Cricket 1910

M a r c h 3 1 , 1 9 1 0 . CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. CRICKET IN AUSTRAL IA . NEW SOUTH WALES v. REST OF t AUSTRALIA. Played at Sydney on January 21, 22, 24, % and 25. C. T. B. TURNER’S BENEFIT. New South Wales won by 35 runs. The receipts during the four days of this match, in which Turner reappeared, were £534 18s. Sd. In the first innings of New South Wales, E. L. Waddy and Bardsley made 70 together for the first wicket and in the second 124, but the longest stand in the match was by Mayne and Simpson, who scored 167 for the opening partnership in the final stage of the game. Neither Trumper, who gave a characteristic display, nor Waddy (133) played a faultless innings, but Simpson’s 102 was without blemish. The failure of Noble as a batsman was dramatic, for he was bowled first ball in his first innings—a bail being sent 46 yards—and third ball in his second. Kelleway played a sound innings of 65, and with Trumper added 120 for the fifth wicket. The Rest lost their first three wickets without a run, and the total was only 8 when Armstrong was caught at slip. Further collapse, however, was stayed by a stand of 71 by Hutcheon and Gow. During the partnership of 101 for the sixth wicket by Armstrong and Facy, it seemed likely that the visitors would make the 418 set them to win, but New South Wales won a well-contested game by 35 runs 20 minutes before time. Gregory fielded with all his old-time brilliance, and ran out Mayne and Simpson in dazzling fashion. It is worthy of mention that in the second innings of the home side E. L. Waddy at one time made 43 runs whilst Turner, who was in with him, scored only a single. Score and analysis:— N ew S outh W ales . First innings. Second innings. E. L. Waddy, c and b Laver 43 c Smith, b Arm- W. Bardsley, c Mayne b L aver.................................28 M. A. Noble, b F a cy ........... 0 C. Kelleway b Armstrong 65 S. E. Gregory, c O’Connor, b Laver .........................14 V. Trumper, c O’Connor, b Armstrong ................105 C. T. B. Turner, b Laver ... 8 S. H. Emery, c Laver, b Armstrong.......................... 2 A. Cotter, st Carkeek, b Armstrong .................23 W. J. Stack, c Simpson, b Armstrong .................. 8 C. R. Qorry, not o u t .......... 0 B 2, lb 4 ................... 6 strong c Armstrong O’Connor b Whitty ... c O’Connor Whitty ... b Whitty ... ..133 b ... 55 .. 0 b ,.. 11 absent................... b Facy.................. c Carkeek,b Facy c Hutcheon, b Armstrong ... not out ........... c Carkeek,b Arm­ strong ........... B 3, lb 9 ... 27 Total .................. 302 Total , R est of A ustralia . 0 run out b Kelleway... lbw, b Emery E. R. Mayne, b Turner ... C. E. Simpson, c Waddy, b K ellew ay....................... 0 run out D. Smith, c Gorry, b Kel- lew ay .................................. o F. Gow, c Noble, b Stack... 34 W.W. Armstrong, c Emery, b Kelleway ................... J. S. Hutcheon, c Trumper. b Stack .......................... 36 F. Laver, b Cotter ...........33 A. C. Facy, not out ........... 21 W. Carkeek, c Gregory, b Emery .......................... J. A. O’Connor, st Gorry, b Stack ......... . ........... ... o W. J. Whitty, run out ... 0 B 7, lb 2, w 2, nb 1... 12 ..275 7 c Gorry, b Noble 85 st Gorry, b Stack 17 not out ........... 0 b Kelleway...........44 ... 17 c Kelleway........... 0 c sub, b Kcllcway 13 c Cotter, b Stack 2 B 16,1b 1, w l,n b l 19 Total .................. 160 R est of A ustralia . First innings. Total... ...382 Turner ... Kellcway Noble ... Stack .. Emery ... Cotter ... Whitty ... O’Connor Laver Facy ..! Armstrong 0 . M. R. W. . 0 . M. R. W. 8 2 21 1 ........... 9 1 34 3 ........... 22 3 88 4 3 0 7 0 ........... 20 3 67 1 12 1 57 3 ........... 10-3 0 56 2 4-2 0 16 1 ........... 16 1 74 1 7 1 13 1 ........... 16 1 78 0 two wides and Cotter one wide and two no balls. N ew S outh W ales . O. M. R. W. O. M. R. W. 14 2 43 0 ........... 16 1 78 3 11 1 60 0 ........... 16 5 51 1 27 4 75 4 ........... 7 1 24 0 11 1 24 1 .......... 18 0 49 2 18-2 3 67 5 ........... 11-1 0 61 3 5 0 27 0 ........... MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY v. SYDNEY UNIVERSITY. Played on the Melbourne University Oval on January 26, 27, 28, and 29, and won by the home side by 253 runs. Sydney were without Stack and Willcocks, and in consequence their bowling suffered. After the fall of the eighth wicket at 96 in their second innings, McElhone and Single put on 232, each exceeding the 100 —a remakable partnership. Miller batted seven hours and a-half for his 255, gave two chances (the first at 122 ), and hit a 6 and twenty-one 4’s. As many as 1,577 runs were made in the match. Score and analysis:— M elbourne U niversity . First innings. C. W. Miller, c Broughton, b Single ..........................22 F. A. H. Boynton, c Single, b M innett..........................99 W. L. Jack, c McElhone, b M cIn tosh ..........................12 F. R. Kerr, b Minnett ... 4 R. Matthews, b Ducker ... 34 L. Darby, c McElhone, b M cIn tosh.......................... E. R. Cordner, c James, b M cIn tosh ..........................34 A. O’Hara Wood, b McIn­ tosh .................................. 4 W. A. Hailes, b Ducker ... 44 A. J. Waters, not out ... 17 R. P. McMeekin, b Ducker 0 B 4, lb 5, w 1, nb 1... 11 66 Second innings, c W illia m s , b Broughton ...255 c M in n e t t , b Ducker ...........17 b Ducker ...........57 b Ducker ...........35 b Ducker ...........85 b Single ........... 8 c Single, b McIn­ tosh ...................13 not out ........... 7 b Broughton ... 9 b Single ...........26 b Terry ...........17 B 22, lb 8 , nb9 39 Total .................347 S ydney U niversity . Total... .568 First innings. J. A. James, c Waters, b M cMeekin.......................... 5 O. B. Williams, b Matthews 40 F. E. McElhone, c Waters, b Darby ..............................51 R. B. Minnett, c Miller, b McMeekin............................108 tf. G. Ducker, c Miller, b Darby................................... 7 J. B. Lane, c O’Hara Wood, 4 b Darby ............................ 1 H. H. Massie, b Ken- ... 21 Dr. G. D. McIntosh, b D arby................................... 3 L. C. Terry, b Matthews... 22 C. V. Single, b McMeekin 14 N. W. Broughton, not out 0 B 15, lb 3 ..............18 Second innings, c O’Hara Wood, b D a rb y ........ 8 b Darby ...........25 b Matthews ...123 b Darby ........... 1 lbw, b Darby ... 11 c C o r d n e r , b Darby ........... 9 b K err................... 1 b K err................... 4 c Cordner, b Kerr 0 not out..................141 b C ordner...........24 B 21, lb 3, w 1 25 Total ...290 Total......... 372 M elbourne U niversity . First innings. Second innings. O. M. R. W. O. M. R. W. Terry .........,. 13 2 41 0 ...........19 3 43 1 Single ......... . 17 2 53 1 ...........33 8 99 2 McIntosh . 18 1 53 4 ...........29 4 77 1 D u ck er........... 11 1 22 3 ...........39 5 106 4 Minnett......... . 27 2 80 2 ...........39 8 100 0 Broughton .. 23 1 87 0 ...........17 0 71 2 James ........... 4 0 15 0 Massie ........... 2 0 4 0 Williams ........... 3 0 14 0 S ydney U niversity . First innings. Second innings. O. M. R. W. O. M. R. W. Matthews ..,. 25 8 66 2 ... ... 11 2 32 1 McMeekin ..,. 14 2 49 3 ...........23 1 102 0 Kerr ........... 12 1 55 1 ...........16 0 58 3 Darby ........... 14 2 49 4 ...........34 6 92 5 Cordner........... 18 2 53 0 ........... 11 2 43 1 Waters ........... 6 2 11 0 Miller ........... 2 0 9 0 NEW SOUTH WALES v. VICTORIA. Played at Sydney on January 26, 27, 28, and 29. New South Wales won by six wickets. Some remarkable cricket was seen in this match, for, whereas twenty batsmen were dismissed on a fine wickct on the first day for 341 runs, the home side, when set 299 to win, made the number for the loss of only four wickets. Gregory’s superb batting in the final stage of the game dwarfed everything else. Although handicapped by a damaged hand, he made 169 runs out of 299 in four hours and a-quarter by excellent cricket: he hit fifteen 4’s and made his runs all round the wicket. With Bardsley he scored 118 for the opening partnership, and with Kelleway put on 137 after two men were out for 143. W. J. Scott was seen to much advantage in the Victorians’ second innings, and, strange to say, found his most useful partner in Saunders, who remained whilst 61 were added for the last wickct. J. Scott did admirable work during the innings, and deserved his success. Score and analysis V ictoria . First innings. Second innings. T. S. Warne, c Waddy, b S c o t t .................................... 0 b Sim pson............37 F. T. Delves, c Gorry, b Scott ................................57 c Gregory, b Scott 10 D. Smith, b Kelleway ... J. M. Ainslie, run out W. W. Armstrong, c Emery, b Scott ........................... W. J. Scott, b Stack ........... B. Kortlang, not ou t... A. Kenny, b Emery ... J. T. Matthews, b Emery... 13 c Gorry, bScott .. 0 W. Carkeek, b Emery ... 11 cSim pson,bScott 0 J. V. Saunders, c Gorry, b Emery ............................ 0 B 7, lb 2 .................... 9 b Emery ........... 0 c Gow, b Stack... 50 st Gorry, b Scott 47 c G orry,bScott... 81 , 34 c Simpson,b Scott 15 10 b Scott................... 7 not out ...........18 B 8 , lb 5, w 1 14 Total ..180 Total .. N ew S outh W ales . ...279 Second innings. ... 47 b Armstrong ... 13 st Carkeek, b Warne ...........50 First innings. W. Bardsley, c Armstrong, b Saunders ...................51 b Kenny E. L. Waddy, b Saunders... 3 not out C. E. Simpson, b Armstrong C. Kelleway,c sub., b Saunders .......................... S. E. Gregory, run out... 22 not out .................169 F. Gow,cAinslie,bSaunders 38 c Warne, b Kort­ lang ................... 4 R. V. Minnett, b Armstrong 6 S. H. Emery, c Kenny, b Saunders ........................... 4 W. J. Stack, c sub., b Saunders ........................... 7 J. Scott, not o u t.................. 9 C. R. Gorry, run out........... 8 Byes ........................... 4 B6,lb4,w l,nb3 14 Total .................. 161 Total (4 wkts)299 V ictoria . First innings. Second innings O. M. R. W. O. M. R. W. Scott ......... .1 4 3 41 3 ..........16-3 3 48 7 Kelleway .1 5 1 41 1 ..........14 3 44 0 Stack ......... .1 3 1 44 0 ..........17 3 68 1 Emery .......... . 18*1 1 45 4 ..........25 3 88 1 Simpson .......... 6 3 17 1 Scott bowled a wide. N ew S outh W ales . O. M. R. W. O. M. R. W. Matthews .. . 3 0 27 0 .......... 3 0 27 0 Scott ......... . 4 1 20 0 .......... 12 1 45 0 Armstrong ...1 4 4 34 2 ..........30 11 52 1 Saunders . 13 2 0 76 6 ..........24 1 86 0 Kenny ... .......... 10 1 31 1 Kortlang ......... 7 1 32 1 Warne ... .......... 2-2 0 12 1 Scott bowled a wide and Saunders bowled three no-balls. VICTORIA, v. TASMANIA. Played at Melbourne on January 29, 31, February 1 and 2. Victoria won by an innings and 126 runs. The Tasmanians were without Windsor, Dodds and Harrison, but the home side were also at far from full strength. The Victorians went ahead from the start, and, after being in all the first day for 400 for four wickets, made 660 in seven hours and three-quarters. Gerald Healy scored 218 out of 553 in six hours and a quarter, giving ODly one chance (when 36) and hitting fourteen 4’s : he drovo and cut well and showed strong defence. With Ransford (who made 74 of the number) he added 102 for the second wicket, with McKenzie 170 for the fourth) and with Vaughan 255 for the fifth in 165 minutes. The last named hit a 5 and ninetocn 4’s in scoring 150 out of 266, and made only one mistake. When the ninth wickct fell at 588 the end seemed near, but Binnic and Lampard added a further 72 in 45 minutes. As the result of some level batting, Tasmania scored 318, Hale playing well for 53, and Facy and Westbrook adding 93 together. In the follow-on Hawson and McKenzie made 76 for the first wicket, but no one else did much, Victoria winning very easily. Parsons took six wickets for 63. Score and analysis :— V ictoria . E. V. Carroll, c and b F a cy ........................... 9 G. Healy, lbw, b Chan­ cellor.........................218 V. S. Ransford, c M‘Donald, b Facy... 74 J. H. Stuckey, c Park­ inson, b Chancellor 5 C. McKenzie, c Park­ inson, b Chancellor 96 F. Vaughan,c Hawson, b Chancellor ............150 C. Kiernan, c Martin, b Chancellor............ 2 H. F. Parsons, c Burn, b Facy .................... 1 A. Lampard, not out 55 H. Hart, b Facy ... 6 J. Binney, b M‘Don- ald ........................29 B 13, lb 2 ........ 15 Total ...660