Cricket 1911

156 C E IC K E T : A W EEK LY EECOED OF THE GAME. M a y 13, 1911. C R IC K E T IN IN D IA . O otacamund v. M adras . — Played at Ootacamund on April 12 and 13 and won by the home side by an innings and 42 runs. Score :— O otacam und . S. Bayly, c Moir, b Gwynne ... 17 Capt. Plumer, c Moir, b Rogers ... 33 H. Travers Phillips, b Smith ... 16 G. Cox, c Moir, b Smith.................. 36 Capt. Clarke, b Attwood ........... 55 W. Prest, c Moir, b Gwj’nne.......... 70 W. Dobbie, c de la Hey, b Wimbush 49 * Innings declared closed. Capt. Waring and G. H. Andrews did not bat. M adras . J. B. Russell, not out H. Reynolds, c Attwood, b Rogers Byes, &c........................... Total (8 wltts") ...........*; First innings. Second inning?. J. T. Gwynne, c Phillips, b Clarke ... 15 b Dobbie .................. ... 0 Kumaramangalam, c Plumer, b Clarke ... 4 lbw, b Dobbic ........... ... 0 P. L. Moore, b Clarke .......................... ... 6 b A n d rew s.................. ... 19 A. Wimbush, c Bayly, b Clarke ........... ... 0 c Clarke, b Phillips ... ... 21 G. R. Attwood, b D obbie................................... 7 c Plumer, b Dobbie ... ... 34 J. F. Moir, c Phillips, b Clarke ................... 18 b Andrews .................. ... 30 Morgan, c Dobbie, b Clarke ........................... 7 b Phillips .................. ... 15 K. A. Fulcher, not out ................................... 8 c Plumer, b Dobbie ... ... 20 Rogers, b Reynolds ........................................ .. 2 c Russell, b Phillips... ... 1 S. B. Smith, c Waring, b Clarke ................ .. 2 b Dobbie .................. ... 2 C. de La Hey, b Dobbie ......................... ... 1 not o u t .......................... ... 24 Byes, &c................................ ... 17 Byes, &c................. ... 36 Total ........................... ... 87 Total .......... ... 202 G E O R G E A V E R Y & S O N , Cricket Ball Manufacturers, 9 & 1 1 , C harles Street, SO UTH BO RO UGH , K E N T . Established 1861. G. AVERY and SON during the past 49 years of their establish­ ment have rarely known a trial order fail to elicit continued patronage, all their balls being of the best possible material and workmanship, while their easy response to every stroke is noted by all who use them. “ O Y A L B A . ” R E I D ’ S O V A L W H I T E . The celebrated preparation for cleaning Cricket and all Buff Leather Goods. Warranted not to rub off or c«»ke. As used at Kennington Oval, and highly recom mended by K. S. Ranjitsinhji. Dr. W . G. Grace, C. B. Pry, Lord Dalmeny Australian XI., 1905. G. L. Jessop, &c.. &c. Packed in zin c b oxes, 6d. p e r b ox. J. J. REID. 378, Kennington Road, LONDON. THE AMERICAN CRICKETER. F ounded 1877. Published by H. H. Cornish on behalf of The Associated Cricket Clubs of Philadelphia. An Illustrated Journal of Cricket, Association Football, Tennis, Golf, and Kindred Pastimes. No. 608, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. price — 15 1- per annum, post paid anywhere. Specimen copies mailed on request. CRICKET AND ALL SPORTS REQUISITES One Quality only —" The ‘Best ” A p p o in te d b y R oyal W a rra n t. RANSOMES' LAWN MOWERS. T H E B E S T I N T H E W O R L D . Specially adapted for Cricket Grounds, ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES FREE. R A N S O M E S , S IM S & J E F F E R I E S , L t d . , IPSW ICH. Obtained from ONCE USED , A LW A Y S USED . I P “ P A T T I S S O N ” H O R S E B O O T S . T . M . GARDINER , Spo rts W orks, HODDESDON, HERTS. S im p l e s t ! S t r o n g e s t ! Mos t E c o n om i c a l ! CRICKET BATS JS “ T H E S P E C I A L L Y S E L E C T E D ,” as used in all County Matches by the Leading Players. Send fo r fu lly illu stra ted Catalogue. REPAIRS AND REBLADING A SPECIALITY. THREE GOLD MEDALS. SEVEN SILVER MEDALS. Supplied by all Ironmongers St Seedsmen. Used in the Royal and Principal Gardens and by the leading Cricket and Golf Clubs. SILVER MEDAL. Royal Horticultural Society. H U N D R E D S O F T E S T IM O N IA L S . The “ F ield ” says: “ As good as anything that could be devised ” Dr. W. G. G . ace w rites : “ The best.” M r . S. Apted (The Oval): The best I have ever used Illustrated Price Lists, with Testimonials, from— H . P A T T I S S O N & C O .9 4, Greyhound Lane, Streatham, S.W . Printed for the Proprietors by M e r r itt & H atch er , Ltd., 167, 168 and 169 Upper Thames Street, London, B.C., May 13th, 1911, and published by S im pk in , M a r sh a l l , H am ilton , K ent & Co., L td ., Paternoster Row, E.C. Agents for Australia, &c., G ordon & G otch , London, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, Launceston, Hobart and Wellington (N.Z.). For South Africa : O kn tral N ew s A o en cy , L td ., Cape Town, Johannesburg and branches.