Cricket 1912

70 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OP THE GAME. A p r i l 20, 1S12. M r. A l e x a n d e r G il l e s p ie , who died at Toronto on March 7th, was one of the best all-round players Canada has ever had, though he was conspicuous rather for the general usefulness of his work than for any sensational perfonnances. B om at Hamilton on July 16th, 1861, he was connected all his life with the city of his birth, and played practically all his club cricket for its club. He was educated at Upper Canada College, Toronto, where he was in the eleven in 1877, with Dr. E. Russell Ogden. In 1879 he appeared in two matches against Daft’s English X I. ; and in 1881, before he had turned twenty, he scored 117 for Hamilton v. Toronto, in days when a century was a rare feat in Canadian cricket. His only other century was 101 not out, also v. Toronto, in 1892, when he scored 93 not out for Hamilton v. Brooklyn (N. Y.). From 1881 to 1893 he appeared in every match played between Canada and the United States, and he also played in the matches of 1895, 1900, and 1901. Canada won thrice in succession from 1884 to 1886, and in these three victories Gillespie played no small part. A t Nicetown, Philadelphia, in 1884 he took 11 wickets for 78 runs (8 for 43 second innings) ; at Toronto, in 1885, he was highest aggregate scorer for his side with 39, and had 7 wickets for 25 ; at Seabright, N.J., in 1886, he was socond highest scorer (30), and lowered 9 wickets for 40. In his 14 matches for Canada v. U.S. he aggregated 293 runs at an average of a trifle over 12, and took 48 wickets at just over 11 each. He also played in several matches against visiting English and Irish teams, and seldom without some success as a bowler. In 1887 he accompanied the Gentlemen of Canada team to England, and showed very fair all-round form with­ out doing anything remarkable. Among his best innings were 54 v. Gentlemen of Ireland at Dublin, 45 v. Gentle­ men of Hants, and 44 v. Gentlemen of Northumberland ; his best analyses were 8 for 64 in a preliminary match on the other side v. All New York, 7 for 31 v. Gentlemen of Derbyshire,- 6 for 51 v. Gentlemen of Staffordshire, 5 for 27 v. Gentlemen of Warwickshire, and 5 for 52 v. Gentlemen of Hants. He was a steady batsman, watching the ball well, and a round-arm medium-pace bowler with a good length and considerable spin. P. F. K. M r . D a n ie l M. M c A u l e y , in his day one of the best all-round cricketers in the West Indies, died in Barbados late in February, aged 46. He represented the West Indies against the American Team at Georgetown. Demerara, in 1888 ; played in the First Intercolonial Tournament at Port of Spain, Trinidad, in 1893, and was the top scorer for Barbados with 31 ; captained the team at Georgetown in the Tournament in 1895, scoring 22 and 19, and at Kensington, Barbados, in 1897 ; and played against Mr. R. S. Lucas’s English Team in 1895 and both English teams in 1897, taking 7 wickets for 40 against Lord Hawke’s Team in one match, and scoring 22 and 36 in the other. He appeared in as many as 16 matches for Barbados, totalling 364 runs with an average of close on 16 per innings, was a free bat, an excellent field, and a useful change bowler. He gave up the game rather early, the season of 1897-8 being his last. F. F. K. M r . W il l ia m O x e n h a m H e w l e t t died on March 2nd, at Parkside, Harrow. He was born on March 30th, 1845, was in the Harrow elevens of 1862 and 1863, was admitted a solicitor in 1870, became a Master of the Supreme Court, and had been since 1890 on the tutorial staff of his old school. Mr. Hewlett was a subscriber to C r ic k e t from its first number, and always took the keenest interest in its welfare. M r . H e n r y W. R o w l a n d , who died at Baltimore, U.S.A., on February 29th, aged 64, was born in London. H e was a v e r y keen cricketer, and founded the Baltimore Sons of St. George Club, of which he held the secretaryship at the time of his death. F. F. K. Public School Averages, 1911. E ton C ollege . Boswell, W. G. K. ... Campbell, E. F. Colman, G. R. R. ... Freeman-Thomas, Hon. G. Holland, W. T. Lister-Kaye. K. A. ... Mulholland, Hon. G. J. A. M. Persse, R. A. Stanyforth, R. T. ... Steel, A. I..................... Tufnell, C. W. Wigan, 1). G. Blount, C. H. B. Buller, E. T. De Jongh, L. A. Falcon, J. H. Gregson, H. G. Jackson, G. L. Morrison, K. B. Trew, V. P. ... Turnbull, T. L. G. Wilson, C. S. Wilson, T. B. Critchley-Snlmonson, H. S .R .... Hone, T. N. Hough, G. De L. Johnston. R. G. Law, G. E.................... Lillington, E. G. G. McConnel, D. F. ... Miller, C .H. Morshead, L. T. Parke, J. A Stewart, -J. A. L. ... Woosnam, M. Andrews, J. L. Aston, R. M. Boddington, R. A. Bretherton, J. T. . De Selincourt, A. . Elliot, I. F. L. Fagan, N .B . W. •Tackson, G. G. Norris, T. P. Wadham, N. W. . Watson, F. W. Not Highest Inns. out Runs Aver. score 12 3 205 22.77 75 14 1 455 35.00 103 14 2 519 43.25 96* 1 1 1 117 11.70 42 14 0 240 17.14 45 8 2 131 21.83 60* 13 1 227 18.91 67 7 3 6 1.50 3* 6 0 114 19.00 47 12 0 247 20.58 78 14 0 288 20.57 57 13 1 340 28.33 87 H arrow S chool . Not Highest Inns. out Runs Aver. score 15 0 230 15.33 46 2 2 5 — 5* 1 1 1 113 11.30 25 13 1 168 14.00 46 15 7 223 27.87 41* 16 1 165 11.0 0 57 1 1 1 102 10.20 42 9 3 97 16.16 29 14 0 302 21.57 83 12 1 153 13.91 45 14 0 349 24.93 49 W inchester C ollege . Not Highest Inns., out Runs Aver. score 14 0 390 27.85 112 8 2 246 41.00 90* 10 2 77 9.62 25 1 1 1 152 15.20 32* 13 4 131 14.55 40* 16 2 288 20.57 70 5 0 52 10.40 36 17 1 176 11.0 0 41* 15 2 348 26.76 63 10 3 12 1.71 4 16 4 395 32.91 68 * R ugby S chool . Not Highest Inns.,out Runs Aver. score 14 0 478 34.15 125 8 2 68 11 33 2 1 15 0 433 28.87 104 14 2 401 33.42 89 14 0 327 23.36 99 8 0 2 11 26.83 74 3 1 26 13.00 14 15 1 432 30.86 69 8 0 173 21.62 58 13 4 261 29.00 66 13 3 243 24.30 59 Overs Runs Wkts. Aver. 68.4 223 13 17.15 35 117 5 23.40 188.5 397 31 12.80 964326 20 16.30 242.4683 47 14.53 . Aver. 53 150 115 128 102 192 8 485 27 417 19 392 18 341 19 24.00 17.96 21.95 21.77 17.95 61 2 30.50 Overs Runs Wkts. Aver. 180.4 573 78 175 57 123 8 42 256 36 189 432 36 155 899 162 12 18 18.48 11.66 15.75 24.00 36.00 51.66 23.65 27.00 Overs Runs Wkts. Aver. 140 658 249.2 953 175 632 33.4 113 89.1 393 23 28.61 38 25.08 35 18.05 1 1 10.27 1 1 35.72 M arlborough C ollege . Inns. Not out Runs Highest Aver, score Overs Runs Wkts. Aver. Batson, H. M. 10 3 81 11.57 32 1 1 1 338 1 1 30.72 Battersby. T. E. M. 13 1 270 22.50 78 140 559 27 20.70 Case, C. Z.................... 7 1 75 12.50 34 83 258 15 17.20 Daubeney, T. E. ... 1 1 2 173 19.22 65 — — — Lagden, R. B. 12 0 575 47.91 1 1 1 128 540 23 23.47 Patteson, C.... 14 1 359 27.61 148* 26 116 6 19.33 -Ponsonby, A. G. 1 1 4 251 35.85 67* — — — — Shaw, B. 11. G. 13 4 351 39.00 94 — — — — Shaw, E. A. 15 3 485 40.41 144 — — — __ Shuldham, W. F. Q. 13 0 305 23.46 153 — — __ __ Woodroffe, K . H. C. 10 0 103 10.30 39 225 735 55 13.36 Inns C harterhouse S chool . Not Highest . out Runs Aver, score Overs Runs Wkts. Aver. Bond, C. E................. 14 3 325 29.55 73* — — — — Boosey, R .................... 15 1 323 23.07 78 — — __ __ Gjers, L........................ 8 4 22 5.50 8 220.4 752 40 18.30 King, K , ................ 8 3 98 19.60 34* 180.2 695 40 [17.37 Landson, L. II. 4 1 38 12.66 28* — — — — Morrison, J. S. F. ... 14 1 683 52.53 173 — — — — Morrison, R. G. , 1 1 2 286 31.77 82* — — __ __ Rucker, C. E. S. ... 4 1 32 10.66 20 * 62.4 231 13 17.76 Sanderson, H. S. .. . 14 2 394 32.83 108 — — _ __ Stevens, C. G. B. .. . 13 1 371 30.91 95 119.4 553 26 21.27 Wesley-Sraith, H. ... 6 2 123 30.75 48 — — _ __ Wright, G. A . 15 0 395 26.33 70 — — —