Cricket 1911

May 1 3 , 1 9 1 1 . C R ICK ET : A W EEK LY RECORD OF THE GAME. 1 5 1 FIRST-CLASS CRICKET IN THE WEST INDIES 1910-11. Besides the matches of the English Team, the big cricket in the West Indies this season consisted of the two games played in the tournament at Georgetown, British Guiana, in September, when Barbados beat both the home side and Trinidad. The English team’s averages were given last week, though they included one match—- that v. Port Antonio—which has no claim to first-class rank. We give hereunder the chief batting and bowling averages of the home players. In all, 01 men—excluding the Englishmen—batted, and 40 bowled ; but it is possible to give only a selection in each case. BATTING AVERAGES. Not High’st Batsman. Side. Inns. out. Runs. Aver, score. A. Cipriani ...................Trinidad . . . . 3 0 202 (57*33 135 P. H. Tarilton .. ..Barbados .. . . 7 1 262 43*66 99 H. B. G. Austin .. ..Barbados .. . . 4 0 138 34*50 85 L. S. Constantine .. ..Trinidad .. .. 5 1 133 33*25 53 J. K. Holt ...................Jamaica .. . . 6 0 198 33*00 72 J. C. R o g e r s ...................Trinidad .. . . 8 1 223 31*85 74* H. C. Duncker . . . .Jamaica . . . . 6 1 154 30*80 55 C. A. B row ne...................Barbados .. . . 6 0 180 30*00 66 G. C h a llen or...................Barbados .. . . 7 0 191 27*28 75 G. C. F o s t e r ...................Jamaica . . . . 6 1 136 27*20 42 W. Gibbs ...................Barbados . . . . 7 0 175 25*00 56 H. C. Bayley .. ..B . Guiana . . 8 0 198 24*75 59 II. A. Croal ...................B. Guiana . . 8 2 146 24*33 44 F. A. F o s t e r ...................Jamaica . . . . 6 1 120 24*00 56 O. H. L a y n e ...................B. Guiana . . 6 0 135 22*50 59 R. C hallen or...................Barbados .. . . 4 0 78 19*50 34 L. Archer ...................Barbados .. . . 7 1 112 18*66 63 E. G. Hull ...................Jamaica . . . . 6 0 109 18*16 34 E. R. D. Moulder .. ..B . Guiana . . 6 0 108 M8*00 30 S. Hinds ...................B. Guiana . . 6 0 104 17*33 35 F. A b r a h a m .................. B. Guiana . . 4 0 63 15*75 33 Capt. T. B. Nicholson ..Jamaica .. . . 6 0 94 15*66 49 C. Simpson ..................B. Guiana ..10 0 109 10*90 29 G. C. Learmond .. ..Trinidad .. . . 5 0 46 9*20 23 *Signifies not out. The only century made was Cipriani’s 135 for Trini­ dad against the English team. Tarilton scored 99 for Barbados v. Trinidad, the next highest individual score of the match being 34. C. V. Hunter (B.G.), playing in only one match, made 66 and 58. BOWLING AVERAGES. Bowler. Side. Overs. Runs. Wkts. F. E. W . G. Austin .. Barbados . . 47*2 151 13 .1. C. Rogers . . 56*5 175 13 C. It. Browne . . 220*2 555 41 II. Kennedy .. . . 89 210 14 G. J o h n ................... .. Trinidad . . . . 151*3 417 25 G. Challenor . . 68 173 10 E. A. Fraser . . 44 142 8 V. Pascal .. 87 199 11 S. Worme . . 113*3 347 19 C. S.'Morrisor^. . .Jamaica .. 87 154 8 H. A. Croal . . 66*4 224 11 O. IT. Layne . . 125 346 13 Aver* 11*61 13*46 13*53 15*00 16*68 17*30 17*75 18*09 18*26 19*25 20*36 26*61 Bowling in only had 1 1 wickets for 8 for 28. one match each O. Scott (Jamaica) 138, and Packer Bailey (Barbados) WANDERERS v. BICKLEY PARK, May 6 . Score — W an d erers . S. Colman, c and b Foxley ........... 16 •I. U. C. Watt,c Cave, b E. A.Willett 60 S. Stafford, b E. A. Willett ........... 40 T. C. Stafford, c Foxley, b Jackson 21 L. S. Wells, b English ................. 20 P. G. Gale, not o u t ......................... 75 C. F. Reiner, st Cave, b E. A.Willett 32 G. Dawdry, not out........................... 22 B 13, lb 2, w 2 ................... 17 Total (6 wkts).................. *303 R. B. Brooks, O. Taylor and W. M. Bradley did not bat. —Played at Bickley Park on Saturday B ickley P a r k . J.W. Willett, st Brooks, b Wells... 42 F. W. Simmonds, b T aylor.......... 8 W. Phillips, lbw, b Taylor ........... 13 M. Baker, c Dawdry, b Bradley... 0 L. C. Dolan, run out .................. 3 P. R. Nelson, not out .................. 95 Foxley, c and b Wells .................. 4 A. G. Cave, b Reiner .................. 18 L. Jackson, b Bradley .................. 8 A. Inglis. st Brooks, b Wells ... 5 E. A. Willett, st Brooks, b Wells 4 B 8 , lb 1, nb 1 ................... 10 Total......... ... ... 217 THE NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY C.C. Lord Lilford presided on Monday last over the annual meeting of the Northamptonshire County Cricket Club, a large number of members being present. In moving the adoption of the report and balance sheet Lord Lilford referred to the great loss the Club had sustained by the death of Mr. Percy W. Dale, the late honorary organising secretary. From the ploying point of view last season had been most successful, but the balance-sheet unfortunately showed a loss of £861, which, coming on top of the previous debt of £370, was causing the Club much anxiety. Mr. A. J. Darnell, in seconding the motion, pointed out how Northamptonshire had M r. CH A R LE S J. T. POOL. On account of ill-health, Mr. Pool will be seen very seldom in the cricket-field this year. always advocated a policy of progress, without, however, wishing to tinker with the laws of the game. He was strongly in favour of promotion by merit and Saturday starts in county matches. When he first advocated the adoption of a policy of promotion by merit he was treated with scorn, but the people who sneered had come to the stool of repentance, and they had Lancashire proposing the very resolution which Northants had advocated ten years ago. The report and balance sheet were adopted, and Mr. G. A. T. Yials was elected captain in place of Mr. T. E. Manning, who had retired. Lord Lilford was re-elected president and Mr. L. B. Tebbutt hon. organising secretary. TO SECRETAR IES OF CLUBS AND SCHOOLS. S cobe - sheets and O kder of G oing - in C aeds .— A dozen of each will be sent on receipt of Twopence in stamps, to cover postage. Larger quantities at proportionate rates. Address: Manager, 168 Upper Thames Street, E .C . If you desire the scores of your matches to appear regularly in “ C eick et ,” will you kindly communicate with the Editor, 168, Upper Thames Street, E.C., for conditions under which this can be guaranteed ?