Cricket 1913

440 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. J uly 26, 1913. THE SCORE-BOOK. Cheshire v. Northumberland. A t B o llin g to n , J u ly 9 and 10. T h e sco re of th is m a tc h w o u ld h a v e a p p e a re d la st week, b u t cou ld n ot be o b ta in e d in tim e . E v e n n o w th e b o w lin g a n a ly s is is non est. T h a n k s to W in g h a m , M iln e, G . L . H u n tin g , a n d C . M . S k in n e r in th e m ain , N o rth u m b e rla n d w on b y a m a rg in of 123 ru n s. S k in n e r did th e h a t tr ic k in C h e s h ir e ’s seco n d in n in g , and H a rriso n b o w le d re a lly w e ll for th e lo sers. First Innings. S. P. Bell, c and b Prescott J. S. F. Morrison, c Jones, b Prescott G. L. Hunting, c Barrell, b Chambers C. G. Arkwright, b Prescott ... Wingham, b J. Harrison ............... Richardson, c T pplng, b J. Harrison Milne, c Chambers b J. Harrison C. M. Skinner, b J. Harrison... L. D. Plummer, not out............... J. L. Towler, c Tipping, b J. Harrison G. H. Watson, c Turner, b Barrell ... Extras .......................... Total ............... First Innings. C he : J. C. Fallows, c Milne, b Skinner Barrell, c Plummer b Milne .............. H. Harrison, c Wingham, b Milne ... Chambers, run •ut .......................... L. N. Jones, b Milne .......................... F. Fairbank, c Mo rison, b Skinner ... G. Molyneux, b M iln e .......................... A. S. Tnrner, b 8kinner.......................... Prescott, run o u t ..................................... J. D. Tipping, not out ... J. Harrison, b Skinner ... ............... Extras ... .......................... T ota l.............. N orthumberland . Second Innings. 4 b J . Harrison......................... 1 5 b J. Harrison........................ 6 41 c T ipping, b J.Hai rison ... 6 7 d Hai rison ......................... 0 24 b J. Hanison ... .............. 87 18 c Barrell, b Fairbank ... 6 0 run o u t.................................... 0 16 b J. H arrison............ ... 31 1 c Barrell, b J. Harrison ... 0 0 c Bari ell, b Prescott ... 22 2 run o u t... .......................... 23 6 E x tra s.............. ... 9 124 (HIRE 9 10 6 7 0 12 0 7 2 0 0 9 62 Total... Second Innings. st Morrison, b Milne c Plummer, b Skinner c Aikw rkht, b 8kinner lbw, b-Skinner c and b 8kinner c Wingham, b Milne Ibw, b M iln e .............. run out... b Milne.......................... b ttkinner .............. c Watson, b Skinner E x tra s ............... Total 25 0 38 0 1 19 9 17 0 0 17 4 130 Cornwall v. Devonshire. A t C am b o rn e, J u ly 16 a n d 17. T h e h om e team g a in e d an a d v a n ta g e on th e first d a y , a t th e c lo se of w h ic h th e y w e r e 160 a h e a d w ith 7 to g o in th e ir se co n d in n in gs, an d m a in ta in in g it to th e e n d w on b y 95 ru n s on T h u r s d a y . V ib a r t h it in g r e a t s ty le on th e first d a y , e ig h t 6 ’s a n d th irtee n 4 ’s b e in g in clu d e d in h is 125, a n d w a s a g a in to p sc o re r fo r h is sid e on th e secon d . E . A . F u lc h e r h e a d e d th e sc o re in e a ch in n in gs of D e v o n , and w h ile h e and C o n d e -W illia m s w e re to ­ g e th e r in th e final sta g e , a v ic to r y fo r D e v o n se em e d p o s sib le , fo r th e y a d d e d 113 fo r th e se v e n th w ic k e t. A s F u lc h e r a lso b o w le d w ith e ffe c t h e w a s q u ite th e o u ts ta n d in g fig u re of th e g am e . D e v o n s h ir e B o w l e r s ’ A n a l y s is . First Innings. C o r n w a ll. _ Second Innings. H . Tresawna, b Knignt . W .N .Bickford-Sm ith,c K night,b Light Trevarthen, c Conde-W illiam s, b Light T. C. Bickford-Sm ith, run o u t ................ V ibart, not out .......................................... F. C. Barnes, b W reford ................ R . J. Holm an, st Davies, b Light E. Hawken, b W re fo rd ............................. G . H . Escott, run out ............................. F. Port, b W reford ............................. W hiting, b Knight ............................. E x tra s.................................................. 7 c Cruwys, b Fulcher ... 9 19 b Fulcher ............................ 32 30 cW reford, b Fulcher ... 4 6 c Cruwys, b Fulcher ... 5 125 c D avies, b W reford ... 40 4 c Knight, b W reford ... 12 16 c Davies, b Fulcher.. 16 1 c Davies, b W reford................ 10 8 b W reford ............ 8 13 st D avies, b K night............... 19 2 not o u t ......................................... 27 24 Extras ............................. 8 Total ... 255 D e v o n . 32 First Innings. Rev. W. H. Arundeli, b Port M . Cond6-Williams, b E scott............. 1 F. Hargrave Carroll, c Vibart, b Escott 0 E. A. Fulcher, notout ......................... 73 R. Knight, b Hawken ......................... 3 Light, b Port .............. ............. 0 R. G. Cruwys, c Vibart, b Escott ... 7 J. F. Shelley, st Vibart, b Escott ... 13 Davies, c W. N. Bickford-Smith,b Escott. 0 Robinson, b P o r t .................................... 5 W . Wreford, c Whiting, b Port ... 9 E x tra s................................................ 15 Total .................................... 158 T o ta l........................... 174 Second Innings, c Tresawna, b W hiting ... 3 cJ.C.Bickford-Sm itb,bH aw ken 37 c Port, b Escott .............. 0 c Escott, b Port .............. 62 c Vibart, b W h itin g .............. 0 c Trevarthen, b W hiting ... 0 c Tresawna, b W hiting ... 17 cW .N .Bickford-Sm ith,bW hiting 4 c Vibart, b Port ................ 7 not o u t .......................................... 5 c Escott, b H aw ken.............. 2 Extras ........................... 39 O. M. R. W . O. M . R . w . Knight ................ 14-5 2 73 2 3 1 11 1 W reford ... ................ 23 3 81 3 21 3 68 4 Light ................ 15 4 63 3 4 1 10 0 Robinson ... ................ 6 2 14 0 6 3 8 0 Fulcher 15 2 69 5 C ornwall B owlers ’ A nalysis . O. M. R . W . O. M . R. w . Escott ................ 15 2 75 5 16 8 31 1 W hiting ... ................ 12 1 39 0 23 8 46 5 Port ................ 11 3 19 4 81 1 20 2 Hawken ... ............... 8 2 30 1 11 3 12 2 Holman 5 0 16 0 Northumberland v. Cambridgeshire. At Newcastle-on-Tyne,July 16 and 1 7 . The weak Cambs.’ bowling was heavily punished on the first day. Not a maiden over was bowled, and Pemberton had 102 runs hit off 9 overs. It is curious that only four bowlers were put on in such an innings. Hunting, said to have been missed half-a-dozen times, hit fifteen 6 ’s and twenty- three 4 ’s in his 2 19 , made in 130 minutes, and Morrison, the old Carthusian and Cambridge blue, got his 75 in 109 minutes with only one chance. The innings was declared at over 500 ,and yet time was left for tne visitors to be dis­ missed for 53 and to score 69 for 1 in the follow-on. They faced their hopeless taskwithpluck on Thursday, when Carpenter and F. E. Collier carried their partnership for the second wicket to 155 (made in 95 minutes), and Hickman and Marseille both showed up well. These two are youngsters of 16 , Hickman from Leys School, and they should have futures. Milne bowled finely in each innings. Northumberland won by an innings and 136 runs. N orthumberland . First Innings C. F. Stanger-Leathes, c Collier, b. Coulson ............. 21 J. S. K. Morrison, c Sadler, b Coul­ son .................................... 109 J. S. N^sbit, c Watts, bCoulson 44 G. L. Hunting, not o u t............. 219 Wingham, 1 b w, b Wilson ... 62 S. P. Bell, c Sadler, b Pemberton 37 W. W. Meldon, c Watts b Pem­ berton .......................... C. M. Skinner, c Wilson b Pem­ berton .......................... Milne, not out .......................... E xtras ............... Total, for 7 wkts. dec. J. B. Towl»*r and G. H. Watson did not ba'. C a m b r id g e s h ir e . Total 176 First Innings. E. H. Hickman, b Milne .............. 2 Carpenter, c Morrison, b Milne ... 5 F. W. Wilson, b Milue .............. 4 F. E. Collier, b Milne .............. 0 Watts, b Milne ..................................... 0 G. Marseille, b Skinuer .............. 8 F. P. C. Pemberton, not out .............. 13 Dr. R. Ellis, runout ... .............. 0 l{ev F. W. Worsley, c MeMon, b Milnu 0 Coulson, c Morrison b Tow er ... 8 T. Sadler, b Extras Coulson W ilson Skinner Milne ... Towler Watson Fowler Winghara Meldon Secoud Innings. c Morrison, b Milne c Watson, b Towler b Towler ............. c and b Watson c Bell, b Milne b Wi ghain c an i b Skinner c Morrison, b Milne c Nesbit, b Milue not out ............. c and b Towler... 32 82 10 79 16 35 0 5 10 21 9 Extras 22 ... 53 Total 320 C a m b u id ( ie 81 u r e B o w l e r s ’ A n a l y s is M. R. w. O. M. R. W. 0 165 3 Pemberton 9 0 102 3 0 99 1 ... | Sadler 21 0 141 0 NORTIIUM BEUL am d B o w l e r s ’ A n a l y s is . O. M . R. W. O. M. B. W. 13 9 12 1 9 1 42 1 14 6 22 6 27 5 69 4 2 0 10 2 — — — — 9 0 46 1 14.4 1 55 3 11 0 61 1 4 0 25 0 Skinner delivered one no-ball Scarce Books on Cricket. LA R G E SE L EC T ION . State Requirements. V ols. 1 t o 4 S c o r e s a n d B i o g r a p h i e s , W i c k e t s i n t h e W e s t , W a l k e r s o f S o u t h g a t e , B e n t l e y ’s S c o r e s , J e r k s i n f r o m S h o r t Leg, C r i c k e t a n * , F e ix o n t h e B a t, T h e C r i c k e t '1 u t o r , C r i c k e t e r ’s M a n u a l b y B a t , C r i c k e t e r s S a w s a n d S t o r i e s , C r i c k e t e r s in C o u n c il, e a r l y V o ls . o f “ C r i c k e t , ” W i s d e n s , L illy w h i t e s , e tc . W k l G H T 81 C o ., 7, Temple Lane, London, E.C.