Cricket 1913

490 CR ICKE T : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. August 9j 1913. L in c o l : First Innings. E. Pullein, c Leach-Lewis, b Collins... W. E . Thompson, c Jennings, b Collins Day, c Leach-Lewis, b Preston Broughton, c Dutnall, b Collins L. A. F. W eigall, b Freeman ... W . Rose not out ............... ............... Riley, c Ltach-Lew is, b Snowden C. W illiamson, b Preston R. W arner, b Preston Clarke, c Snowden, b Preston ... J. A. Brook, b P re s to n ........................... Extras................................... NSHIRE. Second Innings. 0 b Preston ............... 28 c Preston, b Collins... 1 c Preston, b Collins... 20 lbw, b Freeman 11 b Preston 60 c Jennings, b Collins 21 not out ... ............... 15 b Preston 4 b Collins .............. 19 b Freeman 0 not o u t ......................... 17 Extras .. Total 196 Total (9 w kts.) L in c o l n s h ir e B o w l e r s ’ A n a l y s is . O. M. R. W. O. M R. W. R iley......................... 19 3 64 3 13 1 57 5 D a y ......................... 15 3 70 3 9 1 46 3 Broughton ... .............. 8.5 1 32 3 4 0 10 2 Brook ............. 4 1 9 1 K en t B o w ler V A n a l y s is . O. M . R. W. O. M. R. W Collins 12 1 51 3 12 1 33 4 Preston 17 3 45 5 15 1 52 3 Freeman .............. 15 1 62 1 4 0 20 2 Snowden .............. 5 1 21 1 Devonshire v. Dorsetshire. A t E xeter, Ju ly 30 and 3 1. D orset, the last o f the secon d-class cou n ties to start th eir p rogramm e, have lost A . M . H arrison , p ro b a b ly th eir best all-rounder, to Sussex, bu t p layed E. J. F reem an , form erly o f E ssex, now c o a c h a t S herborn e. H is old cou n ty d id n ot regard him as a bow ler, but it w ould seem that his new one does. D orset ran up a b ig score on th e first day, th eir captain, C . P. G ood d en , to p p in g it, and nearly everyone did som e­ th in g useful. J. F. Shelley, the D evo n skipper, was in jured, an d the first in nin gs o f h is side was said to have been declared at 16 7 for 9 on the secon d m orn in g— th ough why a d eclaratio n sh ou ld have been n ecessary if he co u ld not b at is p u zzlin g, and th e so -called declaration is ign ored here. F o llo w in g on, D evo n d id m uch better. B.eed and F u lch er a gain show ed to a d v a n ta g e ; L ig h t, who had been d isap p o in tin g in previou s m atches, cam e ou t o f his sh e ll; and P reed y h it up a rather u n exp ected 62. But D orset won by 4 w ickets in the end . M cIn tyre, a new man in th eir team , bow led w ith co n sid erab le su ccess. First Innings. D o r s e t s h ir e . Second Innings. Freeman (E. J.), b Wreford K. M. Manser, c Davies, b Wreford J. K. Manger, c Reed, b Wreford G. M. Gordon, lbw, b Light J. A. Parke, c Carroll, b Wreford C. P. Goodden, b Light ............... P. P. Hope, c Reed, b Light P. Barrow, st Davies, b Ligh t ... H. W. Farrar, b Light ............... E. A. M cIntyre, not o u t ............... Extras ........................................ Total ... ................ sr 61 c Reed, b Preedy .............. 27 4 c Davies, b W reford 0 0 c Wreford, b Preedy 49 ... 44 c Davies, b Preedy ... 19 ... 12 not out... ... .............. 8 ... 43 ... 91 c Preedy, b Wreford 4 ... 43 not out... ' ... 3 ... 19 ... 50 c Preedy, b Wreford « 0 7 ... 15 Extras ......................... 9 ... 389 Total (6 wkts) .. 11 * G E O R G E L E W I N & C o . , Club C olour S p e c ia lists & A th letic C lo th in g M a n u fa c tu r e r s . OUTFITTERS BY APPO INTMEN T TO The Royal Navy and Army, Cornwall, Kent, Middlesex, Somerset and Surrey Counties, and London Scottish, Irish and Welsh, Blackheath, Harlequins, Rich­ mond, Catford Rugby Football Clubs, and all the leading Clubs in the British Isle® and abroad; M.C.C. S. African Tour 1909 , S. African Cricket Association 1910 , and Queen’s Club, Kensington, the M.C.C. Australian Team 1911 * 12 , and the South African Association Cricket Team 1912 . Established 1889 . W r its j o r E stim a tes. Telephone : P.O. 607 CITY. Work$ at Camberwell. 8 , CROOKED LANE , MONUM EN T , E.C. W anted .—Volumes of C ricket for 1888, 1890 and 1894. State condition, whether bound or unbound, and price asked, to Manager of C ricket , 25, White Street, Moor Lane, London, E.C. First Innings. R. Knight, b Hope... Reed, lbw, b Freeman ... F. Hargrave Carroll, b Hope E. A. Fulcher, b Freeman E. G. Butcher, b Freeman Light, c and b M cIntyre W . Wreford, b Sewell ... Davies, not out ............... t*reedy, b McIntyre Robinsou, b McIntyre ... J. F. Shelley, absent, hurt Extras ... Total Wreford .............. Light .......................... Preedy................. Butcher............... Robinson Knight ... Reed .......................... Wreford bovt led 4 1 no-ball in second. Davos sh ir k . Second Innings. 6 b M cIntyre ... ............... 12 37 c Sewell, b Freem an.51 35 b M cIntyre ... ... ... 19 0 b M cIntyre ... ............... 71 7 c Goodden, b Sewell... ... 18 34 c and b M cIntyre ... ... 53 23 b M cIntyre ... ............... 19 10 b Sewell ... ............... 11 0 c Parke, b M cIntyre ... 62 1 r u n o u t...................................... 6 — not o u t ...................................... 5 14 Extras 11 167 Total 338 IRE Bow LERS A n a l y s is . O . M. K. W. 0 . M. R. W. 26 1 140 4 11.1 1 36 4 2 9 3 2 96 5 10 0 33 0 10 1 66 0 9 3 30 2 8 1 38 1 2 0 11 0 5 1 11 0 2 0 13 0 2 0 10 0 Light 2, Preedy 1, in first innings, and Wrefor.l ' s h ir e B o w l e r s ’ A n a l y s is . O. M. R. W. O. M. R. W. 15 4 60 2 8 0 45 0 13 1 41 1 19 0 96 2 13 3 36 3 15 0 45 1 9-2 5 16 3 28.5 2 140 6 — — — — 1 0 1 0 Hope ........................... Sewell ... ............... JYeeman ............... M cIntyre G o rd o n ........................... Hope bowled a wide in second innings. Umpires— Brown (C) and Hutchings. Bedfordshire v. Buckinghamshire. A t B e d fo rd , Ju ly 30 a n d 31 . T h e v isito rs w e re w ith o u t P. L . F rith , a n d th e h om e sid e la c k e d D r. A .F . M o rcom an d H . G rie rso n . D u rin g th e first in n in gs o f B e d fo rd s h ire W . A d am s, th e S lo u g h le ft-h a n d e r, w a s d am a g e d , an d on th e se c o n d d a y H . B a k e r (p re sum a b ly H a ro ld B a k e r, o f H ig h W y c o m b e ) w a s a llo w e d to b a t in his p la ce . T h e la tte r ’s n am e a p p ea rs th u s : H . B a k e r (sub). B u t a su b stitu te is n ot a llo w e d to b at, a n d th e m o re c o rr e c t co u rse w o u ld a p p e a r to b e to re g a rd B a k e r as ta k in g A d a m s’s p la ce . T h e r e are p re c e d e n ts fo r th is, th o u g h th e M .C .C . h a v e p ro n o u n c e d a gain st th e p ra ctice . T h e h om e sid e w o n e asily , W h a rm b y ’s a ll-ro u n d p la y a n d F . C . W . N e w m a n ’s 50 c h ie fly c o n d u cin g to th is en d . O n th e lo sin g sid e on e m an d istin g u ish ed h im se lf g re a tly . T h is w a s W . E . H a zelto n , th e W e llin g b u ria n . H e w a s to p s c o re r fo r h is sid e in th e m a tch ; h e d id n e a rly a ll th e e ffe c tiv e b o w lin g in th e B e d fo rd s h ir e ’s first in n in gs; a n d w h e n th e y w e n t in a gain to g e t 14 to w in h e to o k 3 w ic k e ts in th e co u rse o f a co u p le o f o v e rs. B e d fo rd s h ir e w o n b y 6 w ick ets. Holdstock, c Hazelton, b Fairbairn W. E. King, lbw, b Osborne ... Wharmby, c Fairbairn, b Hazelton ........................... F. W. H. Nicholas, c Osborne b Hazelton ........................... D. Turnbull, c Sewell, b Hazelton F. C. W. Newman, lbw, b Hazelton ... ............... Second Innings.— R. H. King E. E. Apthorp, b Hazelton,5 *, F. B e d f o r d s h i r e . First Innings. J. G. W eir, b Hazelton ............... 9 E . E. Apthorp, c sub. ,b Fairbairn ............... 1M 8 S. V. Graham, c Fairbairn, b Hazelton ............................ 35 A. F. Durrant, cand b Sewell ... 14 R. H. King, not out ... ... 5 Extras ............................ 21 Total ... ................ 255 b Hazelton, 0; J. G. Weir, b Fairbairn, 4 ; . H. Nicholas, notout, 1 ; F. C. W. Newman, b Hazelton, 0 ; W. E. King, not out 4— Total (for 4 wkts), 14. The score sent by Mr. Cockburn is G le n a lm o n d R o v e rs. H. O. Wedderburn, c Cockburn, b Hamilton ... ... _ ... 16 G. L. C. Colquhoun, b Hamilton 2 F. W.Mathieson,cGrant-Peterkin, b Hamilton .... ... 6 R . H .L.W hitelaw,lbw,b Hamilton 47 W. A. W hitelaw, b Hamilton ... 36 A. H. Clarke, not out ............... 101 F.E.Keyden,cCockburn,bHam ilton 8 Capt. R. S. Gordon, not out ... 83 Extras ................ ............... 12 Total (for 6 wk: s., dec.) 311 C. H. Thompson, C. B. Mathieson and V. Listor did not bat. appended-: E lg in C it y . A.G.Cockburn, cF,W ,M athieson, b Thomson ... ... ... 8 A . Macdonald, run out ... ... 44 M .J.Grant-Peterkin, b Whitelaw 25 R. C . Hamilton, run out... ... 73 J. Grant, not out ... ........................ .. H . Anderson, c Colquhoun, b W hitelaw ............................. 4 E. M. M ilne, b Whitelaw ... 7 D. Scott, not o u t ........................... 8 Extras ... ... ............... 10 Total (for 6 wkts.) ... -245 J. Matthew, E. Birkin and A. B. Mitchell did not bat.