 26 1 5 0 29 0 7 0 30 1 B e d f o r d s h ir e B o w l e r s ’ A n a l y s is O. M. R. w. O. M. R. W. 17-1 1 42 4 18.3 3 37 4 5 1 23 1 14 1 37 4 3 0 24 0 10 4 20 0 9 2 22 4 14 3 34 2 Umpires— Whiteside and W rigley. Essex v. Kent. At Leyton, July 31, August 1 and 2. Percy Perrin was too unwell to play, and H. D. E. Elliott, a master at Ban­ croft’s School, and Tremlin replaced him and Bristowe, while Jennings appeared for Hatfield on the visiting side. Kent made 384 at the rate of 90 runs per hour, but had a lot of luck. Their biggest scorer, Humphreys, was missed several times; and fortune failed to smile upon Douglas, who, bowling well, had two easy chances missed off him by Davies in his first three overs. Seymour (seven 4’s) made 48 in 40 minutes, he and Humphreys adding 70 for the second wicket; Woolley, slower than usual, helped Humphreys to put on 116 for the third. The Ditton man batted 220 minutes, and hit one fine 6 and sixteen 4’s; but he has played many better innings. There were as many as 35 extras in Kent’s total. The first innings of Essex, begun on Thursday evening, when 38 for the loss of Rus­ sell were put up, was a disappointing show. Only Mclver and Douglas, who added 85, in 80 minutes for the fifth wicket, did themselves justice. Dillon would not enforce the follow-on. In Kent’s second nearly everyone made runs, and made them pretty quickly, but Seymour was the only man who had more than a brief tenure. Essex fielded capitally, and Buckenham, who seems to be bowling faster and better than for some time past, did fine work. Essex were set 347 to win, and though they failed they died hard. Mclver and Russell gave them a splendid start— 96 for the first wicket. Russell and Freeman took the score to 143. Then Russell went; but Freeman stayed in to see Gilling­ ham and Fane fail. Douglas, dour and determined, lasted 40 minutes for 7 out of 26, and Davies gave F reeman very- useful help. The latter batted nearly 3 hours for his capital 69. All seemed over when he left, but Tremlin and Mead hit out pluckily, and added 36 for the last wicket. Kent won by 60 runs after one of the hardest struggles they have had this season. There was a gate of over 16,000 for the three days— a very welcome addition to the lean exchequer of Essex. U M P I R E . CEORCE F. HEARNE, who um pires for I.Z . In co g s., Free F oresters, and R o yal A rtillery, has several dates open for th ird and fourth weeks in A u g u s t; tours p re fe rre d ; reason able term s.— A p p ly, M .C .C . H ouse, E a lin g . K e n t . First Innings. Hardinge, b Douglas ............... 13 Humphreys, c Russell, b Buckenham 131 Seymour (Jas.), c Russell, b Elliott ... 48 Woolley (F.E.), b Buckenham ... 48 Hubble, b B u ck en h am ........................... 23 Jennings, b Buckenham... !” ... 17 E. W. Dillon, c M clver, b Trem lin ... 23 Huish, c Freeman, b D ouglas................... 21 D. W. Carr, b D o u g la s ........................... 23 Blythe, st M clver, b Davies ............... 2 Fielder, not out ............... ............... 0 B24, l-b9, W2 ... 35 T o ta l....................................... 384 E ssex . First Innings. C. D. M clver, b B ly th e ............... ... 80 Russell (A.C.), b B ly th e............... ... 2 Freeman (J.R.), c Dillon, b Carr ... 23 Rev. F. H. Gillingham, run out ... 6 F. L. Fane, b Carr....................................... 2 J.W .H.T. Douglas, c Hubble, b Carr... 45 G. B. Davies, b F ield er............... ... 17 Buckenham, b Blythe ... ... ... l H. D. E. Elliott, b Carr ... ... ... 0 Tremlin, b Fielder........................... ... 13 Mead (W.), not out ............... ... 0 B 7, 1-b 2, w 1 , n-b 7 .............. 17 Second Innings. b Buckenham ........................... c M clver, b Dodglas c Fane, b Davies ............... n o to u t... st M clver, b Davies ... c Gillingham, b Buckenh.un c Elliott, b Davies ............... b Buckenham ... ............... b Buckenham ........................... c Douglas, b Davies... c Davies, b Buckenham B 10, 1-b 2 , w 1 Total ... Second Innings, c Huish, b Humphreys c Seymour, b Field ... c Blythe, b Fielder ... b C a r r ........................... b Carr ... ............... b H um phreys............... run o u t........................... b Carr ... ............... b Fielder ............... b Blythe not o u t........................... B 3 , 1-b 2, w l,n -b 11 Total ........................ E ssex B o w lkr s ’ A n a l y sis . O. M. R. W . O. M. R. ............... 191 2 60 3 9 2 27 ............... 33 2 122 4 163 .3 58 ............... 11 2 50 1 2 0 14 ............... 11 0 67 1 5 0 22 ............... 10 0 44 1 9 lD 34 ............... 1 0 6 0 E lliott each bowled a wide in first innings; Davies a wi K en t B o w ler s ’ A n a l y sis . O. M. R. W. O. M. R. ... 17.3 3 66 2 25 4 100 ... 29 10 44 3 31.4 12 56 ... 26 4 71 4 32 9 84 ... 4 0 8 0 14 2 29 17 19 36 18 19 11 15 11 0 4 5 13 hi 51 69 7 0 7 27 7 3 24 21 17 W. 1 5 00 4 Total Douglas Buckenhaui ... Tremlin Elliott Davies M e a d ............... Davies and second. W. Fielder ... ... 3 Blythe ............ ... 1 Carr ............... ... 3 H um ph reys............ 0 ... 2 Fielder bowled 7 n-b. and Carr one wide in first innings; in second, Fielder bowled 10 n-b. and a wide, Humphreys one n-b. Umpires— Richardson and Roberts. Yorkshire v. Hampshire. At Harrogate, July 31, August 1 and 2. Sprot, John­ ston, and Remnant were out of the visiting eleven, Aber­ crombie, Jephson, and Hosie replacing them. Hirst re­ appeared for Yorkshire, who batted all day on Thursday, (hough they would not have done so had the Hampshire fielding been up to the mark. Kilner and Denton added 97 for the second wicket; Hirst and Wilson 84 for the sixth. Kilner batted 140 minutes, and hit a 6 and fourteen 4’s; Wilson, much freer than usual, was in 130 minutes, and hit thirteen 4’s. Hampshire made a bad start on Friday, though Stone made 36 of the first 78, four wickets being down for 89. Here Tennyson and Brown retrieved the situation by adding 75, and afterwards Jephson hit ve il, taking 18 off one over from Booth. But Tennyson was *he dominant personality. He had luck, being missed at 30 and at 38; but he deserved some of fortune’s favours, for by fine driving and clever strokes to leg he made fif­ teen 4’s, and was out, caught at square leg, when within hail of his century, in attempting a big hit, after two hours at wickets. Yorkshire went in again lacking Denton, who had had a painful blow over the heart and had gone home. Brown bowled fast and well, and 4 were out for 43. Here Hants looked to have a chance; but from this point they steadily lost ground. Drake and Booth (the former early missed by Jaques) added 121 in 75 minutes. On Saturday Hirst and Booth put on 70 in 35 minutes. Hants were left with 412 to get to win, and, though never looking like winners, made a decent fight. Stone’s was the best innings; he batted 105 minutes for his 69, and, in first, saw six partners go. Hosie and Newman made a plucky stand for the eighth wicket, adding 60. Yorkshire won by 182 runs.