Cricket 1911
250 C R IC K E T : A W EEK LY RECORD OP THE GAME. J u n e 17 , 19 11. H. GRADIDGE and SONS, Manufacturers of all Requisites — F O R — C r icket, Lawn Tennis, Racquets , Hockey, Football, and all British Sports. Used by all ^ the Lead. ing Players ^ throughout ^ the World Price Lists on Application Of all First-Class Out fitters and Dealers. Reblading a Speciality. fa c to r y :— A r t i l l e r y P lace , WOOLWICH. Patentees and Sole Mahers B row n B ook H a n d y P ock et S ize. B ou n d In Cloth. P rice 6d. The 43rd edition of the “ Cricket Calendar” contains specially tabulated pages for keeping a record of individual batting and bowling averages, County and Club fixtures, Official list of Umpires, the County Championship, Champion Counties, South Africa in Australia, &c. C R I C K E T D I R E C T O R Y N ew E d ition . B ou n d in Cloth. P rice 6d. Contains list of Clubs with Secretaries’ names and addresses. Catalogue ol “ Cricket and Sporting Literature” post free. The “ Cricket Press,” 25,Temple Chambers, London, E.C. PAPER COVERS, Poet free 8d. STIFF COVERS, Po»t free Is. 2d. OFFICIAL HISTORY OF WARWICKSHIRE CRICKET. B y S y d n e y S a n t a ll. From 1864 to 1910. 212 pages Profusely illustrated by Photographs. C ric k e t & S p o rts P u b lish ers, Ltd., 353, S tran d, L on don , W .C. And o f all Booksellers and Newsagents. 9 9 For cleaning and whitening Buckskin and Canvas Boots and Shoes, Cricket Pads, &c. Packed in spun zinc container, with sponge. Will not Rub Off or Cake. S T A N L E Y F E A S T & C O •) L O N D O N .R S . e ! Cricket: A W E E K L Y RECO R D OF TH E GAME . 168, UPPER THAMES STREET. LONDON, E.C. SATURDAY, JUNE 17 th , 1911. All communications intended for the Editorial Department should, in order to prevent delay, be addressed to “ The Editor of C r icket , 168, Upper Thames Street, E .C .,” and not to any person by name. The same remark applies to all publications intended for review. The Editor cannot hold himself responsible for the safety of MSS. sent to him for consideration, although every effort will be made to return them when a stamped addressed wrapper is enclosed for that purpose. As replies to questions are given only by way of published answers to correspondents, and not by letter, those seeking information do not need to enclose stamped addressed envelopes. Letters and enquiries from anonymous correspondents will not receive attention. Advertisements, subscriptions, &e., should be addressed to the “ Manager of C rick et , 168, Upper Thames Street, E.G.,” and should be kept distinct from communications intended for the Editorial Department. The Proprietors reserve to themselves the right to refuse any advertisement. Newsagents are supplied only by Messrs. Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd., of 32, Paternoster Row. The charge for notices (which must be authenticated by the name and address of the sender) under the heading “ Births, Marriages and Deaths ” is two shillings for three lines, and sixpence per line afterwards. The following are the rates of subscription to C ricket :— Great Britain. Abroad. One Year ... ... ... 6s. 3d. ... 7s. 6d. The 24 Summer Numbers ... 5s. Od. ... 6s. Od. The 6 Winter Numbers ... Is. 3d. ... Is. 6d. All payments must be made in advance and accompany orders to “ The Manager of C ricket , 168, Upper Thames Street, E.C.” IMPORTANT NOTICE. O w i n g t o t h e C o r o n a t i o n F e s t i v i t i e s n e x t w e e k , “ C r i c k e t ’’ w i l l b e p u b l i s h e d o n W E D N E S D A Y m o r n i n g . C o r r e s p o n d e n t s a n d C o n t r i b u t o r s w ill g r e a t l y a s s i s t u s b y s e n d i n g t h e i r c o p y n o t l a t e r t h a n f i r s t p o s t o n M o n d a y . W e s h o u l d b e g l a d i f C l u b S e c r e t a r i e s w o u l d a r r a n g e t o h a v e t h e i r M a t c h R e p o r t s d e l i v e r e d a t o u r O f f i c e s b y m i d - d a y M o n d a y . lfravUton (3ossip. The abstract and brief chronicle of the time. — Hamlet. EICESTERSHIRE’S continued failure is very difficult to understand, and must be galling indeed to the club’s supporters. The match with Surrey at the Oval was lost after a splendid start. C. J. B. Wood, Whitehead, and Shipman made fine efforts in this game, but received very in adequate support from the rest of the side. Knight alone did well against Notts, at Trent Bridge. The Lanca shire game at Leicester was a great fight, Wood, Coe, Lord, King, Whitehead, Knight, Sharp, Shipman, Brown and the captain, John Shields, all helping. Only one man on the side was a failure, and the consequence was that a strong opposing team was pushed to the narrow margin of 13 runs.
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