Cricket 1912

54 CRICKET : A WEEKLY EECORD OF THE GAME. M a r . 30, 1912. 1ST I nns Foster, 16-0-55-1; Barnes, 19-2-56-3 ; Douglas, 7-0-14-1; Hitch, 9-0-31-2 ; W oolley, 2-1-1-2. 2 nd I nns Barnes, 39-12-106-4 ; Douglas, 9-0-34-0 ; Woolley, 16-5-36-1; Hitch, 6-1-23-0; Rhodes, 2-0-17-0; Foster, 30*1-7-43-4. NEW SOUTH WALES v. VIC TO RIA— Played at Sydney on January 26, 27 and 29, and won by N.S.W. by seven wickets. First innings. V ictoria . Second innings. J. A. Seitz, c McKew, b Cotter ................ 4 b Hazlit ............... . 19 B. J. Kortlang, c Barbour, b Cotter 14 c Gregory, b Emery . 29 T. J. Matthews, c Waddy, b Hazlit 0 b Emery ................ 24 D. Smith, b E m e r y ........................................... 20 c McKew, b Hazlit . 15 W. W . Armstrong, b Kelleway 51 not out ... ................ 60 N. E. Brown, c McKew, b Kelleway 6 b C otter............................ . 31 C. McKenzie, b Emery 1 c Minnett, b Hazlit . 12 1 A. E. V. Hartkopf, b Kelleway 17 b C otter............................ . 5 J. H. Kyle, c Bardsley, b Hazlit 0 lbw, b Cotter ............... 0 W. Carkeek, not o u t ........................................... 3 b C otter............................ . 28 E. A. McDonald, c and b Hazlit 1 b C otter............................ . 7 E x tra s........................................... 2 Extras ............... . 27 Total .............................. 129 T o t a l............... . 366 1 st I nns . Cotter, 9-3-17-2 ; Hazlit, 13*5-2-50-3 ; Emery, 9-1-42-2 ; Kelleway, 9-3-18-3. 2 nd I nns . Cotter, 27-4-110-5 ; Hazlit, 29-5-90-3; Emery, 16-2-62-2; Kelleway, 20-4-65-0; Macartney, 2-0-6-0; Minnett, 2-0-6-0. Cotter bowled 4 no-balls, Minnett a wide. First innings. N ew S outh W ales . Second innings. S. E. Gregory, lbw, b Armstrong ................ 48 W. Bardsley, c Armstrong, b McDonald ... 23 C. G. Macartney, c Carkeek, b Brown ... 15 E. P. Barbour, c Carkeek, b K y l e ................ 6 R. B. Minnett, not out ... ... ... 216 C. Kelleway, b Armstrong ............................. 0 E. L. Waddy, b Armstrong ... ... ... 0 S. H.Emery, b Armstrong ................ 22 A. Cotter, b Armstrong ................ ... 79 G. R.Hazlit, c and b K y le .............................. 0 C. McKew, run out ... ... ... ... 29 E x tra s...........................................10 Total ............................. 448 lbw, b Brown not out ... notout ... b Brown ... b McDonald Extras 18 48 Total (3 wkts).. 50 1ST IN N S .M cD on ald, 19.4-3-74-1; Matthews, 4-0-17-0; Brown, 13-1-66-1 Kyle, 18-3-109-2; Armstrong, 20-1-104-5; Hartkopf, 8-1-48-0 ; McKenzie, 3-1-20-0. 2ND inns . McDonald, 5-0-24-1; Brown, 4.3-0-24-2. VICTORIA COLTS V. NEW SOUTH WALES COLTS.— Played at Mel- bourne on January 26, 27, 29 and 30, and won by Victoria by ten wickets. First innings. N.S.W. C olts . Second innings. H. L. Collins, b H art................ ................ 52 c and b Dick ................ 79 L. A. Cody, c and b Dean ................ 18 b Sandford ................ 15 P. S. Arnott, c Blackie, b Braid ................ 7 b Braid ... ................ 3 E. M. Fisher, c Braid, b Hart ................ 8 c Sandford, b Braid 7 H. Davis, c Walker, b Sandford ................ 81 run o u t .............................. 28 F. Buckle, c and b Sandford ................ 75 c Walker, b Liddicutt ..., 18 T. Andrews, c Braid, b Blackie ................ 6 c Walker, b Hart . 19 J. D. Scott, b Sandford ................ 10 c Blackie, b Liddicutt ... 6 C. Single, c Liddicutt, b Dean ................ 54 b Liddicutt ................. 8 A. Mailey, b Dean ................ 19 c Hart, b Liddicutt . 9 C. Hayes, not out ................ ................ 6 not o u t ............................ . 0 E x tra s................ ................ 13 Extras ................. 3 Total ................ 349 T o t a l............... . 195 1ST I nnings Sandford, 3-30 ; Dean, 3-45 ; Hart, 2-86 ; Braid, 1-72 ; Blackie, 1-84. 2 nd I nnings :—Liddicutt, 4-20 ; Braid, 2-31 ; Sandford, 1-25 ; Hart. 1-27 ; Dick, 1-34. V ictoria C olts . H. O. Smith, b Scott ................. 13 F. Baring, c Andrews, b Collins . 130 H. Sandford, b Scott ... ... 76 T. Purvis, c Hayes, b Scott ... 2 A. Liddicutt, c Hayes, b Collins.. 66 W . Dick, b S c o t t ............................ 6 A. Dean, c Arnott, b Mailey ... 9 Second innings :— F.Baring, not out, 2. Total (no wicket), 139. 1ST I nnings Scott, 6-102 ; Collins,^ 2-76 ; Mailey, 2-104. J. Walker, b Mailey H. Hart, b Scott .................. L. Braid, b Scott... D. Blackie, not out Extras ................ Total H. O. Smith, not out, 49 ; ... 0 ... 22 ... 43 ... 18 ... 21 ... 406 extras, W estern A ustralia v . A ustralian T ram .— The Australian team played a one-day match with Western Australia at Perth on their wav, a drawn game resulting. On a slow wicket Westralia made 64 (C. H. Howard 21) and 167 for 7 (C. H. Howard 45, H. A. Evers 34, S. H. D. Rowe 24. E. A. Randell 24); the Australian XI. scored 114 (Bardsley 30, Mayne 25). Kelleway had four wickets without a run scored ofF him in the first innings, and did the hat trick ; Hazlit took 6 for 67 in the match. R. Selk—who retired at the end of last season, but seems to have thought better of it—had 7 for 46 for Westralia. Wanted. B y young public school man, good bat and field, who has played with success for second-class county, engagement as Secretary or Assistant Secretary to a cricket or general sports club of good standing.— Addesss to, “ F.T .,” c/o Mr, J . N. Pentelow, Malvern, Steyning, Sussex. DIMBULA v. DICKOYA.— Played at Darawella, Ceylon, on February 9 and 10, and won by Dimbula by an innings and 194 runs. The total of 500 is the third highest ever made in Ceylon Cricket. D imbula . G. H. Gibson, b Cann Simpson, b 28 150 92 70 4 G. D. Brown, Daniell ............................ D. Fitzgibbon, c Rubie, b Forbes J. Horsfall, b Daniell ................ Capr. Greer, c Ware, b Daniell ... J. S. Holden, c Cann, b Daniell ... A. L. Gibson, not out W B. Bartlett, c Rubie, b Simp­ son .......................................... First innings. E. Ware, b A. L. Gibson ............................. C. B. Rubie, c and b A. L. G ib so n ................ H. V. Tringham, c Fitzgibbon, b Cooper ... M. H. Grant-Peterkin, lbw, b Holden J. D. Forbes, b Cooper .............................. H. H. Sloane Stanley, c Fitzgibbon, c Cooper H. B. Daniell, c Fitzgibbon, b Holden S. C. Traill, c Fitzgibbon, b H o ld e n ................ A. R. Simpson, not out ... ................ W. C. Lloyd, b A. L. Gibson ................ G. P. Cann, b A. L. Gibson ............................. Extras ........................................... H. M. Yates, b Daniell ... A. M. Cooper, c Traill, b Cann F. C. Smith, not out Extras ................ Total (9 wkts) ... 42 ... 10 ... 0 ... 12 ... 23 ...*500 * Innings declared closed. D ickoya . Second innings. b A. L. G ibson ................. 0 lbw, b A. L. Gibson ... 11 b Bartlett ................ 17 c and b A. L. Gibson ... 20 c and b H o ld e n ................ 23 c Holden, b Fitzgibbon 7 b A. L. G ib s o n ................. 1 c Smith, b Holden ... 20 c Brown, b Holden ... 35 not o u t .............................. 0 lbw, b A. L. Gibson ... 5 Extras ................. 10 12 27 16 6 7 1 0 19 30 17 11 Total ... 157 T o t a l.................149 TRINIDAD V. DEMERARA.— Played at Barbados on January 15 and 16 Trinidad won by an innings and 36 runs. Score:— A. Cipriani, c and b Abraham . V. Pascall, b D ’Ornellas................ F. De Gannes, c Gamble, b Gall. M. Cipriani, c Croal, b Waddell . A. Maingot, c Gall, b Croal N. Betancourt, c B. H. Bayley, b D ’Ornellas ............................. J. C. Rogers, st Simpson, b Abraham Abraham, 14-2-30-4 ; Waddell, 22.5-7-51-2 ; D ’Ornellas, 12-0-52-2 ; Gall 5-0-22-1 ; Gamble, 3-0-11-0; Croal, 10-2-25-1; Cressall, 2-0-16-0. D ’Ornellas bowled a no-ball. First innings. D emerara . T rinidad . 17 L. S. Constantine, c Cressall, b 53 Abraham ................ ... 37 13 W. St. Hill, b Abraham ... ... 4 1 J. Small, not o u t ................ 4 25 E. Gomez, c and b Waddell ... 2 Byes, &c ......................... ... 28 3 — 62 Total ................ ... 249 G. L. B. Gall, c Constantine, bPascall C. Simpson, c and b Constantine ................ » F. Waddell, b S m a ll........................................... 6 H. A. Croal, b S m a ll........................................... 5 H. C. Bayley, b De G annes.............................. 24 E. F. Cressall, c Small, b A. Cipriani. ... 15 B. II. Bayley, c Kelshall (sub.), b Constan­ tine ..................................................................... 22 C. D’Ornellas, c Constantine, b A. Cipriani 8 J. S. Gamble, c Maingot, b A. Cipriani ... 0 F. H. Abraham, b Constantine ................. 1 W. McCowan, not out. . ... ................ 1 Byes, &c. ............................... 5 ................ 97 Second innings. lbw, b R o g e r s .................. 4 b R o g e rs ............................ 6 c Rogers, b A. Cipriani . 20 b R o g e rs ........................18 c Constantine, b A. Cip­ riani ...........................14 b R o g e rs ............................ 2 not o u t ...........................29 b R o g e rs ............................ 0 c Archer (sub.), b Rogers 3 c Maingot, b Small ... 14 c Small, b Rogers ... 2 Byes, &c....................... 4 Total ... 116 Total ............. 1ST I nns . :— A. Cipriani, 9*5-3-18-3 ; Pascall, 3*5-l-5-l; Small, 12-3-18-2; Constantine, 12-2-27-3 ; De Gannes, 4-0-16-1; Rogers, 2-0-8-0. 2 nd I nns . :— A. Cipriani, 11-1-31-2 ; Constantine, 6-0-20-0 ; Small, 7-0-36-1; Rogers, 14-2-25-7. BARBADOS v. T R IN ID A D - and won by Barbados by eight wickets. Score First innings. T rinidad . Second innings. V. Pascall, b Challenor. ................ 4 run o u t .............................. 2 J. Small, c Tarilton, b Challenor ................ 8 c Worme, b Gibbs 15 A. Cipriani, run o u t ................ ................ 4 Ibw, b Challenor . 23 N. Betancourt, c G. Challenor, b Gibbs ... 16 b Gibbs ... 16 J. C. Rogers, b F. Austin ................ 22 c R. Challenor, b Worme 22 L. S. Constantine, b Austin ... ................ 15 b F. Austin ................ 56 F. De Gannes, b Austin ................ 6 b G ib b s .............................. 33 W. St. Hill, b A ustin................ ................ 3 not o u t .............................. 59 A. Maingot, c and b Gibbs ... ................ 0 b G ib b s ............................. 3 E. Gomez, not out ................ ................ 16 c R. Challoner, b G. Chal­ lenor ... ................ 1 1 J. Kelshall, c R. Challenor, b G. Challenor . 11 b Gibbs ... 1 1 Byes, &c. ................ 4 Byes, &c...................... 14 Total ... ................109 T o t a l................ 265 I st I nns . :— G. Challenor, 35-4 ; Gibbs, 11-1-24-2. 2 nd I nns . :— G. Challenor, 24-2-75-2 65-1; Austin, 13-1-65-1; Jones, 1-0-8-0. First innings. B arbados . P. H. Tarilton, c Maingot, b Pascall . R. E. Batson, c Constantine, b Pascall G. Challenor, b Cipriani R. Challenor, c Maingot, b Constantine P. Goodman, run o u t ..................................... W. Gibbs, c Maingot, b Pascall H. B. G. Austin, c De Gannes, b Pascall . C. A. Browne, not out . R. M. Jones, c De Gannes, b Cipriani F. E. W. G. Austin, st Maingot, b Kelshall S. Worme, lbw, b Rogers ........................... Byes, &c. ........................... *3-2-22-3; Worme, 11-4-24-0; Austin, 16-5- Worme, 11-0-41-1; Gibbs, 24*2-0- Gibbs bowled a wide. 16 111 3 11 18 23 57 50 12 0 33 17 Second innings. c St. Hill, b Constantine not o u t .............................. not out ... ................. c Maingot, b Cipriani ... 13 4 2 Total ... 351 Total (2 wkts) . 24