Cricket 1913
J uly 20, 1013. CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 441 Bedfordshire v. Norfolk. O n th e E ls to w S c h o o l grou n d , B e d fo rd , July 16 and 17 . F a lc o n e r a n d G ib so n d ism issed th e h om e side very c h e a p ly on th e first d ay, a t th e en d o f w h ich , N o rfolk , th o u g h n o b atsm an d id a n y th in g b ig fo r them , had an a d v a n ta g e o f 57 runs w ith th re e B e d fo rd sh ire w ick ets d o w n in th e se co n d in nin gs. O n T h u rsd a y , N ich o la s and G rah am p la y e d up p lu ck ily ; b u t th e rest could d o little w ith W a ts o n ’s v e r y g o o d and stead y bow lin g, a n d in th e en d , N o rfo lk w o n a ra th e r co lo u r less m atch b y six w ic k e ts. First Innings. B edfordshire , Second Innings. Holdstock, run out .......................... W. E. King, c Stevens, b H'alconer ... Wharmby. b F alco n er........................... I*. W. H. Nicholas, c W atson, b Gibson F. C. W. Newman, b Falconer Ratcliffe (J.), c Stevens, b Gibson ... . Brown (T.), c and b Falconer K. R. Apthorp c Fulcher, b Gibson S. V. Graham, b Falconer ............... A. F. Durrant, b Falconer ............... H. Grierson, not out ........................... Extras ....................................... Total R. W. Thur^ar, b Grierson ... 8 E. J. Fulcher, run out ... 17 G. A. Stevens, b Wharmby... 16 R. F. Popham, b. Grierson ... 3 C. J. H. Treglown. b Graham... 34 Capt Trafford. 1 b w, b Wharmby 5 L. F. Wynne-Wilson, b King 24 61 N o r f o l k . . c Stevens, b Watson c Popham, b Watson b Watson ............... c Popham, b Gibson run out ............... not out. ............... c Gibson, b Watson b Falconer ............... c Thurgai b Watson c Thurgar b Watson c Falconer, b Watson Exrra* ............... Total ............... R. A. Wingfield, b Graham ... Falconer, not out ............... G ib^n, c Grierson, b Brown Watson, c Ratcliffe b Wharmby E xtras ........................... Total ............... 7 18 4 69 20 15 9 0 37 10 7 9 7 13 6 32 12 177 8 k o o x d In n in gs ;— R. W. Thurgar, lbw, bG. E. Wharmby, 10 ; E. J. Fuloher c Hulostock, b Wharmby, 6 ; G. A. Stevens, b Graham, 27: A. J. Popham* c Apthorp, b W. E. King, 2; Capt. Trafford not out, 10; C. J. II. Treglown’ not out, 19 ; Extras, 12—total (for 4 wkts.), 90 . Falconer Gibsun Wharmby Brown Gi ierson Giaham King ... Surrey II. v. Staffordshire. At Kennington Oval July 16 and 1 7 . The visitors lacked their great bowler Barnes, and had a lot the worst of the first day’s play. William Abel though he had some luck, hit well for Surrey, making 16 4’s in his 109 ; and Peach, who aided him in a partnership of 158 for the third wicket in 75 minutes,, batted 3 hours 10 minutes in all, for his smart 8 7 *. Staffordshire lost 5 for 50 be£ore the close of play. Campbell, Morgan, IJeyes, and Eardley played up pluckily on the Thursday, the last wicket adding 4 6 ; but the visitors had to follow on in arrears of 139 . 1 'heir captain came to the rescue with a splendid innings. R . A. Heath helped him to add 97 for the fourth wicket; but after that no one could stay with him, and he was last out for 1 3 7 . The n o wanted to wrin cost Surrey 6 wickets, three falling at 66 , At that stage, with Deyes and J. S. Heath bowling well, a Staffordshire victory seemed quite in the cards; but J. H. Naumann, the Oxonian, who did good work in the match, and T. Abel, knocked oft the runs required after another wicket had gone down, and the home side wyon by 4 wickets. Noi tl'OI K B< w lkrs ’ A n alysis . 0 . M. R. W. O. M. ft. W- 14.2 8 28 6 35 17 55 1 14 4 28 3 21 6 48 1 Watson ... 37-2 13 62 7 Ful her ... 7 3 16 0 W. Wilson 3 1 15 0 W atson bowled two wides. BKDFORDSHIRE B ow lers ’ A n alysis . 24 8 53 3 9 0 29 2 14 3 42 1 15 4 40 2 4 2 13 0 9 1 22 2 4 0 17 1 3 0 8 1 9 4 15 1 First Innings. S urrey II F. S. Gillespie, c J. S. H eath, b Morgan 7 Myers, c and b J. S. Heath ............. 6 Abel (\\..!.), run out ........................... 109 Peach, not out ....................................... 87 Blacklidgc. c Campbell, i) Morgan ... 0 Narraway, b Morgan ............... ... 0 Abel (T.i, c -cott, b Morgan ............... 16 J. H. Naumann, c Scott b N ic)i« >1Is ... 0 A. W. K. Rutty, c and b Morgan ... 13 Sullivan, 1 b w, b Morgan ............. 15 Freeman, 1 b w, b Morgan .............. 0 Byes 20, 1-b 5 , n-b 4 ............... 29 Second Innings. c Scott, bDeyes ............... 16 b Deyes ............................... 1 b Doves ............................... 23 b, .J. S. Heath ............. 13 1 b w, b J. S. Heath ... 0 b J. S. Heath ............... 0 not o u t ....................................... 28 not o u t ....................................... 14 Total 284 S t a f f o r d s h ir e . 6 First Innings. P. Briggs, b Naumann Nicho’ls, c Narraway, b Freeman F. R. Heath b Naumann ............... 1 B. Meakin, b Freeman ............... 0 R. A. Heath, c W. J. Abel, b Freeman 3 C. H Campbell, h Naumann ............. 41 J. S. Heath, c W ..I. Abel, b Naumann 2 •T. S. Scott, c T. Abe', b Freeman ... 1 Morgan, o Peach, b F reem an ............... 21 D<yes. run out ....................................... 38 II. Eardley, not out ......................... 11 Byes 5 , l-b 2, w 1,n-b 5 ................. 13 Byes lo l-b 1 , n-b 4 ... 15 Total (for 6wkts.) 110 Second Innings, c Narraway. b Freeman ... c W. J. Ab 1 , b Naumann ... run out .......................... 2 c W. J. Abel, b Blacklidge 137 <•Na 1raway, i> Freeuo .n ... 39 c Freeman, b Myers ... 9 1 b w, I) W. J. Abel ... 4 b Naum ann .......................... 2 c Blacklidge, b W. J. Abel 9 c and b W. J. A b jl .............. 3 not out... .......................... 10 Byes 21 , n-b 2 ........... 23 Total ...................................... 145 Total ... ... 248 S tafford siiirb B owlers ’ A n alysis . •». M. R. W. 0 . M. R. W. Morgan ... ......................... . 28-3 4 94 7 8 1 31 0 •I. 8 . Heath .......................... 16 3 64 1 7 2 39 3 Deyes .......................... 2 0 16 0 11.2 0 25 3 Nicholls ........................... 10 0 42 1 Ear*iley ... ........................... 9 3 38 0 Meakin ..................... 1 0 1 0 Eardlev delivered three no-balls and Deyes one. Deyes delivered four no-balls. S u r r e y B o w l e r s ’ A n a l y s is . O. M. R. w. O . M. R. W. Freeman ........................... 16 6 37 5 9 2 18 2 Naumann ........................... 16 5 58 4 19 3 76 2 Abel -T.) .......................... 5 0 21 0 3 0 5 0 Blacklidge ................................... 1 0 3 0 12-2 1 37 1 Peach .......................... 3 0 13 0 Abel (W. J.) ............... ... 0-5 0 0 0 13 0 77 3 Myers 6 2 12 1 > aumann delivered four no-balls and a wide, Naumann delivered Freeman one no ball. two no-talls. Umpires: T. Attewell aud Whiteside. Hertfordshire v. Norfolk. A t B u s h e y , J u ly 18. R a in p re v e n te d a n y p la y on th e 19th. N o rfo lk m ad e o n ly a fe w runs ; b u t H e rts m ad e s c a r c e ly a n y , T itc h m a rs h a lo n e re a c h in g d o u b le fig u res. F a lco n b o w le d in d e a d ly form , and th e rest w e re h e lp le ss a g a in s t him . N o rfo lk to o k p o in ts fo r a first in n in g s lead . N o r f o l k . R. W. Collinson, c Slielford, R. A-Winfield, b Burton 7 b Montgomery 30 R. F. Popham, b Burton 11 R. W. Thurgar, c Titchmarsh, Falconer, not out.......................... 12 b Burton 11 Gibson, b Montgomery ... 11 G. A. Stevens, b Burton.............. 0 Watson, c Marsh, b Montgomery 8 M. Falcon, c Montgomery, b Burton 0 Extras ... 3 B. Cozens-Hardy, Ibw, b Burton 0 E. J. Fulcher, c Golding, Total .......................... 133 b Montgomery 40 S e c o n d I n n in g s . — R. W. Collinson, not out, 9 : R. W . Thurgar, b Burton, 0 i Falconer, not out, 5 ; extras, 4. Total (for Lwkt), 18. H e r t f o r d s h ir e . S. G.iEtheridge, b Falconer Goldn g, c Collinson, b Falcon C. H. Titchmarsh, run out R e v . C. G. Ward, b Falcon ! W. Montgomery, lbw, b Falcon | E. H. Cuthbertson, b Falcon ... 1 W. H. Marsh, lbw, b Falconer... 5 0 21 2 6 3 0 Burton, c Gibson, b Falcon .. E. J. Dodd, not out ............... Shelford, b Falcon ............... E. S. Household, absent, hurt E xtra s....................................... Total ........................... H f . r t s . B o w m -; r s ’ A n a l y s is . O . M. R. W. O. M. Burton .............. 24 7 62 6 3 1 Shelford .............. 5 0 15 0 W. Montgomery ... 1 8 2 6 53 4 3 1 N o r f o l k B o w l ERS’ A n a l y s is . O . M. R. W. M. Falcon .............. 12-2 6 18 6 Falconer ............... 12 6 21 2 W. 1 B i s h o p ’ s S h o r t f o r d C . C . re q u ire w h o le -d a y m a tch w ith stro n g clu b , T h u rsd a y , A u g u st, 7 , at h om e. F irs t class p riv ate grou n d . C ric k e t W e e k . W r ite J. C . A tk in so n , B ish o p ’s S to rtfo rd .
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