Cricket 1905

80 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF TH GAME. A p r il 20, 1905 O B ITU A R Y . M r . S amuel G oodman , J un . Mr. Goodman, who died on March 4th, in America, was a keen sportsman from his early boyhood, and at school was pre-eminent among his fellows in nearly every game. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, both ia the academic and law departments, and whilst a student there played iu the foot­ ball and cricket teams, acting as captain of the latter team ia his final year at the ’Yarsity. There is no doubt but that it was as a cricketer that Mr. Goodman was best known in the field of sport. When a mere boy he joined the Phila­ delphia Cricket Club and at once gained a place on the Junior eleven, and was frequently called upon to play for the Senior elevens. His first appearance with the Halifax Cup Team of his club was at Manheim on June 16th and 18th, 1894, and the victory gained on that occasion by Philadelphia over the unbeaten Ger­ mantown eleven was to a great exteat due to his splendid bowling, when he secured five wickets for the insignificant cost of 22 runs. From that time on he regularly assisted the Philadelphia team until the beginning of the season of 1898, when, as a member of the First Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry, he enlisted as a volunteer ia the Army of the United States, and took part in the Porto R :can Campiign duriDg the war with Spaia. Upon his return from the war, he did not enjoy the best of health, and for a year or so failed to regain his form. However, the season of 1902 proved the beginning of a series of years when he was, both in batting and bowling, the maiustay of the Phila­ delphia Team, while as a fielder he was always reliable. The sea ion of 1903 was perhaps the most successful he ever enjoyed, and it was greatly to be regretted that he had not been chosen a member of the Philadelphia Team which visited England that season. Daring the year he scored two centuries for his side, and with an average of 42'38 he ranked third in the list of batsmen in the Halifax Cup series, and also secured 32 wickets at the cost of 399 runs, placing him eleventh on the bowling list. In the following season, unfortunately his last, he showed the same splendid form, and ended that year No. 8 in the bitting averages and No. 14 in the bowl­ ing averages in the premier competition. His fiaest performaace that year was in the match at H iverford against Merion when, thanks to his good work with the ball, the home team was retired for 154 runs. The start of the Philadelphians’ innings was most disastrous, and four wiekets were down for the small total of 15 runs. At this critical stage Mr. Goodman and Mr. A. G. Scattergood became associated, and by sterling cricket and magnificeat hitting on the part of the former, who notched 79, not out, the Philadelphians were victorious by five wicket?. At the time of his death he was one of the finest all-round cricketers in Phila­ delphia. On many occasions he had been called upon to represent the United States in the International matches againt C-tnada, and played for the University of Pennsylvania, Past and Present, against Oxford and Cambridge, Past and Present, in 1895. He also played for the Phila­ delphians against the Kent Couaty Eleven at Wissahickon in the Autumn of 1903 .—American Cricketer. “Cricket,” Vol XXIII., ( 1904 ). Handsomely Bound in Dark Green Cloth P rice 8 / 6 ; Postage 6d . extra. DARK GREEN CLOTH COVERS for Binding Vol. XXIII. Price 2/-; Post Free, 2/3. The complete Numbers for 19C4 (if in good condition) can be exchanged f">r a Volume, as above, for 5/-. “ CRICKET OFFICE, 168, Upper Thames Street, London E.C. NATIVE GUANO. DE8T and CHEA.PE8T MANURE for LAWNS, D CRICKET and TENNIS GROUNDS and all Vegetables, Fruits and Flowers. Price, «£3 10s. per ton in bags; 2 ton lots carriage paid. Lots under 10 cwt., 4 /- per cwt. at works. A 1 cwt. bag sent carriage paid to any station in England on receipt of P.O. for 6/-. Extracts from recent reports : W . A. WOOF, Member M.C.C. Staff, Glo’sttr County XI., anl now Cricket Coach, Cheltenham College. October Is*, ’ 9.'4.—“ I have great pleasure in strorg’y recommending your noted “ Native Guano.” For cricket grounds, tennis courts, bowling greens, it has no tqual. I have used it for years on Cheltenham College Grounds with splendid results.” C. Kidman (Cheltenham)—“ A great success on cricket and tennis lawns. E. Bbadshaw (Bolsover) — “ I can recommend it highly for cricket grounds and general garden crops.” Orders to the Native Guano Co., Ltd., 29, New Bridge Street, London, E.C., where Testimonials, &c. may be obtained. Agents wanted. CRICKET REPAIRS. Save your Club Pounds In a Season by sending your Broken Bats to the Practical Actual Maker FRANK SUGG, Lord S t, LIVERPOOL Re-Blades .. 4/-, 6/-, 7/6 ,1 0 /6 Re-Handling (all Cane) 3 /6 ,4 /6 ,6 /6 Piecing and Wrapping 1/9 New Bats, Full Size, All Cane— 4/9, 6/3, 7/6, 10/-, 12/6, 16/6, 17/6, and Boundarie Bat, 21/- Match Balls, 2 /6 ,3 /6 ,4 /6 ,5 /6 & 6/6 Catalogue .for all Goods Free. Write at once to SUGG, o f L I V E R P O O L . M ARQUEE8 AND TENTS of every description on SALE or HIRE. Marquees in good condition: 12ft. by 8ft., £3; 16ft. by 8ft., £4; 18ft. by 10ft., £4 10s.; 20ft. by 12ft., £5 ; 28ft. by 14ft., £7 ; 30ft. by 16ft., £8. New square tents : fft., £2 2s. ; 8ft., £4 10s., without centre pole. Bathing Tents from 12s. 6d. eaoh Lists free.— B r o w n , Three Colt Street, Limehouse, E. L . J . N IC0 LLS , Patentee and Manufacturer of The Patent Automatic Cricket Bat And Sports’ Outfitter. APERFECTBAT UAOE OF THE C h o i c e s t W i l l o w . Used by Dr. W . G. Grace when making his 100th cen­ tury. “ W. G.” calls it his Record Bat and made over 2,000 runs with the one single Bat. Orders from K. S. Ranjit­ sinhji for the Patent Bat, and other First-class Cricketers at home and abroad. Price Lists on Application. F actory : Robertsbridge, SUSSEX. ENLARCED VIEW OP PATENT 5PRING RANSOMES, SIMS &JEFFERIES, Ltd., IPSWICH By Royal W arrant Manufacturers of Horticultural Machinery to H is Majesty, K ing Edward V II RANSOMES’ LAWN MOWERS THE BEST IN THE WORLD . Possess Improvements embodied in no other Machines. HORSE AND PONY . TH E BEST LARGE MACH INES. HAND-POWER MACHINES IN ALL SIZES TO SUIT EVERY REQUIREMENT MOTOR LAWN MOWERS IN VARIOUS SIZES. Printed and Published for the Proprietor by M eebitt & HiTOHEB, Ltd., 167,.168, and.169, Upper Thames Street, London, E.O., April 20tb, 1S0S