Cricket 1907

72 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. A p r il 18 , 1 9 07. JOHN WISDENI GO. CRICKET BALL MAKERS, Supply all the Principal Counties and Clubs through­ out the world with their well-known M a rv e llo u s T e s tim o n y . S.S. “ China,” 18th Sept., 1905. Messrs. John Wisden & Co. Dear Sirs,—During the tour of the 1905 Australian Eleven, your “ Special Crown ” Cricket Balls were the only balls used in the Test Matches, and they gave every satisfaction. We also used your “ Special Crown” Balls in nearly all our matches, and I must say that they are the best Balls in the market, being less severe ou the hands and bats than other balls, besides lasting as well, nothing but your “ Special Crown ” Balls are used in the International and Inter-State Matches in Australia, and we find them in every way suitable to our hard grounds. All the members of the 1905 Australian XI. used your “ Crawford Exceller” Bats, and we all like them better than any other bat in the market on account of the handle you put in them. Yours sincerely, J ob D arling , Australian XI. The Balls to be used in Test Matches are now settled WISDEN’S are the only makes permissible From Dealers all over the world, and 2 1 , Cranbonrn S t., London, W C. City Manta t BBIBTVIVK ft GO.. CHEAPSIDL* FRANK SUGG, Ltd. WHERE THE CRICKET BATS COME FROM. Testimonials from C. B. FRY, C. JESSOP, etc., etc. County Cricketers use and recommend the Boundarie Bat, 21/-, played with in TEST MATCHES between 1880 and 1906. 20 years practical test. MATCH CRICKET BATS— Boundarie, 21/-, Lancashire Witch, 17/6, Ranji, 15/-, Special Club, 12/6, Klynker, 7/6. BOYS’ MATCH BATS, All Cane— Size 4-4 /-, 5/6, 6/6 Size 5—5/-, 6/6, 8/6 Size 6 -6/-, 8/6,10/- Size 7—7/-, 16/6. 12/6 Repairs executed by return post. Reblades, 4/6, 6/-, 7/6 and 16/6 Match Cricket Balls, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6 Stumps, 2/6, 3/9, 5/9, 7/6 Match Leg Guards, 3/9, 5/-, 6/6 Batting Gloves,4/6,5/6,7/6 Cricket Nets, from 8/9 H. GRADIDGE & SONS, GRASS SEEDS. For Cricket Grounds. THE ONLY SEEDS Used at LORD’S and the OYAL. Price 1/6 per lb., 3 0 / - per Bushel. C A R R I A G E F R E E . For Tennis Courts. Used at the AIL ENGLAND &E0UND. Price 1/6 per lb., 3 0 / - per Bushel. C A R R I A G E F R E E - For Football Grounds. Used at ASTON PARK, &c., &c. Price 1/6 per lb., 3 0 / - per Bushel. C A R R I A G E F R E E . For Golf Links AND Putting Greens. USED ON Al! the LEAD ING GROUNDS . For Greens, 1/6 It., SO /- Bushel C A R R I A G E F R E E . Cheaper prescriptions for various purposes down to 1 7 /6 per bushel. E s t im a te s g iv e n for Q u a n t itie s . Cricket Boots, from 5/- Shirts, 1/9. Caps, 6d, 1/- Trousers from 6/6 per pair CricketGauntlets from3/9 Cricket Bags, 5/8,6/9, 8/-, 10/6. Leather 22/6,27/6, 45/- Write at once for illustrated Catalogue Post Free, containing Notice of Cricket Bats given away to Clubs for discount. 54, SNIG HILL, SHEFFIELD. 4 , NEW STATION STREET, LEEDS. 8. QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF, a n d 12, LORD STREET, LIVERPOOL. CARTER’SSpecial Grass Manure Sown at the rate of 28 lbs. to an ordinary Green, mixed with about three times its bulk in sifted loam or sand, according to the nature of the soil, -will prove a valuable stimulator to Grass, and assist the Grass to recover after the winter wear. Price, 7/6 per 28 lbs.; 12/6 per 56 lbs.; 21/- per cwt. (carriage paid). CARTER’S Worm Killer. Cheap and effective, kills them by the thousands. Particulars free on application. Illustrated Pamphlet post free. Manufacturers o f all Requisites for Cricket, Lawn Tennis, Racquets, Football, a n d all British Sports. PATENTEES AND SOLE MAKERS OF THE Price Lists Free on Application. Of all First=Class Outfitters and Dealers. ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET Gratis and Post Free. CARTERS, Seedsmen to His Majesty the King. 237,238, ft 97, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON. Factory, ART I L L E RY PLACE . WOOLWICH, Cricket: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 168, UPPER THAMES STREET, LONDON, E.C. THURSDAY, APRIL 18 t h , 1907 . The abstract and brief chronicle of the time.— Hamlet. D tjbin g 1907 the Kent Eleven will be selected from the following players:— Blaker, Mr. Richard Norman Rowsell. Born at Bayswater, October 24th, 1879. Blythe, Colin. Born at Deptford, May 30th, 1879. Burnup, Mr. Cuthbert James. Bom at Blackheath, November 21st, 1875. Day, Mr. Arthur Percival. Born at Blackheath, April 10th, 1885. Day, Mr. Samuel Hulme. Born at Peckham Rye, Deoember 29th, 1878.