Cricket 1907

64 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. A p r il 11, 1907. JULY. 6. Beckenham, v. Beckenham 13. Oaterham, v. Caterham 15. v. Holmesdale 16. v. 0. F. Tuffnell’s XI. 17. v. Banstead 18. v. Beddington 19. v. Surrey Club and Ground 20. v. Norwood 27. Kenlejr, v. Reigate Priory AUGUST. 3. Kenley, v. Merstham 10. Kenley, v. Whitgift Wanderers 17. Oxted, v. Oxted 24. Streatham, v. Streatham 31. Reigate, v. Reigate Priory SEPTEMBER. 7. Kenley, v. Upper Tooting Cricket Week T he L ondon and W estminster B ank C.C., j whose Honorary Secretary is Mr. A. M. Cockell, o f 41, Lothbury, E.C., will again run five teams. The captain of the first Eleven is Mr. W. Bradbery. Among: the opponents to be met are Hampton Wick, Forest Hill, Brixton Wanderers, Eastbourne, Streatham, and Blackheath. The ground is at Norbury. MAY. 4. Norbury, v. Hampton Wick 11. Catford, v. Catford 14. Norbury, v. London and County Bank* 18. Sidcup, v. Sidcup 20. Poole, Dorset, v. Poole Park 2.r). Forest Hill, v. Forest Hill 27. Norbury, v. London and South-Western Bank* JUNE. 1. East Dulwich, v. Brixton Wanderers 4. Norbury, v. National Provincial Bank* 10. Eastbourne, v. Eastbourne 15. Norbury, v. Norbury Park 18. Norwood, v. London and South-Western Bank* 22. Streatham, v. Streatham JULY. 6. Norbury, v. Brixtoil Wanderers 8. Lower Sydenham, v. National Provincial Bank* 13. Chipstead, v. Chipstead 16. Norbury, v. London and County Bank* 20. Norbury, v. Streatham 22. Lee, v. Granville (Lee)* 27. Hampton Wick, v. Hampton Wick AUGUST. 5. High Wycombe, v. High Wycombe 10. Blackheath, v. Blackheath 24. Norbury, v. Forest Hill 31. Romford, v. Romford SEPTEMBER. 7. Norbury Park, v. Norbury Park * Evening Matches. T he W anderers during 1907 will again meet many of the strongest Metropolitan Clubs, whilst a ten days’ tour in Kent and Sussex has been arranged for mid-August. The Honorary Secretary is Mr. A. M. Latham of 2, Temple Gardens, E.C., and the Hon Treasurer Mr. Stanley Colman, of Wood lands, Tower Hill, Dorking, who is re sponsible for all arrangements concerning the teams. MAY. 4. v. St. Bartholomew’s Hospital 9. v. St. John’s Leatherhead 11. v. Lessness Park 16. v. Hampton Wick 18. v. Guy’s Hospital 20 . v. Leatherhead 22. v. Sutton 25. v. Uxbridge JUNE. Norbury Park v. Charlton Park v. Ealing v. Surrey Club and Ground v. Beckenham v. Granville v. Guildford v. Dulwich College v. Gravesend JULY. Bickley Park and Bromley . Forest Hill . Streatham . Hampsterd . Noiwood . Upper Tooting ■.Richmond . Dorking . Epsom . East Molesey . Tonbridge*' . Tunbridge Wells* . Worthing* . Eastbourne* r. Bexhill-on-Sea* AUGUST. Tour *Two-Day Matches. “ CR I CK E T ” VOLUMES , 1906. 8 /6 , post free 9/-■ Handsomely bound in dark green cloth, with lettering in gold. Cloth Cases for binding Cricket , 2 / - each. Post free, 2 /3 . C ricket ” O ffiobs , 168, Upper Thames Street, E.C “ O Y A L B A . ” R E I D ’ S O V A L . W H I T E . The celebrated preparation for cleaning Cricket and all Buff Leather Goods. Warranted not to rub off or cake. As used at Ken- nington Oval, and highly recommended by K. S Ranjitsinhji, Dr. W. G. Grace, C. B. Fry, Lord Dalmeny, Australian XI., 1905, G. L. Jessop, &c., &c. P a c k e d in z in c b o x e s , 6 d . p e r bo x. J. J. REID, 378, Kennington Rd., London. The AMERICAN CRICKETER. F ounded 1877. Published by H. H. Cornish on behalf of The Associated Cricket Clubs of Philadelphia. An Illustrated Journal of Cricket, Assooiatios, Football, Tennis, Golf, and Kindred Pastimes. No. 632, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., U .S.A’ prick :— 10/- per annum, post paid anywhere. Specimen copies mailed on request. JOHN WISDEN’S CRICKETERS’ ALIWACK Fo r 1907. Edited by SYDNEY H. PARDON T H E Record of First=Class Cricket. Being the ONLY Publication giving the full Scores and Bowling Analyses of every first-class Cricket Match. Price 1/- Post Free, 1/4. CONTAINS :--- Short History of Kent cricket by G. Marsliam; The Tonbridge Nursery, by Captain McCanlis; Five Cricketers of the Year—J. N. Crawford, E. G. Hayes, K. L. Hutchings, N. A. Knox and A. Fielder; W. G. Grace in Gentlemen v. Players’ Matches (all his scores and bowling figures); Public School Cricket. N ow R eady. 21, CRANBOURN ST., LONDON, W.C. NATIVE GUMO. ■REST and CHEAPEST ANURE for LAWNS, -L* CRICKET and TENNIS GROUNDS and all Vegetables, Fruits, and Flowers. Price, JE3 10s. per ton in bags; 2 ton lots carriage paid. Lots under 10 cwt., 4 /- per cwt. at works. A 1 cwt. bag sent carriage paid to any station in England on receipt of P.O. for 5/-. Extracts from recent reports: W. A. WOOF, Member M.C.C. Staff, Glo’ster County XI., and now Cricket Coach, Cheltenham College, October 1st, 1904.—“ I have great pleasure in strongly recommending your noted ‘ Native Guano.’ For cricket grounds, tennis courts, bowling greens, it has no equal. 1 have used it for years on Cheltenham College Grounds with splendid results.” C. Kidman (Cheltenham).—“ A great success on cricket and tennis lawns” E. Bradshaw (Bolsover).—“ 1 can recommend it highly for cricket grounds and general garden crops.” Orders to the Native Guano Co., Ltd., 29, New Bridge Street, London, E.C., where Testimonials, &c., may be obtained. Agents wanted. C RICKET Report Sheets, lOd. per dozen, post free Order of Going-in Cards, 7d. per dozen, post free ; Cricket Score Books, 6d. and Is. each; postage 2d. extra—To be obtained at the Offices of “ Cricket.” 168, Upper Thames Street, London, E.O. By Royal Warrant, MaKers to H .M . the King. RANSOMES’ LAWN MOWERS THREE SILVER MEDALS A R E T H E B E S T , All kinds and sizes. R A N S O M E S , S I M S & JEFFERIES, LTD., IPSW ICH , Supplied by all Ironmongers. Printed^and Published for the Proprietor by M e r r itt & H a tch er, L td ., 167, 168 and 169 Upper Thames Street, London, E.O:, April 11th, 1907.