Cricket 1913
CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. J uly 26, 1013. Club Cricket Notes and Jottings. C ricket in the South ge n erally on Saturday suffered from the rain. C lub s w ith slow ly-dryin g grounds had to c a ll their m atches off, or p lay at risk o f considerable dam age to the tu rf. A good m any m atches w ere scratch ed ; but the m ajority seem to have been got through after some fashion or another, with plenty of sawdust as accom pani ment. A t H ove (the County G round w ickets have to be taken care of) the gam e between Sussex M artlets (7 for 2) and O ld Reptonians (237— E. A . G resw ell 69, T . C arr 30, T . N aum ann 30) was abandoned w ithout any p lay on the second day. T h e Butterflies made runs freely at E ast G rin- stead, though there was no p lay till after lunch because of the rain. B. W . D en t’s 101 in cluded fourteen 4’s; W . L. G reenlees made 53, O. T. N orris 36*; the innings was de clared at 28O for 7. T he home team replied w ith 122 tor 6 (C. G. de Rougem ont 44, F. C. M aplesden 32). N early 400 runs in an afternoon is pretty good w o rk ; but, no doubt, the bow lers were handicapped throughout. T h e on ly other century in Sussex cricket on Saturday seems to have been the 100* (in a total of 179 for 5) by A. E. T id y , for N ew ick, who declared, and easily beat St. A ndrew ’s (Hove). Littleham pton II. beat W orthin g T rin ity by 5 w ickets, R. H ollandberry (42) and C. J. P ea r son (5 for 2 q ) doing good w ork for the w inners. Horsham G .S . (80) dism issed M idhurst G .S . for 16. O ld M erchant T a y lo rs’ matches of J u ly 16th and 19th were curiously alike. In each case the innings was de clared , and in each case the O .M .T .’s opponents just avoided defeat. On the W ed nesday, the scores were : O .M .T ., 192 for 8 (T . E . Andrew s 48*, C. E. Spencer 44); B lackh eath , 115 for 9 (C. J. T . Robertson 44, Rev. K . C larke 30). On the Saturday— O .M .T . : 212 for 9 (T . E . A ndrew s 82, T. P. Jam ieson 30 ) ; B ick ley Park : 101 for 9 (E. A. W ille tt 4 1 *). Spencer entertained C yphers, and declared at 191 for 8 (F. F. B oles 43, V. J. W oodw ard 39, W . F . Jennings 35), but could not get their visitors out. T h an k s m ain ly to L. H. Read (69*) and H. Stem bridge (35), C yphers totted up 138 for 4. Read, an old L an cin g boy, both batted and bowled (5 for 48) in excellen t form for them. T here was a curious gam e at D u lw ich , between O ld O lavian s and B rom ley T ow n. T h e w icket w as slow in dry in g, and a start cou ld not be made till 4 o’clock. E ven then the b a ll refused to travel for anybody but W . B. Ow en, who drove cap ita lly , and made 58. P. Brow nlow (33) and W . G. B essell (14) were the on ly others to reach double figures. B rom ley T ow n made 21 ! T h e innings w as, how ever, less like a procession than w ould appear on the face of it. T h o u gh S. H. B acon ’s 7 w as top score, and there were six blobs, 20 overs were needed to get the side out, and at least they died as slow ly as possible. W illiam s’s an alysis w as 10 overs, 6 m aidens, 6 runs, 6 w ic k e ts; Owen took 4 for 6. G .W .R . had no match for their first team on Saturday, on account of the final tie for the C hallen ge Cup presented by Sir J. L. W ilk in so n , the late G eneral M anager. In this gam e the C h ief Goods M an ager’s Office (173— F . K. H oney b a ll 32, L. B. P h illip s 27, P. H aw es 21) beat the P ad d in g ton Goods D epartm ent (gi— H. W ild e r 21) easily. T h e G .W .R . second team should have met Paddington C .C ., who, how ever, turned up six short, rendering a game im possible. Shepherd’s Bush visited B attersea P ark, and inflicted a heavy defeat on the home side. E . C. Huish (32) and L. B. Hunt (22) made most of B attersea’s total of 99. T h e chief scorers for the Bush were the Indian batsm an, M. P. B ajana, who took a fine 105*, and the crack C. T. Burgess, with 43. B urgess also shared w ith D . E . Lew is the bow ling honours. A t Shepherd’s Bush, the second elevens drew , the home side scoring 111 (A. D. N ico ll 25); B attersea, 81 for 7. J. E aklan d took 6 for 40, and scored 27 for Battersea. B eulah only had one team out on Saturday, most of the team resting after their W ee k (which was a great siccess, thanks la rg e ly to the tireless energy of the secre tary, Mr. J. C. F. Mathiesen). C harlotte U n ited were B eulah’s opponents, and were easily beaten— 83 to 4g. The pitch was very soft, and in carryin g his bat right through B eulah’s innings for 51, S. R id gew ell did fine work. So did C. F. B arnard w ith the b a ll— 6 for 20 being his figures. 1 he losers played the game in the right sporting spirit, m aking no appeal against the ligh t, which was very bad indeed. As St. Lu ke’s O \oodside) found at E lm er’s E nd , where they were put out by C leevedon (70) for 20, their worst on record. F or St. L u k e’s, W . C arter had 4 for 26, C. A. Cook 3 for o. F elsted School wound up th eir season in a blaze of glory. H aygarth won the toss again st Colchester and East Essex, and he and J. G. D ixon started. T h e score was 214 before they were separated, and of these D ixon had made 152 by trem endously p ow erfu l hitting a ll round the wicket. H aygarth w as out 5 runs later for 66; without show ing the same force and versatility as D ixon , he played w ell. T h e visitors had 125 m inutes in which to get 220 runs, the school innings h avin g been declared at 219 for 2. T en m inutes before tim e a ll were out for 110, J. D. W ard ’s 42 being the on ly contribution o f any size. Cumm ing (4 for 40) and Row ley (3 for ig) bow led w ell, and eight catches were held. H oldin g catches and savin g runs have been features of F elsted’s cricket this season. T h e fielding m aintained a very high standard throughout, and to this fact the excel lent results— 12 played, 6 won, 3 lost, 3 drawn (all in the school’s favour)— are la rg e ly due. But there w as no lack of batting, and the averages reveal a sin gu larly level state of affairs in this connection, most of the men evid en tly being lik e ly to make a decent score at any time. T h e bow ling was distin ctly u sefu l, too. A nd H aygarth must have been a pretty good c a p ta in ; a side never fields consistently w ell unclcr a bad one. FELSTED SCHOOL 1913. Batting Averages. M. Inns. ]V.O. R. A. II.S. H. S. Ord-Bell 9 8 0 246 3°-75 8t J. G. Dixon 12 12 0 327 27-25 l 52 A. Macleod 11 11 0 296 26.90 95 E. K. Tolhurst 12 11 1 2 37 23.70 100 A. B. Cumming 8 6 4 47 2 3 - 5 o 20 E. W. C. Wace 10 10 1 190 21. n 54 66 C. II. S. Haygarth 12 12 0 £ r 9-33 G. D. Kitchingman 12 11 0 210 I 9-°9 92 R. H. T. Rowley 10 7 3 76 19.00 28 V. S. Woodiwiss 11 10 2 122 12.25 42 R, E. Hopkins 12 9 2 3 i 4 42 19 Also batted :— K. M. Farmiloe, 8m., 7 innings, 1n.o., 100 runs, average 16.66, h.s. O 0 ti - L. Burt, 5-5-0-24-4.80-12; ; N. L. Knight,
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