Cricket 1913

480 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. August 2, 1913. Cricket in Scotland. [ B y H a m ish ] . (July 19— Held over from last week through an error). T h e outstanding achievem ent of last w eek was the great victo ry of F o rfa rsh ire (287 for 5) over the G range (278 for 6), at B rou gh ty F erry. T h e G ran ge batted for two and a h a lf hours— A . K . B ell (55), J. H. O rr (76), and the Hon. R. B. W atson (62) bein g ch ief scorers— and they ap ­ peared sa fe -fro m defeat when they le ft th eir opponents five m inutes less than two hours to bat. B ut, as events turned out, F orfarsh ire found them selves w ith tw enty m inutes in hand at the finish ! A fte r the first w icket had fa lle n at 10, R. G. T a it (130*) and A lan F ra ser, of P erth ­ shire (88) added no few er than 134 in thirty-three m inutes. T h e others follow ed their lead , and in another hour the m atch w as won. 287 in ninety-five m inutes ! H it for hit, F raser’s score read 1 4 1 4 4 6 2 6 2 6 2 2 6 2 6 1 6 4 1 4 1 4 4 6 4. W h o m entioned Jessop or A lle tso n ? T a it hit seven­ teen 4’s. A n oth er heavy scoring m atch was the tw o-day fixture between G ran ge and O xford U n iversity Authentics. T h e A uthen tics declared a fter scoring 375 for 4 (R. H. T w in in g 83, A. C. W ilk in so n 127, G. H. .M. C artw righ t 68*, D. G. W ig a n 44*). T w in in g and W ilk in so n put on 211 for the first w icket. T hen , in rather a bad ligh t, B. G. von B. M elle (4 for 40) and C artw righ t (4 for 20) tumbled the G ran ge out for 103. F o llo w in g on n ext day, the latter got a little of their own back, kn ock in g up 489. G. B. C role, h im self an A uthen tic, had 126, C apt. N . D . N oble 61, and W . M. W a lla ce 63*. L e ft 218 to w in, in a little over an hour, the A uthen tics collected 178 for 2— T w in in g g2* and G. R. R. Colm an 48*. T h e bow lers on both sides had n atu ra lly a bad tim e— 1,145 runs for 26 w ickets in two days. In the G ran ge’s second innin gs, M elle’s figures were 6 w ickets for 202. G. B. C role and W . M. W a lla ce may yet obtain cricket “ B lu es ” at O xfo rd and C am bridge respec­ tively. F orfarsh ire (03) got a terrible drubbing from P erth ­ shire (372), who thus obtained their first victo ry at Fort- h ill, B rou gh ty F e rry , after an in terval of tw enty-one years. R. G. T a it batted w e ll for 36, but the w hole side was dis­ posed of by B enskin (4 for 27) and W . L. F ra ser (6 for 57) by lunch tim e, a new experience for the F o rfa r men. P erthshire won just before the third w icket fe ll, then J. A. F ergu son (94) and W . L. F raser (73) added 150 for the fourth, and the rest w as easy. D. Sm vtlie, last man in, hit up 53* in quarter of an hour. F ergu son was probably de­ p rived of his century by the in tervention of the tea interval. Perthshire are now alm ost certain to win the County Cham pionship, bein g greatly assisted by the defeat of Aberdeenshire (163) by S tirlin g County (177). In the W estern U nion, K ilm arn o ck (147) were easily beaten by A yr (148 for 5). T u rn er (6 for 53) and W . R. D rin n an (4 for 55) took the w'ickets, and R. C. E. Moffat (53*) and A. Money (44) made the runs. T h e P aisley “ D e rb y ” betw een K elbu rn e (14Q) and F e rg u slie (141) w7as w itnessed by over fou r thousand spec­ tators, who were rew arded w ith a m atch b rim fu l of excite­ ment. M egson, the F ergu slie pro., reaped £60 out of the gam e, which was his benefit. G reenock (206 for 4) beat W est of Scotland (ig8) in the last over, after declaring. J. K e rr (72) and W . N. W alk e r (74*) put on 116 for the third w icket for G reenock. On the Borders, Peebles County (177 for 8) alm ost befit C arlton (go for 8); W atson ians (70) went under to G ala (183 for 5); and Poloc (241 for g) played a draw w ith S elkirk (187 for 4), W . Linton h aving a level hundred for the former. T h e follow in g centuries were also registered in the week ending J u ly igth :— C. L. D onaldson, 104, E d in bu rgh Nom ads v. Merchiston. M orfee, 174*, Mr. J. H. F otherin gh am ’s X I. v. B urn tis­ land. W . F. T u rn b u ll, 100*, Stew art’s C o llege (F .P .) v. Leith Caledonian. T. M. Law son, 154, R oyal H igh School (F .P .) v. E d in ­ burgh Institution (F .P .). J. W . E. M iller, 133, E din burgh A cadem y v. M urravfield. M orfce, 120, D un ferm lin e v. Cupar. Cricket in Ireland. [J u l y 19.] There was no century in any m atch of im portance in and around Dublin last week-end, which is rath er un­ usual. Stedm an, who is m akin g a lot o f runs this year, got near the mark on F rid ay, w ith go* for W oodbrook, Meads (form erly of the O val staff) securing 71, and H. W ilkin son , the Yorkshirem an, 58. T h e total w as 295; and W oodbrook’s opponents, Phoenix, n arrow ly escaped defeat, their scores being 146 and 127 for 7. N o one reached 40 in either innings. Pem broke beat Co. W ick lo w by 181 to 103. M. H. T igh e did a rare bit of hittin g for the w inners— 46 (two 6’s, eight 4’s) in 20 m inutes, and M. J. M artin scored 38 and took 6 for 37. Leinster defeated C iv il Service by 31 runs, J. Anderson’s 5 for 33 (all bowled) for the winners being the best feature of a match in which no one made many runs. C lon tarf (164— W . W h elan 56) had the best of Co. K ild are (129— L. E. Booth 47). F o r . the winners J. Ledw idge took 6 for 25, and for the losers W . K eys had 7 for 50. The great feature of the five matches in the U lster Senior L eagu e was a fine century by E. C. B annister for Lisburn v. C lifto n v ille. F or the same side D. R. T a y lo r scored a fau ltless 88, and Lisburn declared at 246 for 7; but J. Moore, T . A. H argraves, and H. E . W o o d , each w ith a score in the neighbourhood of 30, saved C lifto n ­ v ille (160 for 6) from defeat. H olyw ood (i3g fo r 4— W . P ollock 41) easily beat D ow npatrick (82), the latter’s first defeat. G reenhough took half-a-dozen w ickets for the winners. .N orth D own (164— W . G. A bernethy 67, W . Andrew s 42) overcam e W arin gstow n (gi), V . Benson 8 for 28 for North Down la rg e ly influencing the result. U lster (114— J. A. D onn elly 34) went under to B an bridge (184 for 4— G. B. Smyth 80, a cap ital innings, K in g 44*). North of Irelan d, lackin g their captain, O scar A ndrew s, suc­ cumbed to A rm agh, who replied to a total of 82 (J. P o l­ lock 42) w ith 134 (G. A. E dw ards 2g*). Cricket Secretaries should obtain Mr. A. W . Somerset's Unique Score Book, 150 openings, Records and Curiosities, 5s.— A. J. Gaston, “ A rgus ” Office, Brighton. For Sale : Cricket Annuals, over 2,000 Books on Cricket, Cricket Prints and Engravings. A . J. Gaston, “ Argus ” Office, Brighton. Printed and published for the Proprietors by C r ic k e t & S p o r ts P u b lis h e r s L td ., 25, W hite Street, M oor Lane, London, E.C., Aug. 2nd, 1913. Agents for Australia, &c., G o r d o n & G o tc h , London, M elbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, Launceston, Hobart a n d W ellington, N .Z. For South A frica, C e n tr a l N e w s A g e n c y , L td ., Cape Town, Johannesburg and branches. The trade supplied by E. S eale , io , Im perial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E.C.