Cricket 1912

14 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. J an 27, 1912. First innings. T oowoomba . Second innings. G. P. Barbour, st Smith, b Douglas ... ... 0 not out ............... 14 A. H. Jones, c Smith, b Rhodes ... 1 c Woolley, b Foster , 54 W. Miles, b Douglas ............... E. Fitzgerald, b Douglas 5 b Iremonger............... 4 ... 19 b Iremonger... 20 E. A. G ill,st Smith, b Rhodes 6 b Foster ............. 4 H . Hoddinott, b Rhodes ... S b Foster .............. 0 Gibson, b Douglas ............... ... 1 b Foster ............... 0 Knowles, not out........................... ... 22 run out ............... 0 Simpson, c Vine, b Rhodes ... 10 b Hearne 0 F. Fett, b Douglas .............. ... 6 run out 1 Campbell, b Vine .............. ... 8 lbw, b Hearne 5 Byes, &c........................ ... 10 Byes, &c. ... 8 Total ............... ............... 96 E ngland . Total ... . 110 O. M. R. W. O. M. R. W. K nowles............... 8 3 32 0 j Miles ............... 10 4 35 0 Campbell ... 13 2 68 0 I Gibson ............... 4 0 28 0 Fitzgerald ... 33 5 138 Fett ............... 8 3 17 1 j lloddinott . . 1 0 12 0 First innings. T oowoomba . Second innings. O. M. Douglas.......................... 16 4 R h odes.......................... 17 4 Vine .......................... 1'4 0 R. 30 48 W. 5 ... 4 ... 1 ... O. M. R. w . Iremonger .. . 7 1 28 2 Hobbs . 4 1 26 0 Hearne . 7‘5 1 30 2 Foster . 5 1 18 4 E ngland’s 6 th M atch.— v. AN AUSTRALIAN ELEVEN.—Played at Brisbane on Dececmber 8 . 9, and 11 and left drawn. Score and analysis First innings. E ngland . Second innings. Rhodes, c Crawford, b McLaren ............... 0 b Armstrong ............... 34 Kinneir, c Barstow, b Armstrong ............... 63 b K ellew ay.............. 18 Vine, b M cLaren........................... ............... 0 Mead (C. P.), b McLaren ............... 0 b K ellew ay.............. 50 F. R. Foster, b McLaren ............... 9 e Crawford, b Fennelly ... 37 J. W. II. T. Douglas, not out ... ............... 101 Woolley, c Evans, b Bar&tow ... ............... 9 not out .......................... 3) Hearne (J. W.), lbw, b Crawford ............... 43 not out .......................... 8 ) Iremonger, b M in n e tt.............. ............... 0 Barnes, run o u t .......................... ............... 14 Strudwick, b M in n e tt............... ............... 3 B 8 , lb 11, nb 6 ... ............... 25 Byes, &c..................... 21 Total .............. ...............267 Total (4 wkts) ... 279 22 An A u s tra lia n XL S. J. Fennelly, c Strudwick, b Ire monger ...................................... C. B. Jennings, b B a rn es............. R. J. Hartigan, c Vine, b monger .............. W. W. Armstrong, b Barnes C. Kelleway, c Strudwick, Barnes Ire- 66 R. B. Minnett, e Woolley, b Hearne ...................................... J. N. Crawford, c Strudwick, b Barnes ...................................... W. T. Evans, b Barnes J. W. McLaren, c Struiwiek, b Woolley .......................... C. B. Barstow, not out V. T. Trumper., c Hearne, b Ire- Byes, &c . 11 monger ... 30 — Total ... , 347 First innings. E ngland . Second innings. C. M. R. W. O. M. R. w. McLaren ... ... 21 5 59 4 ............... ... 8 1 29 0 Barstow ... 20 5 53 1 ............... ... 5 1 17 0 Crawford ... ... 26 9 44 1 ............... ... 15 2 40 0 Armstrong... ... 16 2 39 1 ............... ... 13 3 31 1 Minnett ... 17*1 7 41 2 ............... ... 9 2 28 0 Kelleway ... 7 4 6 0 .............. ... 13 0 52 2 Fennelly ... 6-4 0 52 1 Hartigan ... 3 0 9 0 A n A ustralian XI. O M. R. W. O. M. R. w. Rhodes ... ... 10 2 45 0 1 Iremonger ... 28 6 79 3 Foster ... 10 1 50 0 Hearne ... ... 12 0 51 1 Barnes ... ... 28-2 8 89 5 | Woolley... 4 0 22 1 E n glan d ’s 7th M atch. —v. AUSTRALIA (1st Test). — See Vol. XXX., p. 593. E n glan d’s 8 th M atch.—v. XV. OF BENDIGO.— See Vol. XXX., p. COS. Second Innings. E n g la n d ’s 9 th M a tch , —v. AUSTRALIA( 2nd Test).— Played at Melbourne on December 30, January 1, 2 and 3 and won by England by 8 wickets. Score and analysis :— First Innings. A ustralia . C. Ivelleway, lbw, b Barnes W. Bardsley, b Barnes C. Hill, b Barnes W. W. Armstrong, c Smith, b Barnes V. T. Trumper, b Foster V. S. Ransford, c Smith, b Hitch II. B. Minnett, c Hobbs, b Barnes .. H. V. Hordern, not out A. Cotter, run out H. Carter, c Smith, b Douglas W. J. Whitty, b W oolley Byes, &c. Total 2 c Gunn, b Foster 13 0 run out 16 4 c Gunn, b Barnes 0 4 b Foster 90 13 b Barnes 2 43 c Smith, b Foster 32 2 b Foster 34 49 c Mead, b Foster 31 14 c Hobbs, b Foster 41 29 b Barnes 16 14 not out 0 10 B 14, lb 7, w 1, nb 2 24 184 Total •. 299 First Innings E ngland . Hobbs, c Carter, b Cotter .. .. .. 6 Rhodes, c Trumper, b Cotter .. .. 61 Hearne, (J. W.), c Carter, b Cotter .. 114 Gunn (G), lbw, b Armstrong .. .. .. 10 Mead (C. P.) c Armstrong, b Whitty .. 11 F. R. Foster, c Hill, tr Cotter .. .. 9 J. W. H. T. Douglas, b Hordern .. 9 Woolley, c Ransford, b Hordern .. .. 23 Smith (E. J.), b Hordern .. .. .. 5 Barnes, lbw, b Hordern .. .. .. 1 Hitch, not out .. .. .. .. 0 Byes, &c. .. .. .. 16 Total ............................... 265 First Innings. A ustralia . Second Innings, not out c Carter, b Cotter not out c Carter, b Whitty B 5, lb 5 126 28 12 43 O. M. R, w. Barnes . . 2 3 9 44 5 Foster .. 15 2 52 1 Hitch • .. . . 7 0 37 1 Douglas . . 1 5 4 33 1 Hearnc . . 6 0 8 0 Woolley 0 .1 0 0 1 Total (2 wkts) 219 Second Innings. First Innings. O. M. R. W. Cotter .. 2 1 2 73 4 Whitty .. 19 2 47 1 Hordern .. 23.1 1 66 4 Kelleway .. 15 7 27 0 Armstrong .. 15 4 20 1 Minnett 5 0 16 0 ] E ngland ’ s IO tii M atc : h .— -v. XV. Rhodes E ngland . Rai.sford. O. M. It. W. 32.1 7 96 3 38 9 91 6 5 0 21 0 10 0 38 0 1 0 5 0 3 0 2 1 0 2 1 3 0 Second Innings. O. M. It. w. 14 5 45 1 18 3 37 1 17 0 66 0 7 0 15 0 12 1 22 0 2 0 13 0 1 .1 0 1 1 0 OF GEELONG.—Played at Geelong (Victoria) on January 5 and Gand left drawn. Score :— First innings. A ustralia . Second innings. Hobbs, c Coles, b Baird.............. ... 19 Kinneir, st Carr, b Smart ... 43 Gunn (G.), b Orchard ............... ... 51 Vine, c Marsham, b W. Eason... ... 43 c Grigg, b W. Eason . 3 J. W. H. T. Douglas, b Armstrong ... 43 Captain W. J. H. Curwen, b W. Eason 0 not out ......................... 33 Mead (C. P.). b Armstrong ... 65 not out ........................ . 33 Iremonger, b Smart ............... 8 c Hirst, b W. Eason . 3 Woolley, not out ... .............. 4 c Carr, b W. Eason . 23 Hitch, did not bat ............... ... — c Hirst, b W. Eason 17 Byes, &c........................ 9 Byes, &c................... . 6 Total (8 wkts)* ... 285 Total (4 w kts).. 118 Strudwick did not bat. XV of G eelong . Liddicutt, c Iremonger, b Curwen 129 Grigg, b Curwen ......................... 4 Johnstone, b V i n e .......................... 24 W. Eason, b Curwen 4 Marsham, b Vine 0 Slater, b Curwen ......................... 0 Hirst, c Gunn, b Hitch .............. 14 Baird, not out ......................... 5 Coles, c Mead, b W oolley.............. C. Armstrong, b Hitch ............... 8 Carr, c Hitch, b Vine ............. 10 22 A. Eason, run o u t ......................... 0 Orchard, b Hitch .......................... 5 Byes, &c.............................. 17 Smart, c Strudwick, b Vine 3 — Baker, c Woolley, b G unn.............. 32 T o t a l ......................... 277 Hitch took 3 wickets for 71, Gunn 1 for 42, Vine 4 for 56, Curwen 4 for 23, Iremonger 0 for 22, Hobbs 0 for 2 and Woolley 1 for 44. E n g la n d ’s 11th M atch . —v. AUSTRALIA (3rd Test).— Played at Adelaide on January 12, 13, 15, 16 and 17 and won by England by seven wickets. Score and analysis :— First Innings. A ustralia . Second Innings. W. Bardsley, c Smith, b Barnes C. Kelleway, b Foster II. V. Hordern, c Rhode?, b Foster V. S. Ransford, not out W. W. Armstrong, b Foster V. T. Trumper, b Hitch C. Hill j-t Smith, b F oster.. R. B. Minnett, b Foster T. J. Matthews, c Mead, b Barnes A. Cotter, b Barnes II. Carter, c Gunn, b Douglas B 3, lb 6 , nb 2 Total First Innings. Hobbs, c Hordern, b Minnett .. .. 187 Rhodes, Ibw, b Cotter .. .. 59 Gunn (G.), c Hill, b Coiter .. .. 29 Hearne (J. W.), c Hill, b Kelleway .. 12 Mead (C. P.), c and b Hordern .. .. 46 F. R. Foster, b Armstrong .. .. 71 J. W. H. T. Douglas, b Minnctt .. 35 Woolley, b Cotter .. .. .. .. 20 Smith (E. J.) c Vine (for Trumper), b Cotter .. .. .. .. 22 Barnes, not out .. .. .. .. 2 Hitch, c Macartney (for Rar.sforf) b Hor­ dern .. .. .. • • •• 0 B7, lb 8 , nb 3 .. .. 18 Byes, &c ..........................3 Total .. .. .. 501 Total(3 wickets) .. 112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 5 b F o s t e r .......................... 63 1 b Douglas 37 . . 25 c and b Barnes 5 8 b H i t c h .......................... .. 33 b Douglas 25 .. 26 not out 1 0 c Hitch, b Barnes .. 98 0 c Hobbs, b Barnes 38 5 b Barnes 53 .. 1 1 b Barnes 15 8 c Smith, b W’oolley 72 .. 1 1 B 26, lb 3, nb 2 31 .. 133 E ngland . Total Second Innings. 476 Ibw, b Hordern not out c Cotter, b Kelleway c Kelleway, b Matthews not out 3 57 4-3 2 2