Cricket 1912
506 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. S e p t . 14, 1912. Sir C h ar les P o n t if e x , K .C .I.E ., died at his residence, 5, W eth- erby Gardens, South Kensington, on July 27. H e was born June 5, 1831, and was educated privately, and at Trinity College, Cambridge. H e played for Cambridge v. O xford in 1851 and 1853, but was pre vented by illness from doing so in 1852, in w hich year Cambridge could only muster 10 m en ! In the 1851 m atch he took 5 wickets in each innings, and in 1853, when captain, was second in the batting averages. H is bowling was left hand. H e was called to the Bar at the Inner Tem ple in 1854, from 1872 to 1882 was Judge in the Bengal H igh Court of Judicature, and from 1882 to 1892 was legal adviser to the Secretary of State for India. U pon his retirement he was created a K night Commander of the Indian Empire. Jam es S tu b b in g s , for 27 years professional to the Huddersfield C .C ., died with tragic suddenness on July 17. H e had latterly been employed as caretaker and groundsman to a bowling club. Feeling ill while cutting the grass on the green, he walked to the pavilion, sat down, and died before m edical aid could be Summoned. H eart failure was the cause of death assigned at the inquest Stubbings was born at W hitwell, near Chesterfield, April 27, 1856. A thick-set and powerfully-built m an of 5 feet 9 inches in height, he was a civil and obliging fellow, and the Huddersfield club suitably marked his attainment of 21 years in their em ploy by making him a life member. He bowled fast round, right arm. Now aud then he made a good score, but did not value his batting powers highly, and seemed to prefer to devote all his attention to his bowling. H e played for Derbyshire in a few m atches in 1880, 1885, 1886, 1892, and 1893, his best perform ances being 5 for 51 v. Lancashire at Manchester in 1880, and 4 for 24 v. Surrey at the Oval in 1892. A.C D. M r . F rancis H e n r y M orice (born in 1851 in Canada) died from heart failure on June 19, 1912, at Dunedin, New Zealand. In his younger days he was a very keen cricketer, and played the game in Christchurch, W ellington, and Dunedin, batting well, with a hard straight drive as his principal stroke. At one time in the police force, he was, when he died, district agent for the Public Trustee and Official Assignee at Dunedin. The Score Book. S U R R E Y V. W A R W IC K S H IR E , winning by 6 wickets. First innings. W arwickshire . K inneir, c Goatly, b S m it h .................. ... 3 Sm ith, b H itch ............................................... 4 Charlesworth, c Strudwick, b Smith ... 24 Quaife, b Hitch ............................................... 6 F. R . Foster, b Sm ith...............................................54 Parsons, st Strudwick, b Smith ... ... 12 C. K . Langley, b Hitch ................................. 4 Santall, b Abel ... ... ... ... 22 W . C. Hands, b H itch ................................. 6 G. R . Byrne, st Strudwick, b Smith ... 3 Field, not o u t .............................................................. 1 E x t r a s ............................................... 7 A t the Oval, September 2, 3, 4, Surrey Second innings. c Strudwick, b Rushby. . 28 c B ird, b Smith ... 16 c Strudwick, b Rushby. . 12 not out ... ... ... 44 c H obbs, b Smith ... 34 c Strudw ick, b Hitch ... 0 b S m ith ................................. 0 b H i t c h ................................ 7 b S m ith ................................. 0 b S m ith ................................. 0 b S m ith ................................. 0 Extras .................. 9 T otal .................................146 Total ... 150 1 st I nns . : H itch, 19-3-81-4 ; Sm ith, 21*3-5-40-5 ; Abel, 3-0-18-1. 2ND I nns . : H itch, 16-3-52-2 ; Sm ith, 23'5-13-33-6 ; Rushby, 13-6-36-2; S u rrey . Bird, 5-0-20-0. Hayward, b Field .................. 6 H obbs, c Sm ith, b Field ... 18 M. C. Bird, b Field .................. 0 G oatly, b Hands ... ... ... 32 1). J. K night, b Langley ... 12 Abel (W . J.), b H a n d s .................. 6 Spring, b Q u aife.................. ... 7 Strudwick, c Kinneir, b Hands 1 Hitch, I) H a n d s ................................ 11 Smith (W . C.), b H a n d s.................. 0 Rushby, not o u t ................................. 5 B y e sE x tra s................................ 12 Total ................................ 110 Second innings: H ayward, b Field, 1 5 ; H obbs, st Sm ith, b Quaife, 79; Bird, c Foster, b Quaife, 57 ; Goatly, hit w kt, b Quaife, 9 ; K night, not out, 12, A bel, not out, 11 ; Extras, 4. Total (4 wkts), 187. 1 st I nns . : Foster, 9-2-21-0 ; Field, 12-5-34-3 ; Hands, 9.3-4-10-5 ; Langley, 3-0-19-1; Quaife, 3-1-14-1. 2 nd I nns . : Foster, 9-1-34-0 ; F ield, 12-3-41-1; Hands, 14-1-54-3; Langley, 4-0-17-0; Santall, 11-1-2-19-0. -2-18-0; Q ualfj, F IN AL T E S T MATCH .— Copies of the score, with full analysis, artistically printed on satin, m ay be had of Messrs. Merritt and H atcher, L td., 2, Grocers’ H all Court, Poultry, E .C ., at one shilling each, or 1/1 by post. LO R D LO N D ESBO RO U G H ’S X I. v. AU STR ALIAN S.— A t Scarborough, Sept. 2, 3, 4. Drawn. First innings. L ord L ondfsborough ’ s X I. Second innings. R . H . Spooner, b Minnett ... 8 b W hitty .................. 5 Rhodes, c Kelleway, b Hazlitt .. 51 c and b Hazlitt..................... 28 Mead (P .), c Carkeek, b W hitty ... 21 c Carkeek, b H azlitt ... 47 D enton, b M a tth ew s................................ ... 14 c Kelleway, b W hitty ... 16 J. W . H . T. Douglas, b Hazlitt ... 0 n o to u t ... 5 The Jam Sahib, c Macartney, b Hazlitt ... 17 not put ... 20 G. L. Jessop, c Carkeek, b Matthews ... 3 b W hitty .................. 0 H irst, c Kelleway, b Matthews ... 14 R elf (A. E .), not o u t .................. ... 84 Haigh, b M acartney .................. ... 56 W . S. Bird, b Macartney 1 E x tr a s ........................................... 25 Extras ............. 10 Total ................................ 294 ♦Total (5 wkts.) 131 * Innings declared closed. 1ST INNS. Minnett, 19-6-42-1 ; H azlitt, 30-8-86-3 ; W hitty, 18-6-46-1; Matthews, 27-11-61-3 ; Kelleway, 5-0-20-0 ; Macartney, 7.2-2-14-2. 2 nd I nns . :— Minnett, 4-0-16-0 ; W hitty, 17-7-29-3 ; Matthews, 6-2-14-0 ; H azlitt, 15-4-39-2 ; Kelleway, 7-2-23-0. A ustralians . E. R . Mayne, c Bird, b Rhodes 24 C. Kelleway, lbw, b R elf ... 18 C. G. Macartney, lbw , b Douglas 28 W . Bardsley, c Rhodes, b R elf 2 R . B. Minnett, lbw, b Rhodes ... 8 S. E. Gregory, c and b Hirst ... 24 T. J. Matthews, c and b Hirst ... 16 D . Smith, b Douglas .................. 3 G. R . H azlitt, not out .................. 24 W . J. W hitty, c Jam Sahib, b Douglas ... ... ... 8 W . Carkeek, b Hirst .................. 21 E x t r a s ................................ 27 Total ..................203 69 ; Kelleway, not out 5 2 ; Extras, 17. Second Innings :— Mayne, not out, Total (no w kt), 138. 1 st I nns . Hirst, 21.1-3-62-3 ; Douglas, 19-7-44-3 ; Rhodes, 20-4-46-2 . Relf, 18-10-24-2. 2 nd I nns . Relf, 8-3-24-0 ; Rhodes, 4-0-15-0 ; Hirst, 10-4-21-0 ; Douglas, 7-3-8-0 ; Haigh, 9-0-30-0 ; Jessop, 6-2-13-0 ; Mead, 1-0-10-0. MR. LIO N EL RO BIN SO N ’S X I. v. SOUTH A F R IC A N S — A t Old Buckenham H all, September 2, 3, 4, Mr. Robinson’s X I. winning by 191 runs. First innings. M r . L ionel R obinson ’ s X I. Second innings. A. J. Evans, c Strieker, b Pegler Tarrant, b Pegler ................................ E. L. K idd, run out ... Sharp, b Nourse R . V. Minnett, b Nourse B. J. T. Bosanquet, b Pegler M. Falcon, c Strieker, b Pegler H . L. Simms, c Campbell, b Pegler Hendren, c M itchell, b Nourse N. C. Tufnell, b Pegler .................. Dean, not o u t ............................................... E x tr a s ................................ Total 1 st I nns . : Pegler, 20-3-45-6; N Cox, 6-1-19-0. 2 nd I nns . : Nourse, 22-4-56-2; P( ncr, 10-1-48-1; Cox, 2-0-21-0. First innings. S out : H. W . Taylor, c K idd, b Dean L. A. Strieker, c Tufnell, b Falcon ... A. D. Nourse, b Falcon .................. L. J. Tancred, c Tarrant, b Falcon ... G. C. W hite, c Simms, b Falcon G. A. Faulkner, lbw , b Falcon S. J. Pegler, c Tarrant, b Simms C. P. Carter, b Falcon .................. F. M itchell, not o u t ................................ T. Cam pbell, c Bosanquet, b Tarrant J. L. Cox, b T a rra n t................................ E x t r a s ................................ Total .................. 1 st I nns . : Falcon, 18-5-47-6; I 6-0-34-1 ; Tarrant, 8-1-19-2. 2 nd I nns . : Falcon, 1-1-0-0 ; Evai 9-1-24-5. . 48 lbw , b W hite ... 7 5 c Carter, b Nourse ... 49 4 c Mitchell, b Pegler ... 4 7 c Tancred, b Pegler ... 39 0 not out ... ... 8 . 0 c W hite, b Pegler ... 8 . 29 c Carter, b Nourse ... 15 8 c Strieker, b Faulkner ... 23 . 27 b Pegler ... 80 1 c Strieker, b Pegler ... 0 2 absent, ill ... — 22 Extras ... 22 153 Total ... ... 255 (, 19-3-5-48-3 ; Faulkner, 5-1-19-0 ; 26-3-75-5 ; W hite, 6-0-33-1 ; Faulk - ’RICANS. Second innings . 6 c Minnett, b Tarrant ... 21 4 b Tarrant 8 0 b Tarrant ... 0 3 b Simms ... ... 3 3 b Simms ... 10 . 17 lbw , b Tarrant ... 4 . 26 c Hendren, b Simms 2 . 27 c Falcon, b Simms ... 0 . 33 b Tarrant ... 0 0 b Simms ... 0 8 n ot out ... 4 . 24 Extras ... 14 ,. 151 Total ... ... 66 5-2-9-1 ; Evans, 3-0-18-0 ; Simms, -3-20-0 ; Tarrant, 14-10-8-5; Simm s, LORD LONDESBOROUGH’S X I. v. SOUTH AFRICAN S.—A t Scarborough, Septem ber 10, 11, 12. Drawn. S outh A fricans . H. W . Taylor, c Jam Sahib, b Barnes .......................................... 5 L. A. Strieker, c Spooner, b H irst 15 A. D. Nourse, b H irst ................ 0 G. C. White, c Rhodes, b Barnes... 20 L. J. Tancred, e Denton, b Barnes 22 G. A. Faulkner, c Bird, b Barnes... 0 S. J. Pegler, lb w ,b Barnes ... 13 T. A. Ward, b Hirst... C. P. Carter, not out F. M itchell, b Hirst J. L. Cox, b Barnes... Extras ... Total Barnes, 25-1-11-32-6 H irst, 25-S-50-4. L ord L ondesborough ’ s X I. R. H. Spooner, b Faulkner................ 23 Rhodes, b Pegler ............................. 4 Mead (P.), not o u t .............................23 Denton, c M itchell, b Faulkner ... 9 J. W. H. T. Douglas, lbw , b Faulkner .......................................... 0 The Jam Sahib, not out Extras ... ... 0 ... 4 ... 4 ... 5 ... 12 ... 100 Total (4 w kts) ... 03 G. L. Jessop, Hirst, Barnes, Haigh, and W. S. Bird did not bat. Nourse, 11-4-23-0 ; Pegler, 9-1-22-1; Faulkner, G-l-13-3 ; Cox, 4-2-4-0.
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