Cricket 1913

August 2, 1913. CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 461 Club Cricket Notes and Jottings. On T uesd ay in last w eek L la n elly at home easily de­ feated L landovery. C. S. Trubshaw (6o) was top scorer for the home side, who declared at 188 for 7, and dismissed the visitors for 121, the veteran, C. P. Lew is (31) heading the tally. V o g le r had 7 for 38, and his continued success— though his victim s may not be first-class batsmen— should do something to convince doubters in South A frica that he i? no “ has-been.” Balham W anderers on W ednesday easily beat Malden W anderers at M alden. T h e home side only made 115, Peam takin g 4 for 12, Bourke 4 for 26; and the visitors re­ plied w ith 208 for 3, P. K . W o o llaco tt having a rea lly good knock for 75, W . Sm ith m aking 54, and W . E . F u lle r 50. The score was 108 when the first w icket fe ll, and the second added 83. G loucester C ity (201— J. Law rence 61*, T . A. Trum an 44) overcam e old riv als in T ew kesbury (81) on the Spa ground in a m id-week game. Paish took 4 for 30. Lauderdale had a very enjoyable tour in C ornw all during the week ending J u ly 19. T h ey beat St. Colomb and N ew ­ quay, lost (by 6 runs only) to St. A u stell and (by 7 runs only) to F alm ou th , and drew with Llanhydrock and C am ­ borne. T h e on ly high scoring was in the drawn games, Llanhydrock m aking 239 for 6 and the tourists replying with 140 for 4, w hile Camborne made iqi for 8 and Lauder dale 174 fo r 7. A . E . M cB ean’s 50 v. Camborne was the highest score for the London side in the six games. E. F. A rnold and A. K . W ilbrah am did most of the bow lin g for them. Am ong the p layers they met were H. G. Curgenven, who has represented D erbyshire, and V ibart, R. J. Holman, F. C. B arnes, E . H aw ken, and W . Coad, a ll Cornw all county men. St. Law rence A (134— A. Hayes 33) easily beat the 6th Dragoon Guards (63) on T hursday, M urrin takin g 7 wickets for 26. On F rid ay, St. Law rence’s first team met Mr. W . W . G ill’s D ulw ich X I ., and lost by 19 runs. T h ey made 124 (Smith 32, W . M. C arter 28). A. H. W illiam s (58) and C. V. Jones (49) had an excellen t partnership for the firsl w icket of the visitors, but the rest slumped com pletely be- fore Sm ith (7 for 37). E . J. B rid ger took 7 for 41 for the D ulw ich side. In an incomplete second innings St. Law rence scored 75 for 5. Old Merchant Taylors on Saturday defeated Bank of England in a match of small scores. F o r the winners J. S. Ryan made 48, J. P. Jamieson, who is wonderfully con­ sistent, 32; the total was 129. T. Wedgewood took 6 foi 38, H. M. Bannister 4 for 24. The Bank could only total 61 against the deadly bowling of D. C. Isaac (6 for 28) and O. C. White (3 for 16). L lo yd ’s R egister sent a w eak team to D ulw ich to p lay Old O lavian s,-and were fa irly smashed up. T h ey were a ll oul for 34, A. H. W ilso n takin g 6 for 10 and W . J. W illiam s 4 for 16, the highest score being F. W - Bowie's 7. F o r the O .O .s, W . B. Owen, hittin g w ell as usual (fifteen 4’s), rattled up 98, and D. O ake played a patient innings o f 32. The total was 232. Owen had hard lines in m issing his cen tu ry; i f w as a rea lly good b a ll that bowled him. B attersea and W h ile House drew at B ellin gh am , with a distinct advan tage to the visitors, who ran up 255 for 7 (L. E . H iscock 75, F . W a rd 50, E . C. Huish 40*, H. R. M iles 30). W h ite House made 148 fo i 7 (A. Jeacocke 47 W ! L euw 36, L. Jeacocke 23). The second teams of the clubs met at Battersea, and Iho home side won by 16 runs in the last over. White House batted one short, it is only fair to mention. Battersea’s total was 173 (J. Eakland 47, H. Batten 20). White House made 157 (A. Rowe 39, R. Owen 39, E. Rand 23*). On Monday Battersea start their Sussex T our. T he C en ­ tral Hotel, W orthin g, w ill be their headquarters, and the matches a re : August 4, v. C lifto n C .C ., at Preston P a rk ; A ugust 5, v. B ogn or; A ugust 6, v. L ittleham p ton ; August 7, v. B righton B runsw ick, at the County G round; A ugust 8 and 9, v. W orthing. The Charity match at B lackheath on Thu rsd ay must have been too much for the W est K ent W anderers, who suffered an unusually heavy defeat at the hands of Am herst (190 for 9, declared— E. J. F reem antle 59, W . J enkins 28). T h e W .K .W .’s could only total 49, of which H. W a lle r con tri­ buted 24. A. E . L u g g took 6 w ickets for th em ; H. F ish had 5 and Freem antle 4 for Amherst. G .W .R . met the E a lin g half-day team on a cap ital w icket at C astle B ar Park. T he visitors batted first, and totalled 159, of which Hobbs (43) and W ed d (38) made the biggest share, putting up 73 for the second w icket a fter a sw erver from C. E . H oneyball had disposed of B radbery first b all.. Hobbs hit six 4’s and a 6. B erry (4 for 3 q ) was the most successful bowler. T h e railw ay m,en had good hope of passing so moderate a score, but failed to do so. A succession of disasters occurred, and a ll were out for 105. F ive w ickets fe ll at the same total— 58— M orris (25) h avin g thus far done best. T h e tail played up better, B rew er m ak­ ing 24; but they could not begin to get on terms again after that aw fu l slump. It was an unaccountably disappointing show. W odehouse (7 for 62) bowled w ell at one end all th iou gh the innings. G .W .R . II. beat North London II. at Crouch E nd , and won a low -scoring match. H um phrey and Frampton batted w ell for them , and T uffrey took 6 w ickets at sm all cost. Putney at home beat Turnham Green by exactly 100 runs — 138 (Squ ire 34 , Hocking 32 , Lee LTff 27, Walley 24 )to 38 Hocking was bowled by a ball which just touched the leg stump, and caused the bail to slide from the middle stump groove only, remaining stuck about an inch down. St. Lu ke’s (Woodside) p layed a tie match of 113 w ith In- victa (Beckenham ) at the Beckenham Recreatipn Ground. T h e Rev. P. M. Bowm an (37) was highest scorer for St. L u k e’s, and H. L ovelock (51) for Invicta. T h e visitors were not at fu ll strength, W . Carter, and S. J. Cook being among the absentees, and so were very w ell satisfied with the result. W . H ider took 5 for 40 for them. SO U TH . Hampstead held their annual W eek from July 21 to 26. T he result o f the first match— v. O ld H arrovians— has failed to reach me. On T u esd ay the crack Northern club beat the Butterflies, who were put out for 74 (F. J. Scott-Murray 35), E. L. M arsden takin g 6 w ickets; H am p­ stead’s score was 268 for 3— G. A. S. H ickson a fine 117, W . Preston 58*, E . E. B arnett 55. W ednesday’s game was with O xford U n iversity'A th letics. T h is tim e H am p­ stead Went cheap ly, for 75. W . S. Sam son took 6 wickets. T h e Authorities- totalled 210— F. R. D ’O. Monro 56, C. H. C am pbell 41, C. C. Aston 40. A more even gam e was that^vith the C ryptics on T h u rs­ day. R. G . D. Howell (58) and R. G. Brown (31) were chief scorers for Hampstead (191); A. R. Rawlinson (76), B. L . S trau ss'(3 2 *), and A. R. T an n er (32) for the C ryp tics (220). On F rid ay, I.Tpping-ham Rovers made 210