Cricket 1913
August 2, 1913. CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 465 made 44 and J. S. N esbit 40 for St. G eorge’s, after which C. M. Skinn er put the lid on by takin g 8 w ickets for 31. G eorge M ilne was in great all-round form for Benw ell H ill v. Ryton— gg and 5 for 48 his share in a thum ping victory. H. C. E llio tt (7 fo r 57) bowled w ell for O ld N ovocastrians, but his side went under to B enw ell, for whom E lse y took 5 for 2g. J. L. T ow ler scored 58 of W allsen d ’s total of 186 v. North Durham , who replied with 195 for 9. W ard m ade g3, and D. Murray (37) helped him to add 113 for the third wicket. A s W ard also took 6 for 86, the North D urham pro did a bit more than his share in the game. ville. W arin gstow n qualified to meet North Down in the final by beating North of Irelan d— 139 for 5 (R. Anderson 59) to 137 (O. Andrew s 39). T . M ackenzie had 6 for 63 for the winners. R. T . W hiteh orn ’s fine 105 was the feature of the match between T ynem outh and T yn ed ale at H exham . T he visitors declared at 260 for g. T yn ed ale made ig8— Hetherton 46, H. A rk le 38. W . N isbet hit tw o 6’s and six teen 4’s in his 116 for South N orthum berland v. the County C lub, and W . Harrison (54) and Stevenson (51*) helped in raising the total to 260 for 4. T h e County’s rep ly (187 for g) was a one-man show. C. G. A rkw righ t made 120, and the n ext highest was on ly 21. A rkw righ t’s display fairly saved his side. In the N orth-W est D urham L eagu e there were some very one-sided results. T h u s Sw alw ell (208) beat B irtley (63) by 145 ru n s; K im blesw orth (70) went under to Consett (230 for 3— G. H am ilton, 81, Bent 75) in m arked fash ion ; and Burnopfield (132) easily beat L a n gley P ark (65). South W ales had at least one close finish. C ardiff were p layin g an X I. collected by Mr. W . G. Bowden, which in cluded B raund, Lan gdon , and H yman. E. R. Sw eet-Escott (55) and N orm an R iches (24) put up 75 for the first Cardiff w icket, but the rest tumbled out before B raund and L a n g don, and the total was on ly 155. L an gd o n ’ s 34 was the leger score for the scratch team , who required 20 for victory when the last man came in, and got them. G. E . C ordin g (79) and W . H unter (56) helped St. F a g a n ’s to a total of 187 for 6, dec., v. Plym outh M erthyr I I., who replied w ith g i for 6 (J. A . M ulvey 43). Hunter, a young p layer, is a very big h itter; he made three 6’s (all in one over) and seven 4’s in his 56. T h e first team of the Plym outh M erthyr C lub went under to Newport, for whom D iver made 65*. Gordon P h illip s took 6 for 37, and one of his expresses sent th( bail flyin g about 60 yards behind the wicket. T otals— 104 and i3g. N eath (Gwyn T hom as 57, J. W. Jones 37) declared at ig8 for 7 v. Sw ansea at N eath, and dism issed their visitors for 85, B estw ick takin g 5 for 41, H acker 4 foi 24. A p olo gies to C reber (5 for 71 this tim e— cost is. 8d.) for a p rin ter’s error which made him “ C ocker ” last week. It was not “ according to C ocker.” L lan elly and Briton F e rry had a good gam e at Stradey. T h e visito rs made 201 (Tom linson 47, S. J. T hom as 40*). F or once V o g le r had an off day w ith the b a ll, on ly taking one w icket. L la n elly made 210 for 8. D avies (51) and Percy R ees (48) ga ve them a good start; but it w as A. R. T rub sh aw ’s 42* in 20 m inutes that won the m atch for them just on the c a ll of time. T h e sem i-finals in the U lster Senior Cup were played on Saturday. North D ow n (ig2) beat C lifto n v ille (168) in a w ell-fou gh t game. D . R. T a y lo r made 94 for the w inners, and apart from two chances early on played really well, H. E. Wood’ s 68 w as top. score for Clifton In the D ublin district Woodhrook (122— Stedman 37) beat Pem broke (105— M; H. T ig h e 30). Leinster (262 for 8— W . H. Lam bert 62, W . P . H inton 54, P. M. D av ey 41, D. A . M illin g 37) easily defeated Co. W ick lo w (gi— Preece 37, L. Mostyn 25). J. Anderson took for 5 fo r 39. Phoenix ran up 255 for 6, dec., v. C ivil Service, who could only raise 83. A . A. Lu ce made 103, and P. F . Q uinlan g7, these two sendin g up 212 for. the first wicket. .Clontarf (206 for 5, dec.— J. G. A ston 74, E. R. V erdon 70, p u ttin g a 115 togeth er for the second w icket) defeated Boyne M ills (119— C. L e Peton 40). C u rragh D istrict (235 for 6, dec.— - E. B. M axw ell g7) easily beat Co. W icklow (143 and 57 for 2). Our Lincoln shire correspondent w rites: M arket Rasen beat L incoln Lindum at home on Satu rd ay in a m atch of pretty high scoring, the visitors m akin g 208 (the R ev. — . Sw alw ell 64, J. B irkett 35, G. Sm ith 30) and Lindum I7g (T . W . A ndrew 46, E . A. S tevens 3g). G rantham are still in w in n in g vein. T h e ir latest v ic tims were N ew ark. T h e gam e exemplified the fact that G rantham rea lly has no tail this season. F ou r of the best men were out for 47, and ten w ickets were down for 115; but (tw elve a side playing) A llen , the groundsm an, and W oodruff, form erly his assistant, took the total to 168. A llen, who has never been in better form than this year, made 39*, M. B roughton 32, Woodruff 26. N ew ark w'ere all out for 88, M. W. A p p leby tak in g 6 for 36, Beardsmoore 5 for 35. U p to date this season A p p leby has taken 117 w ickets for G rantham , Beardmoore 53. SI e a fo rd (i8 7 for 5, dec..— A. E. G ibson 51, T . Sellars 40*, H. A . B ratley 36*, H. E . Thom pson 31), crushed Bourne at home. Bourne’s total w as 27. and 8 of these were extras. The Thousand Runs and Hundred Wickets. Since last w eek several more batsmen have qualified for the 1,000 runs list. T h e number then stood at 17, and the seventeenth was B ow ley, not B ow ell, the m istake in the p aragraph p reced ing the list bein g due to indiscreet Zeal in the m atter of proof-correcting. T h e recent additions are : 18— Gunn (Geo.), J u ly 24th; 19— Gunn (John), Ju ly 24th; 20— H ardin ge (H. T . W .), Ju ly 25th; 21— V in e (J.), Ju ly 25th; 22— Hum phreys (E .), July 28th; 23— P. G. IT. Fender, Ju ly 29th ; 24— B ow ell (A ,), July 30th. P. G. H. F end er’s is a new name in the list. T hree pairs of brothers— the Gunns, R e lfs, and T y ld esleys— are now included, and it w ill be noticed that John and G eorge Gunn each topped 1,000 on the sam e day. T here are three additions to the list of those who have taken 100 w ic k e ts :— 5— R e lf (A. E .), J u ly 24th; 6— T a r rant (F. A .), J u ly 24th; 7— H itch (J. W .), J u ly 26th. No new name yet appears in this list. BETWEEN ”An !llustrated booklet that is finding a ready sale just now is ‘ Betw een the Innings.’ The Recollec tions and Reflections of the compiler, W . R. Weir, offer most interesting reading, while Charles Plairre's verses are up to his high standard of excellence. The publishers are to be congratulated upon producing such good value for 2d., also that the followers of the game have apparently realised the fact. It is not always that well.meant efforts meet with fit and proper reward.”— Referee. THE INNINGS Cricket Items Old and New. P r i c e - 2 d . WRIGHT & CO-, 7, Temple Lane, London, E.C.
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