Cricket 1905

A p r il 27, 1905 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 85 JULY. 1. Uxbridge, v. Uxbridge 8. Chiswick Park, v. Barnes 15. Crystal Palace, v. London County 17. v. Ealing , 18. v. Merton 19. v. Hampstead 20. v. M.O.O. | Home Week 21. v. Incogniti 22. v. H.A.C. J 29. Chiswick Park, v. Marlborough Blues AUGUST. 5. Chiswick Park, v. Kensington Park 7. Kensington Park, v. Kensington Park 12. Chiswick Park, v. Tumham Green TH E COM ING SEASON . The chief news of interest in connection with the counties and other important teams may be summed up as follows :— FIRST-GLASS COUNTIES. L a n ca s h ire . —A. C. Maclaren, who will again captain the team, has returned from India in excellent health. L. O. S. Poidevin has returned from Australia. There are hopes that the services of W . Brearley, the fast bowler, will not be lost to the county. H. G. Garnett may be able to play more frequently than last year. Lancashire will play all the first- class counties except Hampshire and Northamptonshire. K. M. Carlisle, the Oxonian, will be available after the ’Varsity matches. W o r c e s te r s h ir e . —It is hoped that R. E. Foster will be able to play more regularly. H. K. Foster will again be captain. Cuffe, the Australian left-hand bowler, is qualified to play. S om e rse tsh ire . —L. 0. H . Palairet has stated that if he is able to play at all for the county it will only be intermittently. He has accepted an appointment in Derbyshire which will require his constant presence there. 8. M. J. Woods, who is again captain, hopes to have suffici­ ently recovered from the accident which he received when playing Rugby for Blackheath Past v. Present, to be able to play in the first match—against Yorkshire on May 4th. J. Daniell is in India, and F. A. Phillips is also abroad. Montgomery, the Surrey player, is qualifying. W. Brearley, the Lan­ cashire fast bowler, will be qualified next season. Somerset does not play Surrey this year. Bobson will receive the proceeds of the Kent match at Taunton for his benefit. G lo u c e s te r s h ir e . —Roberts, who was last year too ill to be able to play, has recovered, and it is hoped that his services will be available. Parker, a promising left-hand bowler, will also be available. G. L. Jessop will again act as captain. L. D. Brownlee will be able to play more frequently. Wrathall will have the Lancashire match at Bristol in August for his benefit. Y o r k s h ir e . —There are hopes that the Hon. F. S. Jackson will play more regularly than of late. Frank Mitchell is in South Africa. It is doubtful whether Irving Washington, who will be back from the Cape in May, will have sufficiently recovered from his illness to be able to assist the county. Lord Hawke, who has again been chosen as captain, is hardly likely to be home from India for the first two or three matches. Ernest Smith will again not be able to play till August, unless he can get away for a match in London before then. S u r r e y . —Lord Dalmeny will captain the team in the earlier matches. J. N. Crawford is still at Repton, but will play when possible. W. W. Read, the famous old Surrey bats­ man, has succeeded W. T. Graburn as coach to the young players. Hobbs, the promising young Cam­ bridge player, is now qualified. Montgomery is qualifying for Somer­ set. Richardson has gone to live at Bath. H am psh ire. —The Surrey match is to be played at Aldershot. In June a fete will take place on the county ground at Southampton in aid of the funds of the county club. It is hoped that the county will be able to retain the Southampton ground. Captain Greig may be able to leave India in time for the later matches. Major Poore is in South Africa. Dr. Russell Bencraft, to whose work as honorary secretary for so many years Hamp­ shire owes so much, has given up his duties. E. M. Sprot will again be captain. M id d le s e x . —George Burton, the old Middlesex slow bowler, will have the Whitsuntide Bank Holiday match at Lord’s against Somerset for his benefit. Tarrant, the Australian, will be qualified at the beginning of June. It is rumoured that B. J. T. Bosanquet will not be able to play regularly. Gregor Macgregor will again be captain and P. F. Warner will take his place when he cannot play. W a rw ic k s h ir e .— C. S. Baker, a Leam­ ington professional, who played as an amateur a few years ago, is qualified. He bats left hand. The Northamptonshire match is to be played at Coventry and the Hamp­ shire match at Leamington. J. F. Byrne will again be captain. N o rth am p to n sh ire . — The captain of this newly-promoted team is T. Horton. It is hoped that H. E. Kingston will be able to play regularly. Thompson has returned from the tour in the West Indies with Lord Brackley’s team. S u ssex .— K. O. Goldie, whose assistance was so invaluable to the county four years ago, has six months leave from India, and will be able to play regularly. C. B. Fry will again be captain. At Hastings, in August, there will be a cricket week, the matches being against Hampshire and Kent. Dwyer will not be avail­ able until next year. K e n t. —As it is not known whether C. J. Burnup will return from Mexico in time to play cricket, C. H. B. Mar- sham has again been appointed captain. Huish will have the Lan­ cashire match during the Canterbury Week for his benefit. The Angel ground at Tonbridge has been pur­ chased for cricket. Frank Penn, jun., son of the famous Mr. Frank Penn, is one of the most promising colts. It is not likely that J. R. Mason and S. H. Day will be able to play until the end of July. A. P. Day, a younger brother of S. H. Day, will have a trial; he had an average of 67 last year at Malvern. E ssex. —The great question which is exercising the minds of Essex cricket­ ers is whether Mead will accept the offer made to him by Mr. C. E. Green at the annual general meet­ ing, and thus resume his place in the team. If he plays Essex will be much stronger in bowling than last year. E. H. D. Sewell, on account of his duties as field editor of the Standard, will not be able to play regularly, if at all. If he assists the county he will no doubt play as an amateur, as in the days before he came to England from India. Russell will have the Middle­ sex match at Leyton for his benefit. F. L. Fane will again be captain. Peel and Lockwood are now engaged at the county ground in coaching, thanks to the good offices of Mr. C. E. Green. The county is to play a match against Dublin University at Dublin. L e i c e s t e r s h i r e . — Knight is to receive the proceeds of the Hampshire match on August 10th, 11th, and 12th for his benefit. C. E. de Trafford will again be captain. Pougher, the well-known old Leices­ tershire bowler, has been engaged as coach for a month. D e rb y s h ire . —It is feared that Dr. E. M. Ashcroft will not be able to play regularly. N o tts .— A. O. Jones will again be cap­ tain. H. Shaw, a son of the famous old bowler J. C. Shaw, and A. Ire- monger, a brother of J. Iremonger, will doubtless receive a trial. A new match has been arranged with Oxford University in June, etc. The ex­ periment will be tried of playing the match against the Yorkshire colts at Wath. other first - class clubs . T h e M.C.C.—The season begins on Wednesday next with the Notts match. The Australians will appear four times at Lord’s, against Eng­ land (June 13th), Gentlemen of Eng­ land (May 18th), M.C.C. (June 8th), and Middlesex (August 10th). Cambridge U n iv e r s ity .— The Eleven has a new match, against Glouces­ tershire. E. W. Mann is captain and C. H . Eyre honorary secretary. The old Blues who will be in resi­ dence are R. P. Keigwin, H. C. McDonell, F. J. V . Hopley, M. W. Payne and G. G. Napier. The best known of the Seniors is P. R. May